The Saw is the designated melee weapon, and is basically an insta-kill if one gets close enough, but in multiplayer (and one singleplayer mission) it can be used to fly, with greater distances being achieved if used in short bursts. There is no ammo that can be picked up, as the motor automatically but slowly recharges instead.


The most basic weapon in the game, the Machine Gun should only be used as a last resort, as it has only a medium rate of fire and doesn't do much damage, but at least ammo can easily be found.


At close range, the Shotgun is very deadly, but due to its wide spread, is not ideal for anything at a long distance. The Shotgun in multiplayer is made more useful since its rate of fire is doubled, allowing for much quicker kills.


Although it may be the slowest weapon in the game, the Sniper Rifle can easily take out someone with only one or two shots. There is also an adjustable scope with three levels of magnification.


If used successfully, the Grenade Launcher can surprise enemies as the grenades bounce around corners, as they explode either after a short period or upon contact with a person or vehicle.


A multiplayer exclusive weapon, the Flash Grenade Launcher will launch grenades that will blind an enemy, which is good for strategic purposes. Ammo cannot be picked up off the ground, and so it must be used carefully.


A singleplayer exclusive weapon, the Alien Goo Gun has a decent rate of fire but one shot will kill almost anything. Although ammo can be found on the ground, in certain random spots, the weapon will recharge itself.


Compared to the other crazy weaponry, the Rocket Launcher may seem tame, but it can still pack a punch as it has the largest blast radius, and ammo can actually be found more commonly than one might think.


The Minigun is without a doubt the fastest weapon in the game, as it can cut down someone to shreds in seconds, but one must be careful since the ammo can easily get depleted.


Quite possibly the most powerful weapon, the Gauss Rifle has a powerful and accurate shot, with a semi-fast rate of fire too.


If someone wanted to commit grand theft auto, they would use the EMP, which will eject anyone it is shot at and will make the vehicle inaccessible for a brief moment. It doesn't inflict damage, but its effects are valuable.