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I'm a serious noob at this, needing improvement.

   A little about me!

Back in Utah, hoorah! Not really. I just moved back from California. I lived there for a year with Mike! It was great fun, worked at In-N-Out Burger for a while. That was interesting, to say the least. But now I deal with the addiction and no good stuff here. I used to play Dark Age of Camelot every day, all day long. That is ending, however. I MAY pick it back up to play a little once in a while, but I'm not so sure. My character was Kasynia, the cleric on Albion/Percival. She was awesome. I just started my new job. I think I'll like it tons better than any other. Head to my journal to read a little there.

I'm the 6th child of 7! 4 brothers, 2 sisters. I'll be 21 in December, even. Wow. Three of my siblings have children, 4 nieces and 5 nephews (with another on the way). They can be fun. I lived with one of my nieces, Kalinh, for a while. She is my darling, but my pain. You can't resist that 4-year-old charm, though! Mom doesn't live at home anymore, as of a few of months ago. Talks about going back, just to keep Dad quiet, but she's not going to and he's definitely not stupid. I recently moved to Salt Lake City with Brett and am going to see about taking some classes, how about that! I'm working at eBay, even! I think I have things figured out, for the most part. Being alone is something I think I need. It was forced on me at a very bad time, but what can I do? My friends all decided that I didn't mean anything to any of them. They can't even say "hi". Too many think to just use me.. do I look dumb? I may be blonde, but I'm really not blind. I don't know. I'm trying to meet new people now and I think I have met some really nice ones.

Family Picture - December 2003

Started in late August, 2004