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The United Elven


Guild Role
EQ Screenshots

Everquest Links

These are some pretty well kept up sites for EverQuest
that I like and visit often. These links are underlined and
hopefully work properly.

AllaKhazams Magical Realm
Just look at the site and you will agree it is one of the best. He has
a great deal of Information on quests and Items along with other
General Information. He also has A LOT of links to other
Class, Guild, and Server Specific sites.

Here is another site that is top notch on things and especially the
connection with the Verant Staff for new info and comments about
Norrath and new information. Also has a server status page.
Oh yeah and GREAT maps.

Sony's Official Everquest Site
This is the official site for new patch info and server scheduled
downtimes and ETA on when they will be back up. I also has
good basic info and now Downloads for Kunark Manuals.

Maximum Everquest
Here is another site you might try if you can't find what you are
looking for on any of the aforementioned sites. It has really good
information too.

EQ Portal
A good site with message boards and some skill subsites that
are well done.

Guild Role
EQ Screenshots