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The United Elven


Guild Role
Everquest Links

Everquest Screenshots

These are some screenshots from everquest

Newbie Warning
Hehe I grew up in greater faydark and if the words Orc Hill
doesn't stir up some memories then you weren't there.

Impossibly Funny
Here is something to laugh at and wonder about.

A Useful Orc
Now here is a good use for an Orc.

An Old Fashioned Hanging
Ahhh a tribute to Rivervale in High Hold Pass because
there are too many Deputies in Rivervale. And no Orcs.

Ghost Busters in Unrest
During an impromptu Guild Hunt which Cassenova Poundalovin
helped with by bringing members from all over Norrath. The Guild
arrived after the screenshot was taken.

More to come...