With all of the interest by Dept. of Corrections officials throughout the U.S.A. to log all sexual offenders on to a public database, essentially for life, I have concluded that a database should be compiled for the many reptilian child molesters who exist with in our society, non-human parasites posing as humans within the CIA and other agencies such as the CIA-connected FALSE MEMORY SYNDROME FOUNDATION. These draconian pedophiles sexually abuse and torture their young victims, and in so doing siphon the life-force from these innocent ones in vampireal fashion, while at the same time compartmentalizing their minds in order to conceal their atrocities. Many of the victims of CIA-Reptilian child sexual abuse are sabotaged emotionally, mentally, and financially throughout their lives... and statistically 80 percent of all 'human' sexual offenders have experienced such abuse within their own lifetimes. Not all of these are victims of CIA-Reptilian emotional-mental-sexual abuse, however enough of them ARE to warrant the existence of a database which will specifically target those reptilian child molesters which masquerade as human beings. Such creatures obviously operate ABOVE THE LAW, and therefore they will not be brought to justice through the "official" legal systems which THEY control. Therefore "other" methods of bringing these inhuman pedophiles to justice should be considered. This database is a beginning... (Note: Apparently most U.S. presidents after JFK -- possibly excluding Reagan and Trump -- have apparently been reptilian shape-shifters if we are to believe some of the sources below, in which case we could probably say that much of the USA may have been taken over by a REPTILIAN COUP !!!)
(AFTER entering the search links click on: ALL - IMAGES - NEWS - etc., options
just below the search bar at top to convert the searches to those formats)
searches for: reptilian shapeshifters in the...
We make the same disclaimer as appears on some of the Dept. of Corrections criminal offender databases, in that we "make no representation, either implied or expressed, that all information is accurate, although much of the information is of record..."
Please send any contributions for this list - along with source reference material - to my Rocky Mountain HQ via the email address below:
VICTORY !!! --- According to many sources, the war against the underworld draconian/reptilian empire or 'hive' -- which has planted many shape-shifting 'agents' on the surface of the earth to eventually enslave all humans -- is turning in favor of the forces of truth and freedom. This battle or human counter-attack began around AD 33 when ONE MAN decided to fight back by entering a CAVERN entrance to the 'underworld' (at least in one sense) and with incredible super-human sacrificial courage He turned the tide of the war... as many others followed him in the counter-attack. The 'resistance' continued to gain momentum since that time... and continues to grow even to this day!!! Here is a photo of the cavern in question...
More about Calvary's...
Hill / Grotto
Cave / Tomb
where the Cosmic Battle against the Draconians was Decided... on the
"old rugged cross"...
Crossroads or Crossworlds!?
(Note: Salt Lake's CROSSROADS Plaza no longer exists, but was purchased by the LDS [Mormon] church and has been replaced by the "City Creek Center" shopping establishment)
Of Underground Reptilian Activity In The USA!?
More Full Length 'Videos' of...
( Note: According to some sources, the 'Brandon Corey Story' is a "fictional documentary based on fact"... so some of the scenes may be real, whereas others may be scripted. Whatever the case, some people apparently believe that by first presenting the idea of shape-shifting reptilians in our society as fiction, this will more easily acclimate the public to the idea of real shape-shifting reptilian humanoids in our society... and whithin the leadership levels of cultic religion, government, and the military-industrial complex. So... I ask the reader and viewer to view this video with this groundwork of introduction in mind - Branton )
The incredible life and times of...
The draconian - Pindar - Bush
( To victims of alien abduction and abuse )
I (Branton) have learned the hard way that victims of alien abduction and abuse should NOT hold-in their experiences, or try to deny them, or wish that such memories and feelings would just go away. It is common knowlege that MOST people convicted of abuse in the court systems were victims of similar abuse at a younger age. In other words, abusiveness is contageous !
The same holds true with those who have been abused by aliens. Please my friend, please get THERAPY for these inner wounds... and please do not think that no therapist will treat someone like you, for there ARE experts who deal specifically with alien abduction therapy who are willing and able to help you. Find a respected and experienced therapist with a good record...
The cycle of abuse must stop with YOU !!!
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Luke 10:19: "Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you."