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My Chevelle Memories Page

Winner of the BuzzeZ! Website Award, 11/28/99.  Click the banner above to cast a vote.

Welcome to my Chevelle memorial page, which is dedicated to a 1969 Chevelle Malibu that has been long gone since ?June 1978.  I managed to find old photos laying around, and this was before I ever went behind a wheel of an automobile.  The pics that I have selected were taken in July 1974, as well as some pics that dated from 1975 and 1976.  Every time I look at the pics, I always remembered a childhood that has been long forgotten.

I have found a few documents that relate to this car, in which I have located a few registration receipts.  The earliest document goes back to April 4, 1974, and the last document goes back to April 1976.  Click here for the link.

This pic was taken in the summer of 1975, in a motel parking lot.  From what I remember, this was from a family vacation with my mom and dad, in which we vacationed on the West Coast and throughout the Southwest United States (New Mexico, Arizona, Nevada, California).

Here's another front end shot, which was taken in July 1974, but this was an earlier road trip when my family vacationed in Florida.  The pic is a little hard to view, but one can notice the 1974 Texas plate up front, which had red letters.  This was the last time that Texas plates used red letters, until 1988 (for the "TEXAS" lettering).

Another family momento (from the summer of 1975) NOTE:  The plate number seen (KZW 385) and Texas title (# 67369168) was the last known registry of the Chevelle up until 1978.  Not much is known today, since the car is either destroyed (crushed) or rusting away in a wrecking yard.  From my point of view, the car is no longer in Texas, but was sold off again by the individual that bought the car from my dad for $650 in 1978.

Here's an interior and side shot, which was taken during my family's Florida vacation, and notice that the Chevelle was a stick car, which came with a Saginaw 3 speed, powered with a 307 up front.  This is the only known existence of an interior shot of the Chevelle, which I have found laying around in a dusty photo album.

This was myself when I was about 2 and 3 (in all of the pics seen), but the pics do bring back a time that I might not have known at all.  I was denied the chance to drive this car, but being stuck with a disco-era Nova was a thing that I had to live with since high school. From the pics that are on this page, this can be a flashback to a time after the Arab oil embargo, in which I was raised up, but had no one to look up to.  I might have a rough childhood, but these pics bring back a lot of memories of a time that will never fade.

Memories never fade, but websites like Team Chevelle allow the classic auto enthusiast to appreciate old classics.  Selling the Chevelle in 1978 was a total loss, but the flashbacks still haunt me to this day.  It all began in Summer 1992, when I first spotted a green 1968 Chevelle at RMS Auto Care, located at the intersection of Westheimer and Woodhead Street, in the heart of the Montrose District of Houston, Texas.  I wished that the Chevelle was going to be a second vehicle to supplement my Nova, but my driveway does not have the accommodations to house another vehicle.  What was the root of my flashbacks?  It all began when I saw the movie Catch Me If You Can on cable, which featured a black 1968 Chevelle hardtop.

That's why I ended up with a disco-era Nova, which was considered uncool to own in the early 1980s, in which the "NO RESPECT" rationale was like a cuss word back in the days (like owning a Pinto, Hyundai, or Oriental import).  Someday, I would like to have a muscle-era Chevelle in my car collection, but my online business page is not considered a legitimate (otherwise informal, like the squatter ghettos of the Third World cities like Hong Kong or Mexico City) form or employment because of the responsibilities that deal with maintaining a motor vehicle (e.g. financial responsibility, defined as auto insurance in this country) earning a legitimate living, and living a legitimate life.  What is considered legitimate in the REAL WORLD is earning a legitimate income via paychecks and being a loyal taxpayer by paying/filing taxes every April 15th of each calendar year, since 1913.

Note:  The pic to the right (if viewed in 1024 x 768 resolution) was taken (in either late 1975 or early 1976) at the long-gone Kiddie Wonderland facility in Houston, Texas (1936-1995), which is located at the intersection of Main and Kirby, but one will notice the Chevelle in the background shot.  A brief history:  the Kiddie Wonderland facilities was established in 1936, by O.D. Drain*, in an unpopulated frontier southwest of Downtown Houston, long before the Astrodome was built.  The Kiddie Wonderland facility was shut down in 1995, after 59 years of operation.  One thing that led to the park's closure was the lack of financing, which stemmed from the failed efforts of financier Gene Bauer and John Ben Taub^, the then-owner of the property.  This was the second time that an icon of Houston's past was laid to rest, since the shutdown of the Shamrock Hilton hotel on June 30, 1986.

A trivial note:  the amusement ride that is seen was once a part of Playland Park, which used to be an attraction back in Houston of the 1940s.  A TV special that aired on Houston Public Television titled "Houston: Remember When" had a feature about the old amusement rides and what Houstonians used to do for fun back in the days.

*Houston Chronicle, 9/30/91.
^Houston Chronicle, 2/17/94.

Here's another link to a family momento from the past:

Genesis: When My Dad first came to America

I might be the descendant of a former Chevelle owner, in which I was denied the chance to own or drive one, but have a few friends that are A-body enthusiasts.  Here's a link that is of interest to derivatives of the El Camino:

1972 GMC Sprint Page

I do not own the Sprint, but managed to scan the pics to create a separate website.  Send e-mail to Alan Finley (  Currently, the Sprint is advertised in Hemmings for $9000, which makes pre-1973 classics glass ceiling commodities.  After researching vehicle appraisal data, the Chevelle seen on these pages would average $6500 today, judging by the pics seen on this page.  Unmodified classics are dwindling rapidly, and finding a good example to build a street machine is unlikely, unless one would consider purchasing the stripper 300 Deluxe series, or purchasing a rust bucket, and replacing the rusted sheetmetal with repro body panels.  My Nova (a 1975) is appraised at $3500 ($5000 for the SS), due to the year bracket that separates pre-1973 from later models.

Here's the breakdown for the Chevelle (data abstracted from TxDOT vehicle registration receipts):

1:  Chevrolet Division
36:  Malibu V8
37:  2-door hardtop
9:  1969
K:  Kansas City assembly plant
431842:  production sequence

E-mail for questions, comments, and suggestions

11/28/99 update:  This page was recently awarded the BuzzeZ! Internet Award, and click on the image to cast a vote.  This might be the first time that an A-car website with a flashback to an era long gone has won an award, but this page is a testament to a memory that will never fade.  I wished that my dad had kept the Chevelle, and I hope that everyone should learn from a previous misfortune, where a prized possession is sometimes considered a part of your families.  Some might have lost a loved one or pet, and memories are the hardest to forget.  They live on forever, for eternity, and like the ITT commercial says, "what you don't know can hurt you".

3/16/00:  To make this page more readable, download this file to your c:\windows\fonts section.  Use WinZip or any other equivalent software to download.

Links to other pages

Team Chevelle
Chevelles (and A-Cars) On Screen
G-Bodies on Screen
The Death Penalty - GM A-Bodies
Chevelle (and A-car) Online Interchange Manual
1969 Ford Cortina -- The Mutant
Mo' Hoopties (the Disco-Era Classics page)
The Emissary's 1975 Nova Page
WestFest Purists Organization

Copyright 1999, 2000, 2002 LSC Publications (C/O DON SERIBUTRA, The Emissary), All Rights Reserved.  Unauthorized use of the images posted on this page is illegal, without consent of the author of this webpage, and will not be tolerated.

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