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Searching by Author

A Few Quick Notes...
Searching by Author... I have tried to separate every entry by the author's last name, however, that is not always possible. For example, if you are looking for quotes by Pope John Paul II, all quotes by Popes are listed under "P". Likewise for quotes by Mother Teresa - check under "M". Quotes by a monarch are listed under the monarch's name. For example, a quote by Queen Christina is listed under "C".
If an author has two last names, they are listed under the very last surname. For example, quotes by Harriet Beecher Stowe are listed under "S". This may be an unorthodox way to do it, but it was easiest for me. If an author has "de" or "van" or "von" in their last name, it will be listed under the letter immediately following. For example, a quote by Peter de Vries is listed under "V"; a quote by Antoine de Saint-Exupery is listed under "S".
If you are looking for a quote by W. Somerset Maughan and you can't find it under "M", check under "S"; yes, I make mistakes, sometimes.
All unknown quotes are together.
Quotations from songs and movies are separated into categories; click on "songs" or "movies" to see the categories.
Quotations from TV shows are all together under "television".

Basically, I am sure that you are intelligent enough to use the site; it's easy-to-use and easy-to-navigate. Enjoy!

Quote Land