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Samchen Training

Samchen (Japanese - Sanchin, Mandarin - Samzhen) is a both a training method and a philosophy of training. Samchen means "three battles" or "three conflicts." The meaning of "sam" is three and "chen" refers to a battle or conflict. Philosophically, the three conflicts are those of mind, body and spirit (ki=energy=breath). This is sam t’aeguk, the triple ultimate. Sam t’aeguk also refers to the Three Powers of heaven, earth and man.

In order to generate power, the three aspects of mind, body and spirit must all work together. The mind must aware and focused, the body must be in the proper position to allow energy to flow and the mental intent and body form must be coordinated with the breathing. There is a Chinese saying that goes, "yi li ch’i." This means that the mind intent (yi) leads, the body (li) follows what the mind commands and ch’i (energy) follows. In Korea, the saying is "wuigong kigong," which means that energy flows where the mind goes. Both sayings point to the goal of using the mind to correctly position the body and to direct the energy.

Not only do all three elements (mind, body and spirit) have to work together in coordination but each element must also be in balance.

  • Mentally, one must be balanced and firm. If doubt, ego or fear is present then the mind is out of balance and must be adjusted. Our psychological health is a vital component of samchen. I both practice and recommend Choice Theory ( for those who are unhappy and feel that they need to have more mental balance in their lives.
  • Physically, one must be "in shape." This doesn’t mean that the body has to function like that of an Olympic athlete but it does have to be able to perform what the reasonable mind commands. An overweight body strains to perform when it is called to task. A sick body does not respond to the dictates of the mind. Keeping ourselves in shape and healthy is part of samchen training. I both use and recommend Nikken wellness products* ( to keep the body balanced. These include pharmaceutical grade nutritional supplements, water systems, sleep systems and magnetic products. (See article on "Magnetics and Ki.")
  • Spiritually, we must also be balanced. Whether this takes the form of organized religion or personal spirituality with the lives around you or both of these, mankind has the need for spiritual harmony and this component must be addressed in samchen training. Another aspect of this component is courtesy. Courtesy helps us live harmoniously with those around us. It costs nothing but its rewards are often substantial.

In Haedong Kumdo we use samchen training to achieve balance (individually and together) of mind, body and spirit. Other arts also use samchen training. It I said that, at one time, all martial arts used the samchen training method.

Although the philosophical underpinnings of samchen are an interesting study, it is not important to understand these things. It is only important to do these things. Insight does not bring about change. Doing something different brings about change. While this may seem like a ridiculously simple statement, many people waste precious time trying to achieve insight into "why" something is done and never actually learn to do it. I am not discouraging research an investigation, those are ways we keep the mind stimulated, but never sacrifice practice for idle talk and speculation.

A qualified sabum should be able to instruct you in the basic elements of samchen. This doesn’t mean the sabum must understand the philosophical origins and history of samchen training but it does mean that the instructor lives life according to the principles of samchen. If a sabum lives life according to samchen then you may learn much just by being associated with them.

If you have any questions about Choice Theory, Nikken wellness products or Hankuk Haedong Kumdo, Elgin Kwan, please refer to the links above or e-mail me I will be happy to provide you with whatever information I can. If I don’t know the answer, I’ll try to direct you to someone who does know the answer.

*If ordering Nikken wellness products on-line, please use Distributor ID: 817895300. I recommend a minimum investment in CardioStrides to build leg muscle and increase metabolic rate, Magsteps and Magstrides for increased blood flow to the lower extremities, PiMag water bottles to keep the body hydrated at all times with pure water and nutritional supplements. I use Immunity (Proprietary 14 mushroom complex), Fat Metabolism (with GC2 concentrate), Multi-Vitamin/Mineral (with Nikkomannan and pure, deep sea minerals), Joint (with high potency CM complex and glucosamine hydrochloride) and Emerald Harvest (vegetable drink powder). Also available is Perfect Start nutritional meal replacement mix (with FOS and LoHan Sweetener).

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