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Class Times & Schedule

Class Times
Saturday 12-2 P.M.
Sunday 3-5 P.M


Class Schedule
1 2 3 4
Warm-up Warm-up Warm-up Warm-up
Kibun Pal To/Ch’ak Geom Kibun Kibun
Pumsae Pumsae Pumsae Pumsae
    Yak Seok Dae Ryeon Cutting practice


Wiu Su Training




Yak Seok Dae Ryeon

Preliminary Exercises

  1. Right chayon se
    Right beom se/mako
    Right chayon se/chung myun begi
  2. Right chayon se
    Step back with right foot into left beom se/mako
    Step forward with right foot into right chayon se/chung myun begi

Main Exercises

  1. Player A cheong myeon begi. Player B mako/huing dan begi.
  2. Player A charuda (cheong myeon begi)/mako/peda (cheong myeon begi)[from Ssang su geom beob #4]. Player B mako/cheong myeon begi.
  3. Player A mako/cut from lower right to upper left. Player B charuda (cheong myeon begi)/mako (lower left side)/huing dan begi [from Ssang Su Geom Beob #4].
  4. Player A cheong myeon begi. Player B mako (force blade down)/huing dan begi.
  5. Player A kyeon cheok. Player B disrupt blade (up)/attack blade(down)/chilleuda to arm of Player A/huing dan begi.
  6. Player A kyeon cheok. Player B attack blade with huing dan begi (geom teung)/huing dan begi from opposite side. Player A mako (high side)/inverted chilleuda [from Ssang Su Geom Beob #12].
  7. Player A attack blade with huing dan begi (geom teung)/huing dan begi from same side [from Ssang Su Geom Beob #8]. Player B mako (high side)/inverted chilleuda.
  8. Player A cheong myeon begi. Player B mako (ssang su)/push blade down/chilleuda.
  9. Player A cheong myeon begi. Player B mako (ssang su)/step out and strike with geom charu.
  10. Plaeyer A running attack, charuda (cheong myeon begi)/mako (behind back). Player B step back, mako (force blade down)/spin/huing dan begi.
  11. Player A attack with uppercut from lower right to upper left/left huing dan begi/right huing dan begi. Player B mako (lower left side) left/mako (high right side) right/huing dan begi.
  12. Player A cheong myeon begi. Player B pal to,mako/peda


Wui Su Training

(Note: Black Belts should perform all exercises with both right and left hand)

Exercise 1: Kibun #1

    1. Middle block (mako)/thrust (chchileuda) kihap!
    2. Left block/thrust kihap!
    3. Right block/thrust kihap!
    4. Middle block/thrust/left block/thrust/right block/thrust kihap!

Exercise 2: Kibun #2

    1. Advance (ap'euro)/retreat (tuiro) in ready position (kyeon cheok)
    2. Advance - block left/advance thrust kihap!/block right/advance thrust kihap!/block left…
    3. 2 man exercise - Player A thrust. Player B block left/advance thrust kihap! Player A retreat block left/advance thrust kihap! Player B retreat block right/advance thrust kihap!…
    4. Retreat - block left/block right/block/left…
    5. Advance cut right kihap!/advance cut left kihap!/advance cut right kihap!…
    6. 2 man exercise - Player A advance cut right kihap! Player B retreat block left. Player A advance cut left kihap! Player B retreat block right….

Exercise 3: Kibun #3

    1. Block thigh to left (nails up)/block above head (geom ko pointing left)/horizontal cut right to left/Block thigh to right (palm down)/block above head (geom ko pointing right)/horizontal cut left to right…
    2. 2 man exercise (stationary) - Player A cut right to thigh/middle cut to head/blockleft/cut left to thigh/middle cut to head/block right…. Player B perform Exercise 3A.

Exercise 4: Kibun #4

    1. Step back from Exercise #3 block left/block right into kima se. Block left/block right/ step forward with left foot cut right to left/step back with left foot block right/block left/ step forward with right foot cut left to right…
    2. 2 man exercise (stationary) - Player A cut right/cut left/block low left/cut left/cut right/block low right…. Player B perform Exercise 4A.

Exercise 5: Yak seok kyeok geom #1

    1. Attack (kong kyeok) - solo/stationary
    2. Defend (pang eo) - solo/stationary
    3. 2 man exercise
      1. stationary
      2. moving

Exercise 6-9: Yak seok kyeok geom #2-#5

    Same routine as Exercise 5