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Magnetics and Ki: A Brief Comparison

No one knows how or why magnetics work. The best hypothesis is that blood is polarized, that is, it has a positive and a negative pole. Magnets are also polarized. They have both a positive and a negative pole. Placing magnets on certain areas of the body may serve to pull blood to those areas and, in effect, increase blood circulation. Increased blood circulation in certain areas means increased oxygen to those areas. Increased oxygenation increases the rate at which the body can heal itself and decreases the rate at which the body decays.

The Chinese have a saying – yi, li, ch’i (Jap./Kor. - ki). This means that the mind (yi) commands, strength (li) goes along and ch’i (energy) follows. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) includes acupuncture, acupressure, ch’i kung, herbology, meditation and other sub-disciplines which are based on regulating the flow of ki within the body. According to TCM theory, when the ki becomes stagnant or is blocked, energy builds up in one area of the body and is deficient in another area of the body. This causes an imbalance in the body’s ki and results in illness and disease. Good health, according to TCM, is the practice of maintaining the body’s flow of ki.

The Chinese also say that blood carries ki. By moving blood within the body, we move ki within the body, and the various disciplines within TCM, including the use of medicinal herbs (such as the popular dit da jow), are designed to move blood, and thereby ki, within the body to promote and improve health. Magnetics accomplish the same effect as the techniques employed by TCM. Magnetics move blood, and thereby ki, within the body to promote and improve health.

More information on magnetic research can be found at More information on the practice of Traditional Chinese Medicine may be found at Information about Nikken wellness products and business opportunities can be found at , or by contacting a Nikken distributor.

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