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Brenda Kay's African American  Genealogy

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Limestone County Freedmen

Assessment of  Property List 1867

Arbuckle, Jack                                  Holloman, Sandy
Ashewll, Abram                                  Hicks, Jordon
Boyd, Anthony                                   Hogan, Alphus
Barker, George                                  Kelly, Stephen
Blackshear, Steven                              Johnson, Wallace
Bluitt, Simms                                   Jackson, Amos
Bluitt, Ben                                     Johnson, Sol
Brettrill?, Sam                                 Johnson, Charles                                                          
Cobb, Josh                                      Johnson, Nathaniel
Collin, Gilbert                                 Jackson, Bob
Cotton, Giles                                   Johnson, ?
Cotton, Michael                                 Johnson, Jeff
Cotton, Columbus                                Johnson, Alex
Calis, Bluford                                  Jacob?, Sol
Dossy or Dopy, Henry                            Knight, Momor?
Dilliard, Thomas                                King, Lewis        
Denby, Theodore                                 Kelly, Miles
Datz, Gilbert                                   Kelly, Kimble
Dancer, Charles                                 Lindly, Jo
Dred, William                                   Landsdale, Carter
Foster, Simeon                                  Lynch, Rubin
Ford (Forge), Sam                               Lee, Sam
Foster, Isaac                                   Medlock, David
Fielder, Jeff                                   Medlock, John
Frostenberg, Elizabeth                          Medlock, Isiah
Farris, Elijah                                  Medlock, Rachel
Freeman, Daniel                                 Medlock, Willis
Freeman, John                                   Major, Henry
Gooding, Manuel                                 Mathis, John
Henry, Seals                                    Mays, Harrison
Hodge, Henry                                    Medlock, Mathis
Hensley, Sanford                                Noland, Bob
Harris, Mat                                     Noland, Bob
Hoshman, Julian                                 Nickodemus, George
Henry, Sawsin?                                  Nickodemus, Lauthow?
Henry, Thomas                                   Newton, Sam
Odam, Sophia                                    Brown, Israel 
Owen, Elbert                                    Hutchins, Adams    
Person, Manuel                                  Harper, Isaac  
Person, Abner                                   Daniels, Dave  
Potter, Cornelius                               Thompson, John  
Prendergast, Archy                              Cummings, George  
Pitman, Allen                                   Cofford, Ike 
Pertson, Phillip                                McNeil, Green
Parnell, Alex                                   Abair, Manuel 
Randall, John                                   Woodward, Aaron 
Rachier, ?                                      Nelly, James      
Sparks, Eli                                     Grinell, Albert?   
Stewart, Jeff                                   Forge, James 
Simpson, Aaron                                  Edmund, Henry?  
Sparks, Charles                                 Jarkie, Macey? 
Tate, Jacob Sr.                                 Parker, Fred   
Thomas, Isaac
Turner?, Willson
Tate, Jacob, Jr.
Thompson, Jesse
Taylor?, David
Williams, Jack
Williams, Ned
Willhite?, Henry 
Wright, George
Walker, Jim
Wesley, Willis
Willis, Yanker,
Watson, Ned
Williams, Andy
Williams, Anderson
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