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Adam Brackman's Resume

Summary | -Education | Professional | Personal | Skills

References Available Upon Request

University of Houston Adam Brackman
4800 Calhoun road Houston, Tx 77004 (713) 927-6600


I plan on learning everything I can and never feel satisfied that i know enough. I would like to start a website where peolpe can look at and purchase Real Estate


Major and Track: My major is Information Systems Technology. I wil recieve a minor in Industrial Supervision. I am a senior, and will be graduating in Fall 2000.

Distinctions: Currently I have a 3.0 gpa.

Professional Experience


I have been employed at Sun and Ski Sports for 2 Years. Last fiscal year I was the number 2 salesman in the nation out of 180 salespeople. I brought in $305,000. This accomplishment was made working part time while i was taking a full load at school. So far this year, I am only working weekends and am the top salesman in the nation with $250,000. I have also been promoted to outdoor coordinator. During my employment, i have mastered skills in customer service.

Personal Background

Family: I was born and raised in Houston texas. I have an older brother Paul, and a younger sister Lauren.

Hobbies: I like to unwind by mountain biking, wakeboarding, snowboarding on the carpet deck at Sun and Ski, or just surfing the web.


Skill: I am proficient in Visual Basic, C, Excel, Word, HTML, Frontpage, Java Script, and Networking

Skill: I have set up and am adminstrator for a 5 computer network.

Skill: I configured a 4 monitor workstation and software for a daytrader.

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Home | Project | Resume | Skills | Job Search | Awards | Flash Intro | 4390 | University of Houston