MacDuff Ch. Joykl Spic N' Span x Misty Moore's Screaming Demon
Having waited over 10 years to get my first Airedale, which was the infamous "MacDuff," Ch. Nojack MacDuff, and many days he made me question the wisdom of that choice. The Wire Fox Terriers I had before, all of them put together, couldn't come close to the "Duffer." He was a one and only. He was incredibly intelligent, of course too much so for his or my own good, loved to tease, terribly exasperating, couldn't wait for the neighborhood children to come sit with him in his driveway, and he always had the last word in any of our conversations. Especially, when he was being admonished. He would just turn, walk away from me, keep on walking, look over his shoulder and woof. Being owned by an Airedale or Airedales is not for the weak willed person. Or, for the person who wants a dog to hang around. But, having the Wires in the show game, I finally saw an Airedale up close and personal, and I fell in love with the breed. So, that's why MacDuff. Then I made the mistake of taking him to a puppy match, and as they say the rest is history. You tell yourself you're only going to have one as a "pet," then the big mistake of putting that "pet" on the show circuit, and I'm right back to where I was with the Wires. Then, you need a good female, right? So I got Angie, and I kept Dundee, then my handler told me about Julie, and I kept Howie, Gena and Liza. And, now there is also, André, Remy, Danielle and Emily. But in the meantime, my heart breaks because MacDuff is gone at almost 16 years of age, and then it's Angie, at age 12, and some of the new puppies. At times like this you wonder whether it is "worth it." You know the "worth it" comes when you are sitting in front of the whelping box with a new litter of Airedale puppies who have just learned to walk and they are crawling all over your lap and then fall to sleep on your legs and in your arms. You know the "worth it' comes when those puppies go to their new homes well socialized to people and dogs. You know the "worth it' comes when those people who just purchased that puppy call or e-mail on a regular basis letting me know how well that puppy is getting along and how happy everyone is. And, all my Airedales let me know that I am also "worth it" every time I get back home to them after being away. Nothing better than puppy love. Jacqueline Noel CEO Mom
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