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Forest of Lite

Tami Morrow is my name in "real" life...but, I am ATreeSings while online and somewhere deep within: this is truly who I am. I now reside outside of Houston, Texas but... the forests of ancient Eire is the home of my soul. I presently work for a valve company as a secretary and doing a wee bit of inside sales... but, the call to what I am shown I need to do; to heal Mother Earth; is my job of heart.

I am married and have been for 12 years. My husband is a gentle and loving man who has proved to me by staying around even though I have put him through a kind of hell in my search, that he is willing to do what it takes to make what we hold magickal and wonderful. My 17 year old daughter is a wonder and the soul of my existance. She is a warrior through and through. She has the will and the innate ability to make any and all things possible for herself.

I am continually asked of I have always been this way... spiritual. My answer is "yes" and "no". My childhood is full of memories of seeing colours all around people and actually all living things. But... I was told by adults in my life that this just couldn't be... it wasn't possible. A specific dragon was always around me and taking me special places. Notes were constantly sent home to the mother of this delicate "lavender" saying she was daydreaming and not working to her full potential. I have memories of tears appearing at weird moments, for no apparent reason. The "pain" of being empathic drove to this. Others around me... not understanding... simply teased me and told me I was wearing my feelings on my sleeve. So, I came to a point where I cut this all out of my life; and in doing this lost much of what "life" is to me.

I have always searched for something but, wasn't really sure what. I somehow knew there was something inside of me wanting to come forth and burst into full bloom. I began this quest in Junior High and haven't stopped searching since. The church offered much to me in the beginning but, I felt myself move past (or rather, want to move past) what was taught in the church. Deep inside I knew there was more to what the Bible spoke of as "Spiritual Gifts" and wanted to know more and how to access what is there inherent in us all. I also always felt the church limited a God that was supposedly infinite. My question always was... How can an Infinite God be limited on any plane? I also knew the God that was inside of me was one of love and peace... offering healing in His wings... the church spoke little of this or rather little of how to access this.

As this quest of mine continued; I felt a marvelous change come over me... almost simultaneously with my 35th birthday. I knew at this time I was going to find my answers and do what I had to do to achieve this. I met through a co-worker a wonderful woman who has truly touched my soul. This woman's name is Heidi and I am blessed to have her as a friend living here in Houston with me. Heidi has been such an inspirational gift to me... offering such gentle guidance. She truly took me under her protective 'wing'.

My spiritual world of growth bloomed after meeting Heidi and my journey truly began. Since, so many things have come to me. I have found I am so gifted and so blessed by the spirit of us all. The Spirit has offered to me these gifts freely and I now, in turn, offer them freely to all who come to me in love and light. I am so filled with this love that at times I feel like I could burst! My place on this wheel is to love and to heal.

I am now asked often what path I walk... what label I put to myself...? I answer this way to these questions:

Am I Christian? Yes, I am Christian! I have been brought up in this life to be Christian and to live a Christian life. I consider the God of Christians to be a loving, kind God... the God that is a Father. I also believe Jesus came with a very important message (whether one believes He is who the Christians teach) of love and healing. My personal opinions is that man and "the church" has formed this religion into something it was never intended to be. As for the Bible, I consider it a valuable study tool for day to day life.

Am I Pagan? Yes, I am Pagan; the elements of the Earth and all she holds, literally cries out in my soul. I believe in the Oneness of us all. My personal opinion is that for the human race to be healthy; the earth must be healthy and vice versa. We are connected in a very base way and this can not be discounted.

Am I Wiccan? Yes, I am Wiccan; and much for the same reason I believe I am Pagan. I also believe we all hold inherent magick of the elements that make us all one. To pull forward, we all have to access these things in our hearts.

Am I Shaman? Yes, I am Shaman; I have memories of walking the Native American path of the past(s). I have memories of holding the magick of the Shaman and teaching and passing this magick on to the others who sought it.

I could literally go on and on, but... simply I feel I am One with the Spirit of us All. I walk the path of this Oneness. I adhere to the guidance of the Spirit and have allowed myself to open fully to this an to become an instrument of this Spirit of us All. As a great Maestro... as the Spirit directs and we follow attentively... the music is so splendid that is surpasses all else.

Earth Mother is speaking to me at so many level and I am being guided and led. I am being shown so many things. Rght now... in the here and now... I am shown this; I am a Visionary, a Healer,a Teacher (though I truly feel we all are teachers and all students... I know that I learn from each and every one who comes to me to learn and this is the way it should be), a Seer/seeker, and am awakening to what more I hold.

My hopes are that this will be a special place for those to visit who are looking and searching for more... because, believe me, there is more. The Stars are your limits and everything the World has to offer is at your fingertips. All you simply have to do is believe... Believe you are Beautiful!... Believe you are so Special!... Believe, you are gifted Spiritually so, by the Spirit of us All! Then, all you must do it reach deeply inside to access all that you are!

My love surrounds each and every one of you.

Namaste, dear ones... Tami

Colour Auras
ATree's Personal Writings and Other Favorites

ATree's Visions
The Book List of Recommended Reading
ATree's Interesting and Thought Provoking Links...

ATree's Guide To Tarot Reading

Updated: September 7, 1999

Web Witchery By WolfEsence
