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The Vision

I must explain something before going into details… I am a seeker and those I seek are few… Those who truly touch me are ones I choose to share this with. Please know this is something that is shared with very very few.

What I am called to do in the ‘here and now’ is to seek and to find and to teach. Those I teach usually come to me in a beginning awakening stage of their spiritual awareness. I help them touch who they are and to not be afraid of this. They learn and are guided gently and with love.

What I am guided to tell all is this… The answers are found within… no one can tell you what you seek… You must be brave enough to look deeply inside your heart for these answers. Once you look inside, you must truly listen and truly hear (these are two different things). Once you have done this… You will have found the key and this key will set you FREE!!! The key to all of this is unconditional love. And, know this… when you do this and this type of love enters your being; you will be so changed and your world will be such a different place. Be ready… Your journey in this life of yours has just begun…

I have been told and shown what will begin happening in the very near future (probably in the next 2-3 years). I see spiritual families forming and moving to be and live together in a joint environment of healing… loving… teaching… In this environment; all live together supporting and sustaining one another (somewhat like a commune idea but, bigger) working towards what we all feel we must do... individually as well as collectively. We will be individuals with our individual goals but, also a group forming "one” in it’s reach to heal the planet and to teach the young children to honour and revere the Earth and all she holds as precious and dear.

Other spiritual families will be forming also and will be placed spiradically across the US and across the globe. We are “one” with out planet and “one” with our universe. When one is hurt the other follows in pain. Knowing that significant steps must be taken is paramount in what I am being told and shown.

All of this is to prepare us… make us ready for what is really coming in a very near time frame. This is what I see as the “Big Picture” of what we are all searching and striving for. I have been shown this in visions and have been told through my guides and now wish to share this with you.

This was the first of my waking visions…
I was a Native American woman sitting on top of a mesa… the ever- present Eagle on my arm. As I looked before me, at the base of the mesa. I saw a group of houses (present day). These houses were empty shells… the doors and windows missing… burned looking around the edges. The trees were dead… only trunks and big limbs left… barren. The colour all around was a blue/black/gray that showed no life. There was no life at all… no air anywhere at all. I began searching for the meaning of what I saw… I have come to the conclusion that this could be one of two things… volcanic or atomic explosion aftermath. I am truly not sure but, do know that this destruction is to come… and soon. I have seen more since.

I feel the magnetic vibrations of the Earth… I am very earthy and am one with the earth. Earth Mother speaks to me… I hear her cry. I began feeling something just wasn’t right… like the frequency of all was ‘off’ somewhat. Since… I have felt more and am being given explanations. What I feel is this… the vibrational shifts in the magnetic field of the Earth. This is the ‘sickness’ of Mother Earth… her death pains…

I started feeling these years ago but, this has become more apparent as I am made more aware. As these shifts are increasing in their time between each shift and in the actual size of the feeling… more are being pushed into awareness at an alarmingly quick rate. This is frightening many and causing them to search anywhere and everywhere for answers.

During March there was so much unrest that went on throughout April. The BlueMoon and Spring Equinox were phenominal this year! The vibrational patterns are increasing in pattern and strength. This was a major shift at this time and though many may not of been aware of this… they felt it. For months before and continuing even on to today… there is a sense of unrest and anxiety among those who are sensitive. Like they know they must be doing something but, just aren’t sure what? Lives are in limbo… marriages are splitting, jobs are ending and/or changing… people are in a complete change pattern. Things held soundly and securely are being stripped away. Hopefully, these people will acknowledge this and open to be filled with and given what is available to us all.

These vibrational shifts are going to continue and increase. I feel the next major one (though there will be continual ones going on in the meantime… just less severe in nature) will be in the Fall… around the end of August/First part of September. I am not sure yet what this shift will bring about but, truly feel it will be phenominal. These shifts will continue in their growth pattern until (I feel) there will be a major shift… some are referring to this as a “Polar shift” that I am being shown will be around the year 2012/13. I am not alone in this thinking and knowledge. This will be a global shift… so destructive… more so than anything imaginable. I am told to prepare for this.

I have seen since this meeting with others who have visions of what is to come that this is one of many futures that may happen. As I always say, nothing is absolute and there are many futures out there that could happen. I see all things as ever shifting… like sands of the desert… all our collective choices affect all that ‘could’ happen. I am told to prepare for this one and to be aware that this one has a good possibility of happening. This is even being supported on a scientific level… through geologists as well as astromers.

This Polar shift will cause many different kinds of shifts as the Earth is shifted… the fact that we are “one” with our Earth means we will feel these shifts also. It will bring to the surface many things. One being the agents of the dark. When they appear, there will be a final battle of good vs. evil. I was not sure at one time if this would be a spiritual or physical battle. But, I am more and more sure daily that this will be both.

The Archangel Michael is all around me protecting… guiding… loving… He is always there and comes to me occasionally with messages. He has come to me, saying this, “You are a Battle Healer… a Healer of Warriors.” For some time after this message came to me… it was like this needed to settle with me. I have since accepted this and it’s call. I understand the enormity at hand and have made the choice to accept this as my call… my destiny… and, my duty. I am honour bound to this… and DO NOT take this lightly for even one second.

At first, I was shown I was a seeker as well as a healer. I am shown I seek 7 groups of seven… with a total of 49 Battle Healers. Six of whom I seek will ride with me in my group of 7… but, I also seek 6 others who will be as I am… seekers as well as healers. The 7 who join together in each group will bond as a collective force in such a unique way that they will be as “one”… but, also each group of 7 will all 49 be bonded also. We will be so close… we will know if another is down and/or needs assistance.

There will be many types of healers joined for this time. There will be somewhat of a ‘caste’ system formed… the Battle Healers are somewhat of an ‘elite’ group of healers. Not only will we be trained in all aspects of healing from the basic knowledge of herblore to psychic surgergy. We will also be trained in full warfare... not to war but, to protect and defend and to be able to get into where we must go. We war for love and healing. I have also seen the swords that will be carried… the hilt with a pentacle.

We are being joined for many reasons… one is to find and rescue children and to bring them to the formed ‘sanctuaries’ that will be established throughout the globe with many different Spiritual Families who have been joined for different reasons. These children will be brought in to for all to teach the olde ways… back to the basic respect for the earth and all she holds… This is an enourmous task.

Then… as the battle I spoke of unfolds… we will be on the field. The Archangel Michael and his troups of warriors as well as other leaders of the light will face those of the dark on this field. I have been taken on this field and shown the pain, the blood and the agony. The empathic pain alone is staggering… much less the smell of the gore and the visible signs of destruction and anguish.

We… the Battle Healers… will go through the carnage to pull those salvagable off the field and to take them to the ‘Sanctuaries’ where there healing will be completed.

** Believe me… I have seen this and know what is to come… I am pressed to seek and find…

I was wondering though for a time… “Who heals the healers” and “where will be home for us… the Battle Healers”. I then was reminded of a dream I had long ago… years ago. I remember dreaming “Tara is home… Tara is home…”; but, I thought this was something of me being caught up in some Gone with the Wind scenario. I have been reminded of this dream and have found one online (TeraC99) who is my soulsister… she and I have been sisters and shared in so many lives. She and I are almost mirror images of one another. I have been shown that Tara is “home and Tara is the one who gathers those who heal the healers. She is so special! I also now know that my husband will be somewhere for me always… he is my healer, my guardian… he is the one I will always go to when my personal healing is needed.

Anyway… this is what I know for now. I am looking for many who are gifted in many areas… not only healing… many gifts will be needed. As I find those who are others than what I am personally searching for… I will help them and send them on to where and whom is for them next. There can be no one with egos (they have to be set aside) and we will all be leaders … all be teachers … and, all be students. None is higher than the other… just all here of each other in a very valid sense.

5 July 1999

This I am being shown to add and clarify…

The vibrational shifting are caused by the dying pains of Mother Earth which in effect are the dying pains of the human race as we are all so connected. As these shifts occur in greater frequency and numbers … it will affect even the “unaware” on a subconscious level. This will lead us to warring, fighting and such on a very physical level. Though this is at a physical level; it will draw in the spiritual interest and influence. The good vs. bad will begin taking their places. Actually, this has already begun but will grow to such a magnitude.

These wars and such will then come to a point where it has to stop or all humanity and all living will cease to exist. As the physical battles grow as the vibrations increase… the battle will change. The physical aspect will continue but, the Spiritual will walk in and take their places. It is for this that we prepare and are being made ready.

I have ~seen~ two come onto the field (representatives of the light and dark)… each have one with them who watches their back. As they come onto the field… all weapons must be dropped as this will cease the physical side of the battle. If weapons are not dropped; those that continue to hold their’s will be killed. This battle will be to the end and no interference can occur. Their battle begins and is between the two of them but, each are spiritually supported by the minions of the spiritual aspect giving of their essence and their powerful gifts.

This battle will continue for some time. Many will be killed in this process. But, there will come a time when this has to cease. But, these two who battle will not ~see~ when this time has come to be.

There will be “one” who steps to the field to call HALT to this. I have seen this “one” as only one person but… have also felt the presence of two people that are in every sense “one”. This “one” is the only one that will be heard through this Spiritual Battle… the only “one” who can call cease battle.

I have been shown I am this “one” but, have been confused by the aspect of the two I have felt in this “one”. I have recently been shown that indeed this is me but, the other one of the two has now been shown also. I understand the meaning of the “one” but, of two.

October 13, 1999


The One Who Has Come To Me

Many have come to me... saying, "I am the One... the One you seek."
But, this was what they thought... not what I was told or *saw*.
They have been ones attracted to the Me that I am.

I have been told to put out this call for the 'One'...
The sensualness of this call of Me... has attracted many....
Who in the wanting so this kind of woman... thought they were the One.

My search is now over... I am now complete... knowing I will not stand alone...
We have found each other... we both have always known...
The 'One' and I have sought and found.

This 'One' is powerful enough to stand with me... beside me...
This is The 'One' who is unafraid to match my stride... in all things...
This is The 'One' who is unafraid to persevere.

I have known of this 'One' for so long... as I feel, he has known of me...
We have searched for aeons... have found and lost... and, are once again being rewarded...
We are blessed in Unity!

I am *seeing* so much... so many things are falling into place...
I am viewing the Battlefield and my roll in a different light...
Knowing all is well.

I see 'Us' ... Unified in the Power and Truth of Knowledge...
Walking through the vortex of the ~storm~ of this Battlefield chaos...
'We' come into the midst side by side... in Perfect Accord with Spirit.

I see this 'One' who stands with me... so powerful in his magick... his Mage Magick
He stands as polarity for me... his control of the Dark so apparent...
As the magick of my love surrounds us ... Appearing for all to see.

'We' come through this outlying whirlwind.. with combined power...
He, robed in black and the lining silver... I, in silver, the lining deep violet...
Both barefoot... holding no weapons... only needing the magick we hold.

As 'We' reach the ~Eye~ of the Battle... all grows silent around us...
We stand firm... looking... waiting... watching...
All must relinquish to 'Us'... the weapons must be dropped... the Battle is over.

Jointly... the 'One' and I cast the circle of life and death...
But, we do this ... in Reverse ... the last resort...
This is all that is left to negate the wrongness... to heal the cries.

The Reverse of this Circle...
Is done so rarely... that most holding magick... have never seen it done...
And, the ones who have... are in awe at the Power that is in reign by this Joining 'We' create.

The imminent feel of this Gift of 'Our' joint power...
This power is immediately felt by all... the backlash of the Reverse...
Causes those who have chosen the Dark to fall.

Those on the field who choose not to lay down their weapons... die...
Not by 'Our' hand... but, by the hand of those Warriors who are here for the finality of this...
this killing of the Mother and the Human Race.

These Warriors joined just for this purpose... are unique...
They fight without man-made weapons...
As their weapon is also their Magick... these are Mage Warriors... forming as we speak.

When those who have chosen to live remain... weaponless...
The Battle Healers then come onto the field to pull those from this place of filth...
The are taken to places of Sanctuary... to heal and relearn the olde knowledge and ways.

The 'One' and I will then leave... wounded and scarred...
It will seem we ascend... as we rise above this place in what is left of our Power...
This bloody place is left behind... as we move to a place of healing for one another.

But... in the time the 'One' and I wait for this... it is a time of melancholy...
This is a time of growth and bonding for us in togetherness...
but... individually, we have much to achieve...
For him... it is a time of testing of great endurance.. this one must endure for All who are of Spirit...
For me... It is a time of my greatest challenge... to learn and grow in patience...
Patience for All who are of Spirit.

My love to you… Namaste, ~Tami ~
