This edition of CITW is going to focus on some sites devoted to ballparks that will be opening soon. Let's start with the Pittsburgh Pirates PNC Park Webcam ( Once an hour, a web camera takes a photo of the construction site of the Pirates new stadium, which is still in the early stages. The site also has archives and web movies detailing the construction. Joe Bob says check it out. The Astrodome is closing after this season, and you can check out the Stros new digs at the official Houston Astros Website's Enron Field page ( Just like the Pirates site, you can see photos of the construction at various stages and a webcam has been set up. (Shameless plug alert) I took a trip to Houston last weekend and you can read about my Astrodome trip by clicking here. The opening date of the Brewers new park has now been set back a bit because of a construction tragedy, but you can still see what Miller Field is going to look like by going to the Brewers home page ( If you have Quicktime on your computer (and you probably do, even if you don't know it) check out the panoramic tour of Miller Park. Though it's aimed at kiddies, give Lou Seal's Bell Park Construction Zone ( a look. Bell Park is going to be the new home of the San Francisco Giants in the near future. Lou Seal interviews all sorts of people involved in the construction of Bell Park. Like I said, a little juvenile, but at least it's something different. It's slow-loading, but since it's replacing a legend, we're giving our latest Golden Ooshuk to Detroit Tigers Online ( for their Comerica Park info. You've got a lot to live up to, Comerica, but we're pulling for you. --JingleBob, September 16, 1999 Previous articles: August
12, 1999 © 1999 JC White |