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Gatun - Page 3

Pictured above, is the old Gatun Commissary, taken in 1924, when it was located across from the Gatun Locks, next to the Gatun Railroad station.

Gatun Railroad Station - in the Early Years.

This is a picture of the Tugboat "Gatun" making the first test run thru Gatun Locks in 1913.

The Gatun Golf Club, circa 1920s.

This is one of the new Panamanian stamps, came on a letter from Panama! Note: bottom left; Gatun de Panama. Cool stamp!

A ship making an approach to Gatun Locks, taken Oct. 1998.

Gatun Locks, showing a "mule"(an electric towing machine), a ship in chamber, and the Control House.

Morning at Gatun.

Compliments of Bill Fall. The sign at Gatun Locks.

Also, from Bill Falls collection of CZ memories! The sign at Ft. San Lorenzo."

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Gatun Page 4
Gatun Page 5
Gatun Page 6 - Tarpon Club
Gold Coast Memories - Page 1
Gold Coast Memories - Page 2
Gatun Page 2
Gatun Page 1
