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Gold Coast memories

Most of these pictures are Atlantic side shots ... a few of them are shared memories with everyone in Panama.

Cristobal... in the Construction Days.

My father, Richard M. Hirons, 3rd man from the left; for the first 12 years of my life, was a Police Officer. This is a picture taken in 1946, at a Balboa Police Shoot. Police Officer on the left, Floyd Robinson.

Scenes from Colon and Cristobal

Two scenes of Colon dating back to the 1920's ... shared by Sean Kelly.

This is Colon Hospital, Cristobal, CZ where I was born. It was turned over to Panama in the Treaty of 1955, and has been torn down.

A picture of the beautiful Hotel Washington, which is now owned by a consortium and has been expanded as a gambling casiono.

Across the street from the Hotel Washington is the oldest church in Colon. . . Christ Church By The Sea.

Yet another, distinctively Colon/Cristobal memory.... is the 'carametta's" clip-cloping down the road around the beach. Finally went for a ride in one, after my Sr. Class Prom.

The Tropic Bar, in Colon . . . It was also known as "Bilgreys".

The 'real' Cristobal High School, where my mom, her sister and two brothers graduated.

Cristobal Jr. & Sr. High School, Coco Solo . . . Where all classes graduated after CHS, Cristobal shut its doors in 1959, I graduated from here in 1962.

CHS... March 1999, No longer a school, Swimming Pool is gone, bleachers and football, baseball, track field - gone. Shall be cemented over and used as a cargo container area.

Second page of Memories - Page B

Page Two of Atlantic-side memories

Front Page, Fly with Me to the Canal Zone.