Shankadelic's The Hole: Comprehensive Information on the Cast, Crew, Characters, and Episodes of Oz, HBO's fan favorite prison drama

A tally of every character that has ever died on Oz, both inside and outside the walls of Oswald State Correctional Facility, Level Four. Includes inmates, staff, family members, and everyone else, as well as flashback crimes. Whether it's shown or just referred to, it'll be in this section. So sit back, relax, and take a stroll down memory lane.

Character/Actor List - Episode/Plot List - Contraband - Forum - Kansas

The Victim: C.O. Karl Metzger
The Murderer: Tobias Beecher
How: Beecher slashed his face up, then stabbed him in the throat with his fingernails 
Where: in a stairwell outside Em City
Why: revenge for arranging Beecher's arms and legs to be broken
Co-Conspirators: none


Episode Seventeen


discussed by Whittlesey and McManus, Episode Eighteen

The Victim: Whittlesey's mother
The Murderer: n/a
How: was dying for a year, probably from cancer, finally passed away
Where: unknown
Why: n/a
Co-Conspirators: none
The Victim: Malcolm "Snake" Coyle
The Murderer: One of Nappa's men
How: unknown. All we saw was a shot of Coyle dead, blood all over his body
Where: Unit B
Why: Hill ratted Coyle out for murdering an innocent family. With Wangler planning to retaliate, Said stepped up on Hill's behalf, getting the Aryans, Italians and Latinos to help protect Hill. Nappa, already strongly disliking Coyle, took it a step further and ordered him dead.
Co-Conspirators: Italians


Episode Nineteen


first referred to in Episode Seventeen, mentioned throughout the season, full flashback in Episode Twenty-Three  

The Victim: C.O. Samuel Hughes (Clayton's father)
The Murderer: unknown
How: stabbed
Where: in the cafeteria
Why: When Glynn was a guard, he got in an altercation with an inmate. Sam tried to hold him back but failed. A fight broke out. Glynn slipped and next thing he knew Sam was stabbed.
Co-Conspirators: none
The Victim: a black man
The Murderer: Andrew Schillinger
How: dragged him from the back of a truck until he died
Where: on a street
Why: racism
Co-Conspirators: other friends


shown in Andrew Schillinger's flashback, Episode Nineteen



shown in Jason Cramer's flashback, Episode Twenty


The Victim: some guy
The Murderer: Jason Cramer
How: stabbed to death (Det. Stransky explained that a knife was used in Ep. 28), packaged up the body parts, caught when blood leaked from the package
Where: unknown, caught at the post office

motive unknown

Co-Conspirators: none
The Victim: Richie Hanlon
The Murderer: Nikolai Stanislofsky
How: sliced his throat with a razor
Where: in the showers
Why: revenge for the death of Stanislofsky's friend, Alexander Vogel (a crime that Hanlon was actually innocent of; Schillinger and Mack killed Vogel)
Co-Conspirators: none


Episode Twenty

105 & 106

hit ordered in Episode Twenty, revealed dead in Episode Twenty-One

The Victims: Laura Wangler and Ronnie Smith
The Murderer: Pierce's friend on the outside
How: both shot execution style
Where: in bed

Laura was cheating on Kenny with Ronnie, and Ronnie was abusing Kenny's son. Wangler asked Pierce to arrange the hit. 

Co-Conspirators: Kenny Wangler, Junior Pierce
The Victim: an abortion doctor's son
The Murderer: William Cudney
How: shot with a sniper rifle
Where: in the park (Cudney was on top of a building)
Why: Cudney's wife had an abortion without his knowledge. When he found out, he killed the abortion doctor's son as revenge
Co-Conspirators: none


shown in William Cudney's flashback, Episode Twenty-One


shown in Yuri Kosygin's flashback, Episode Twenty-One

The Victims: random men and women
The Murderer: Yuri Kosygin
How: drive-by shooting
Where: outside a restaurant
Why: part of a hit
Co-Conspirators: none
The Victim: Andrew Schillinger
The Murderer: heroin
How: Andrew was put in the Hole. C.O. Lopresti gave him some tits (a "gift" from Vern). Andrew tried to ignore it, but eventually sucked on the tit 'till he overdosed.
Where: The Hole
Why: Beecher got Andrew clean, but also to renounce his father's beliefs. To Vern, he would rather Andrew be dead. So Vern got Lopresti to deliver the tits to Andrew.
Co-Conspirators: Beecher, Keller, and O'Reily orchestrated the plan for Andrew to befriend Beecher, leading to what happened. Vern and C.O. Lopresti were responsible for the actual overdose. After Andrew died, Keller told Beecher that his plan worked perfectly. Beecher knew that Vern would want Andrew dead.


Episode Twenty-One


Episode Twenty-Two

The Victim: William Cudney
The Murderer: Yuri Kosygin
How: stabbed in the neck with the blade Kosygin keeps in his glasses
Where: in Cudney's pod
Why: O'Reily paid Kosygin to
Co-Conspirators: Cudney was going to rat O'Reily out for fixing the boxing matches, because according to him their souls were in jeopardy 
The Victim: 40 people, including his first kill, Roginsky
The Murderer: Yuri Kosygin
How: strangled Roginsky, others unknown 
Where: on the outside
Why: Kosygin tells Stanislofsky that he has killed 49 people and that he would have the honor of being his fiftieth. Excluding the eight murders that got him sent to Oz and Cudney, that's 40 people, including Roginsky, whom he strangled because "he kicked me with his boot in front of my wife"
Co-Conspirators: none 


mentioned by Kosygin, Episode Twenty-Two


Episode Twenty-Three

The Victim: Antonio Nappa
The Murderer: Nat Ginzburg
How: smothered with a pillow
Where: Unit E (the AIDS unit)
Why: When Nappa found out he was HIV positive, me began his memoirs, confessing all his deeds as a "businessman." When Pancamo found out, he talked to his superiors on the outside. They ordered Nappa dead. Pancamo paid Ginzburg to do it
Co-Conspirators: Pancamo & The Italians
The Victim: Carlos Ricardo
The Murderer: Miguel Alvarez
How: shanked
Where: Alvarez's pod
Why: self-defense. El Cid ordered Ricardo and Guerra to kill Alvarez (Alvarez deserted them when they were busted)
Co-Conspirators: none


Episode Twenty-Four

Total so far: 159

(81, if you exclude L'Italien's 38 other murders from Season One and Kosygin's 40 other murders)



onward to Season Four...

all Body Count pages:

Seasons One, Two, Three, Four, Five

Character/Actor List - Contraband - Episode/Plot List - Forum - Kansas