Shankadelic's The Hole: Comprehensive Information on the Cast, Crew, Characters, and Episodes of Oz, HBO's fan favorite prison drama

A tally of every character that has ever died on Oz, both inside and outside the walls of Oswald State Correctional Facility, Level Four. Includes inmates, staff, family members, and everyone else, as well as flashback crimes. Whether it's shown or just referred to, it'll be in this section. So sit back, relax, and take a stroll down memory lane.

Character/Actor List - Episode/Plot List - Contraband - Forum - Kansas


brain dead in Episode Twenty-Four, taken off life support in Episode Twenty-Five

The Victim: Hamid Khan
The Murderer: Cyril O'Reily
How: beaten until he was brain dead in the boxing match, later taken off life support
Where: boxing arena, hospital
Why: accident
Co-Conspirators: Ryan, who wanted Cyril to win and convinced him to pretend Khan was their hateful father, but didn't intend for him to kill him 
The Victim: McCallum
The Murderer: himself
How: bit off chunks of his own flesh until he bled to death
Where: his cell in solitary
Why: he was "inventive"
Co-Conspirators: none


Episode Twenty-Five


shown in Louis Bevilaqua's flashback, Episode Twenty-Five

The Victim: some guy
The Murderer: Louis Bevilaqua
How: shot him
Where: on a street
Why: In their cars, the guy shot Bevilaqua's girlfriend. Bevilaqua side-swiped him off the road. With the car turned over, Louis approached him and shot him. 
Co-Conspirators: none
The Victim: Louis Bevilaqua
The Murderer: William Giles
How: Giles took Beviliaqua's blade (he was intending to kill Alvarez) and shanked him (Giles also shanked Alvarez, but not fatally)
Where: solitary rec time in the gym
Why: because Bevilaqua and Alvarez lied about Aerdith Glynn's rape and Giles hates liars 
Co-Conspirators: none


Episode Twenty-Five


referred to in Episode Twenty-Five

The Victim: Shirley Bellinger's unborn child
The Murderer: supposedly miscarried, but most likely Bellinger's fault
How: "suspicious circumstances"
Where: in the asylum
Why: when Bellinger was taken away to the asylum in Episode 24, she vowed to "kill the monster inside myself"
Co-Conspirators: none
The Victim: a husband and wife
The Murderer: Moses Deyell
How: shot both of them
Where: in their bed
Why: the woman was cheating on Deyell with her husband (she had told Deyell they were through)
Co-Conspirators: none

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shown in Moses Deyell's flashback, Episode Twenty-Five



Episode Twenty-Five


The Victims: Kenny Wangler, Junior Pierce, Lou Rath, C.O. Joseph Howard, Gulliame Tarrant
The Murderer: Guilliame Tarrant
How: shot them all, then turned the gun on himself
Where: Em City common room

Wangler & Co. was giving him trouble and stole his shoes

Co-Conspirators: Adebisi placed the gun (given to him by Hughes) in Tarrant's pod; O'Reily convinced Tarrant to step up
The Victim: Mark Miles' wife and son, later his new wife
The Murderer: Miles
How: shot them all
Where: his first wife and son, in the bedroom; his second wife, in the living room
Why: reason not given
Co-Conspirators: none


shown in Mark Miles' flashback, Episode Twenty-Six


Episode Twenty-Six

The Victim: Ralph Gulino
The Murderer: Jazz Hoyt & The Bikers
How: injected heroin into his mouth, causing an O.D.
Where: stairwell

paid by Stanislofsky so he could keep the cell phone

Co-Conspirators: Stanislofksy
The Victims: an elderly couple
The Murderer: Carlos Martinez
How: used some kind of bat or stick, bludgeoned them to death
Where: in their car


Co-Conspirators: none

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shown in Carlos Martinez's flashback, Episode Twenty-Six


shown in Enrique Morales' flashback, Episode Twenty-Seven

The Victim: some guy
The Murderer: Enrique Morales
How: beat him to death with his bare hands
Where: unknown
Why: the guy spit in his face
Co-Conspirators: none
The Victim: Raoul "El Cid" Hernandez
The Murderer: Bob Rebadow
How: stabbed in the neck 
Where: their pod
Why: Morales told Rebadow to kill Hernandez "in self-defense" (and therefore be exonerated) or he would kill him
Co-Conspirators: Enrique Morales


Episode Twenty-Seven


Episode Twenty-Eight


The Victim: Shirley Bellinger
The Murderer: The State
How: hanging
Where: execution chamber
Why: punishment for killing her daughter
Co-Conspirators: none
The Victim: a firearms dealer
The Murderer: Det. Bruno Goergan
How: shot him
Where: on the outside
Why: took his firearms to sell
Co-Conspirators: none


shown in Bruno Goergan's flashback, Episode Twenty-Nine


Episode Twenty-Nine

The Victim: Bruno Goergan
The Murderer: Johnny Basil (Desmond Mobay)
How: pushed down an elevator shaft
Where: dress factory
Why: Basil had to kill someone as part of his undercover operation. Plus, Goergan was a threat to his true indentity
Co-Conspirators: none, but Hill was there when it happened
The Victim: another street hustler
The Murderer: Supreme Allah
How: shot him
Where: on the street
Why: Supreme lost at the game of dice they were playing. The other guy laughed at him, and Supreme killed him.
Co-Conspirators: none


shown in Kevin "Supreme Allah" Ketchum's flashback, Episode Twenty-Nine


revealed dead in Episode Twenty-Nine

The Victim: Gary Beecher, Tobias' son
The Murderer: Hank Schillinger
How: Hank had kidnapped him and cut his hand off, exact cause of death unknown
Where: unknown
Why: Schillinger paid his son to do it, as a preliminary strike against what he thought Beecher was planning
Co-Conspirators: Vern Schillinger
The Victim: Nat Ginzburg
The Murderer: none
How: died from AIDS
Where: on his cell in Death Row (he was put there for killing Nappa)
Why: n/a
Co-Conspirators: none


Episode Thirty



first brought up in Episode Twenty-Eight, Keller confessed to Mukada in Episode Thirty


The Victim: Mark Karachi, Byam Lewis, Bryce Tibbets
The Murderer: Chris Keller
How: Keller sodomized and tortured them first, but exact causes of death unknown
Where: unknown
Why: cause Keller "wanted to kill the part of me I despise"
Co-Conspirators: none
The Victim: Patrick Keenan
The Murderer: Ryan O'Reily
How: smashed a dumbbell into his head
Where: the gym
Why: because Keenan raped Nathan
Co-Conspirators: none


Episode Thirty


Episode Thirty-One

The Victim: Nikolai Stanislofsky
The Murderer: C.O. Claire Howell
How: electrocuted him by dropping a hair dryer into his bathtub
Where: in the therapy room
Why: because Ryan O'Reily asked her to (they were fucking)
Co-Conspirators: O'Reily
The Victim: Eli Zabitz
The Murderer: n/a
How: afraid that either Robson or Keller was going to kill him, Zabitz had a heart attack and died
Where: in a storage room
Why: n/a
Co-Conspirators: none


Episode Thirty-One


discussed by Tobias Beecher and Chucky Pancamo, Episode Thirty-One

The Victim: Hank Schillinger
The Murderer: one of Chucky Pancamo's hitmen on the outside
How: shot execution style
Where: unknown
Why: Beecher paid Pancamo to do it, as revenge for Hank killing his son Gary. When Beecher decided it wasn't right, it was too late
Co-Conspirators: Pancamo, Beecher
The Victim: some guy
The Murderer: Mondo Browne
How: unknown, but the torso was shown on a meat hook
Where: in a butcher shop
Why: unknown
Co-Conspirators: none 


In Raymond "Mondo" Browne's flashback, Episode Thirty-One



Episode Thirty-Two

The Victim: Mark Miles
The Murder: Moses Deyell
How: smashed his head against a wall repeatedly
Why: Miles continuously made racist comments about Deyell
Where: on Death Row
Co-Conspirators: none
The Victims: Sheymin and Mondo Browne
The Murderer: Chris Keller
How: unknown
Where: the laundry room and the kitchen, respectively
Why: because they were both men that Beecher fucked. Simultaneously, it upset the "utopia" Adebisi had made: Later, Keller and O'Reily pinned the murders on Supreme Allah.
Co-Conspirators: O'Reily

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Episode Thirty-Two


Episode Thirty-Two

The Victim: Simon Adebisi
The Murderer: Kareem Said
How: shanked
Where: in their pod
Why: Said failed Adebisi's "final test" that would have proven his loyalty; debatable whether Said was acting in self-defense, or if Adebisi was suicidal and Said was trying to save him 
Co-Conspirators: none
The Victim: some woman
The Murderer: Omar White
How: shot
Where: outside her apartment
Why: unknown
Co-Conspirators: none


shown in Omar White's flashback, Episode Thirty-Three


shown in Burr Redding's flashback, Episode Thirty-Four

The Victim: some guy
The Murderer: Burr Redding
How: shot
Where: outside a warehouse
Why: unknown
Co-Conspirators: none
The Victim: Bian Yixue
The Murderer: Enrique Morales and the Latinos
How: injected staples into his head
Where: in a storage room
Why: in an attempt to frame Burr Redding and eliminate the competition
Co-Conspirators: the Italians


Episode Thirty-Four




shown in Timmy Kirk's flashback, Episode Thirty-Five


The Victim: a baby
The Murderer: Timmy Kirk
How: Kirk left the baby in a dumpster to die
Where: an alley
Why: unknown
Co-Conspirators: none
The Victim: Ronnie Barlog
The Murderer: Chris Keller
How: snapped his neck
Where: storage room
Why: Barlog was going to see Keller out to the FBI (for the murders of Tibbits, Lewis, and Karachi) in exchange for a lighter sentence
Co-Conspirators: none


Episode Thirty-Five


Episode Thirty-Six

The Victim: Jorge Vasquez
The Murderer: Miguel Alvarez
How: slit his throat
Where: Em City common room
Why: Vasquez promised to get revenge on Alvarez for killing Ricardo. Feeling he had nothing to lose, Alvarez killed him first
Co-Conspirators: none
The Victim: Fred Wick
The Murderer: aging drug
How: Wick suffered a negative side effect, and, well, died
Where: Em City
Why: the drug was dangerous
Co-Conspirators: none


Episode Thirty-Six


Episode Thirty-Seven

The Victim: Leroy Tidd
The Murderer: Carl Jenkins
How: stabbed
Where: in line in the cafeteria
Why: the knife was intended for Said (Tidd blocked it), in exchange for entrance into the Brotherhood
Co-Conspirators: Robson, Hoyt
The Victim: Johnny Basil
The Murderer: Clayton Hughes
How: stabbed
Where: in Unit J 
Why: Hughes felt betrayed by Basil, a fellow black man; Basil called Hughes a "fuckwad"
Co-Conspirators: none


Episode Thirty-Eight




Episode Thirty-Eight


The Victim: Carl Jenkins
The Murderer: himself
How: hanged himself
Where: solitary
Why: cast out of the Brotherhood
Co-Conspirators: none
The Victim: Moses Deyell
The Murderers: hacks
How: shot
Where: when Deyell was being moved to become an organ donor
Why: Deyell was trying to escape
Co-Conspirators: none


Episode Thirty-Eight


shown in Carmen "Chico" Guerra's flashback, Episode Thirty-Nine

The Victim: some guy
The Murderer: Chico Guerra
How: threw him off a building
Where: top of a building
Why: unknown
Co-Conspirators: none
The Victim: Carlton "Tug" Daniels
The Murderer: Burr Redding
How: strangled
Where: in the gym
Why: Daniels teamed with their enemy, Supreme Allah, in an attempt to take over the drug trade
Co-Conspirators: the Gangsters


Episode Thirty-Nine


Episode Forty

The Victim: Supreme Allah
The Murderer: Augustus Hill
How: fed him eggs, which he was fatally allergic to
Where: cafeteria
Why: Supreme was going to kill Redding
Co-Conspirators: Poet
The Victim: Colonel Ed Galson
The Murderer: Enrique Morales
How: squished by the elevator
Where: elvator shaft
Why: Galson kicked Morales into the shaft in an attempt to kill him (as a favor to his associate Redding). Morales climbed out and pushed Galson in.
Co-Conspirators: none


Episode Forty




Episode Forty


The Victim: Clayton Hughes
The Murderer: Greg Penders
How: shanked
Where: halls of solitary
Why: Hughes had escaped from solitary, blocked the unit off and asked to speak to Glynn. Afterwards, Hughes asked Glynn for a hug, at which point he tried to stab him. Penders knocked Glynn away and struggled with Hughes, resulting in Hughes being shanked.
Co-Conspirators: none
The Victim: Pedro Calderon
The Murderer: Omar White
How: shoved his head into a TV set, electrocuting him
Where: Em City
Why: Guerra made fun of White's new relationship with McManus, resulting in an altercation with the Latinos and Calderon getting fried
Co-Conspirators: none


Episode Forty

Total so far: 214

(135, if you exclude L'Italien's 38 other murders from Season One and Kosygin's 40 other murders referred to in Season Three)

onward to Season Five...

all Body Count pages:

Seasons One, Two, Three, Four, Five

Character/Actor List - Contraband - Episode/Plot List - Forum - Kansas