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Homer Sounds Pg. 6

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Mmmm, slanty
Huh, big deal. I've been carried out of Moe's like that hundreds of times
Go ahead and smile smart guy. I'm gonna mop you up like turkey gravy
I promise we'll have more fun this time
Stupid Tv, be more funny
Mmm, pointy
Call Mr. Plow, that's my name. That name again is Mr. plow
Mmm, open-faced club sandwich
Homer: Now son, on your first day of school, I'd like to pass along the words of advice my father gave me
Granpa Simpson: Homer, you're dumb as a mule and twice as ugly. If a strange man offers you a ride, I say take it
Homer: Lousy, dramatic childhood
Homer: Are you coming on to me?
Marge: No, good night, sheesh
Homer: Is this a happy ending or a sad ending?
Marge: It's an ending that's enough
Homer: Oh man, this is the most exciting thing I've seen since Haley's comet collided with the moon
Lisa: That never happened dad
Homer: Sure it didn't
Homer: Well there were script problems from day one
Bart: It didn't seem like anyone even read the script
Homer: That was the problem
Lisa: Dad, what's a muppet?
Homer: Well, it's not quite a mop and it's not quite a puppet. But man(laughing) so to answer your question I don't know
Alright I have thought this through. I will send Bart the money to fly home, then I will murder him
Oohh God, my back. It hurts so much. And my job is so unfullfilling
Oh, my life is ruined
Ooh, you bought me a nacho hat. Thanks Ned. Nacho, nacho man. I want to be a nacho man
Homer: That's why I need a name that's cutting edge, like cutco, edgecom, interslice. C'mon Marge you're good at these help me out.
Marge: How 'bout, Compuglobalhypermeganet
Homer: Fine, it's not important
That's a negatory good buddy
Well, if it isn't the leader of the weiner patrol, boning up on his nerd lessons
Homer: Wow, I'll never drink another beer
Vendor: Beer here
Homer: I'll take ten
Nothing good has ever come out of New York City
I don't wanna goto New York City. New York is a hellhole
Haha. I wish I had a nickel for everytime I heard that
This is a nightmare
Sorry, no can do
No kid is worth that
Oh no, I'm not falling for that again
Whoa, not me
I can see I'm not needed here
If something's hard to do, then it's not worth doing
Oh, now what
Yeah, yeah, that's his problem, he's a nut
Oh my God
Marge please, old people don't need companionship. They need to be isolated and studied so it can be determined what nutrients they have that might be extracted for a personal use
For you see, marriage is a lot like an orange. First, you have the skin. Then the sweet, sweet inner zoone
You better get this all out of your system right now
What, this is an outrage
That's it I'm outta here
Outta my way, jerkass
It's really painful
Hey everybody, I'm Peter pantless. Hehehehe
I wore my extra loose pants for nothing, nothing
Hey, how come my pay is so low
I think I've got the perfect solution
The phone company is bamboozling you

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