Location: Fronted by Oyster Bay Cemetery, Graycroft Castle is located at 13 Creekmore Road (formerly Millbrook Road) off Oyster Bay Road in Mill Neck, New York on Long Island, forty miles north of Manhattan on Highway 25A.

Description Of Place: Once part of a eighty-six acre estate since developed into a preparatory school and later a churchyard and cemetery, Graycroft is a Tudor-style granite manor house at the end of a secluded driveway and partially visible from the street. The two-story edifice holds a reported thirty-four rooms and sixteen bathrooms in addition to a large foyer, grand ballroom (since renovated into a viewing room) and a personal library and office. Once a home, additions and changes to its use as a school and as a mortuary still remain in the location.

Ghostly Manifestations: In paranormal research, it is believed people become ghosts when their lives are fatally cut short, and this is undoubtedly true when one looks toward our country's Civil War and Revolutionary War battlefields and former war hospitals, as well as random highways haunted by ghostly hitch-hikers who have had their lives cut short in fatal car accidents. It should therefore be no surprise when one looks toward the scenes of man's inhumanity against man. From the quiet Villisca Murder House in Iowa and the Bloody Bender Farm in Kansas to the isolated Bates Motel in California and the former Camp Arawak site in Upper New York, it is frequently becoming obvious that the dead do not always rest in peace.

Harvey Christian moved into Graycroft Castle in 2010, having no idea what was waiting for him. Deacon had lived in a small modest upstairs room in the location, having killed at least seventeen known young men and women here he processed for burial, reportedly convincing them they were trapped between life and death as he prepared and drugged them for burial. Three of them were buried in Oyster Bay Cemetery, five in Woodlawn Cemetery in Brooklyn and nine more in Cypress Hills in Queens. Police believe there could be as many as eighty to ninety more scattered throughout cemeteries around New York City who woke to find themselves buried alive, but instead of wandering these locations, many of them are believed to return to Graycroft looking for revenge on Deacon.

Christian has reported seeing ghosts and hearing strange knocks in the castle, but it was Lawrence Justice, a man who rented an apartment on the property, who had the most specific encounter. He claims to have made contact with the ghost of Eliot Deacon, even recording the session. A voice could be heard breathily whispering, "I thought I was doing the right thing."

A year passed while the estate and mansion stood empty. It was on the market now, and the incredibly cheap property was sold to Harvey "Harry" Christian, a retired Long Island attorney hoping to turn into a true crime novelist. The mansion had been partially gutted after it was vacated, the basement mortuary and Deacon's upstairs bedroom stripped to the walls, and Harry thought everything bad was gone from the mansion. Every thing seemed great in his new home except one day when his live-in girlfriend, Christine, experienced an unexplained occurrence. She had attempted to vacuum up gravel from around the landing in to the basement that had had been tracked in by movers. The vacuum kept coming unplugged at the extension cord without any explainable reason for the unpluggings. She was a bit confused when it happened three times. She sensed she was not alone and that they or what ever it was did not want her there. She shrugged the feeling off.

Their tenant, Lawrence, worked as an assistant teacher at nearby Long Island University and had been facing a terrible daily commute from Manhattan to work which left him often times late for work. Lawrence needed to move closer to the university and naturally Harry offered to let Larry move into the spare apartment on the estate. Unfazed by the history of the house, Larry brought his belongings and his dog Fred and moved into the apartment. He fell asleep once he and Harry were finished moving him in because the move had been an exhausting one. While sleeping, Larry dreamed that he was running for his life.

"I felt I was trapped in the place." He confided. "There were rooms and halls and doorways going everywhere but there not a single exit. I searched and wandered and a ran up and down stairs looking for a way out. Stairs led to rooms, rooms lead to more stairs, halls went on forever. When I finally woke up, I still felt I was trapped there looking for a way out."

Larry later wondered if he was experiencing the claustrophobia of Deacon's victims.

One day, something caught Christy's eye one day when she came home from work to find Harry working in his upstairs office. She was looking over his desk when she was shocked to see what looked like a naked woman wandering the grounds outside the house. As he turned and walked out of view, she gradually began to realize that she couldn't see half of her body. Suddenly, all of her disappeared. She and Harry walked over to the the area where the man had been only to find nothing. Harry soon installed security cameras on the premises in hopes of catching more intruders on the property if anyone came back.

One night while Larry was washing dishes in his apartment, he heard a knock on the door of his room. It was an upstairs room on the second floor within the structure adjacent to a stairway and a separate entrance. When the knocking became insistent, Larry opened the door, but nothing was there. He looked around and finally went back in and locked the door. He could not shake the feeling of discomfort because he felt he was being watched. Curly, Larry's dog started behaving like he saw something but Larry saw nothing.

Another night, Larry was walking Curly when he heard something on the grounds. Larry had stopped and his ears were standing straight up like he was listening to something. As they headed back toward the apparent Joe and his dog saw the shimmering visage of a woman in white in white turn and head toward the woods and disappear. Curly gave chase after him anyway though, and Larry chased after his dog because he had no way of knowing the intentions of the strange woman. While still in chase to find his dog, he came face to face with something else, the figure of a man stumbling toward him atop unseen legs. Terrified, Larry turned and ran for his life. Curly was running back close behind as well. Upon telling Harry and Christina about the incident, they all came to realize that they had all been seeing the same figures.

One night, Larry was awakened by someone once again knocking on his door. He called out to see who it was but received no answer. He felt the panels in his door and they were vibrating from the knocking. He pulled the still vibrating door open only to see no one was there. Behind him, Curly was growling at something that only he could see. After getting familiar with a few of the intimate details of the Eliot Deacon case, Larry came to realize that several of the victim's possessions had been found in his apartment. He now began to wonder of they were still trying to get those objects back.

Along with Harvey, Larry continued to research what was known about the events on the property. They were viewing some old news footage including pictures of some of Deacon's victims when Larry spotted a

picture of Anna Taylor, the ghost which he had seen on the grounds. Often nude or shimmering in white, Anna's ghost has been seen several times in the basement. In October 2011, around the anniversary of her death, her scream echoes forth from the former mortuary room where Deacon drugged her and kept her hostage for her funeral. Now stripped of everything that was once it, the only indicator of its morbid legacy is the drain in the floor. Used to store furniture, Anna's tragic shade is believed to haunt the room.

Soon, one of Larry's friends, Dax Sherwood, wanted to come to the house. Both an avid horror and true crime buff, Dax wanted to experience the paranormal atmosphere of the house himself. He was initially interested in camping in the former morgue with Larry as company, but he was instead relegated to a companion bedroom with a hastily constructed bed and spare mattress. During the night, Larry heard Dax screaming at the top of the lungs.

"The story I got from him." Larry mentions. "Is that he woke to the sound of voices in the house. He thought they were coming from somewhere in the room or maybe in the house. He couldn't tell which, but as he lifted his head to look around the room, he became aware of a dark presence sitting at the end of the bed. Now, I don't know if he meant a shadow or a figure in black... After all, many of Deacon's victims were buried in funeral black... but what disturbed him was that whatever this thing was, it twisted its head around to face him without turning to face him. It completely unnerved him, and I spent the rest of the night trying to calm him with coffee to try and forget what he said he had seen."

One night, Harvey was working at his computer and heard a metallic scraping noise so he investigated. He never found the source, but he has heard it several times. He thinks it could be the sound the coffins on the carts took to the viewing room where the funerals were held before traveling to the cemetery. One of his associates called upon Dr. Lionel Drake, a psychologist who dabbled in psychic research. During an EVP session in the foyer area, Lionel asked if anyone wanted to talk to them. On the digital recorder, they played back what sounded like several voices talking at once.

"It's kind of disturbing." Harvey remarks. "I consider myself a rational logical man. I don't expect to see the ghosts of naked women, old people peeking from windows and whatnot wandering the halls. I mean... there's got to be a rational answer... but I don't know what it is."

Current guests and visitors to the property have reported unsettling feelings, unexplainable noises, and even seeing apparitions inside the house and round the grounds. Some people arrive and automatically feel a presence while others here suddenly look behind them after getting a feeling of being watched. A paranormal investigation team, including psychics, a demonologist, EVP and visual specialists, investigated the 12-acre estate over a six-month period and left with over fifty hours of evidence there are still examining.

History: Built in the Twenties as a home for Jacob and Emily Creekmore, the location became known as the Hastings School For the Deaf in the Forties, later becoming a boarding school and then a hotel which went bankrupt in 1973. After sitting empty for eight years, it became a mortuary in 1982, it passed through a succession of owners until it became the Eliot Deacon Funeral Home in 1991. In 2010, the location became famous as the home of Eliot Deacon, the "Angel Of Death," reputed to have murdered over a hundred people through numerous staged car accidents and staged crime scenes. Investigated by a curious insurance claims adjustor named Nathan Ford, Deacon lead the New York Criminal Forensics team around in circles for three months until he took his life off the Queensboro Bridge. Detective Mac Taylor, one of the investigators in the case, calls it "one of the most disturbing in his career."

In recent years, the TV-series, "Sinister Sites," conducted an investigation over a January weekend that captured voices, strange sounds, footsteps and orbs and figures caught on video. One of their photos shows a woman in red with "wild Eighties hair" and numerous orbs on the property.

Identity of Ghosts: If one goes by the photos found in his possession, it is believed Eliot Deacon might have had over a hundred and fifty victims, each of whom he coerced into his funeral home through phony accidents and falsified mortuary records. The ghost of Paul Coleman loiters on the grounds; his brother, Peter, having hired Nathan Ford to scrutinize idiosyncrasies in Deacon's mortuary habits. The ghost of Paul's girlfriend, Anna Taylor, is quite active. Forensic accounts show she had tried to dig herself out of her grave before she died. Similar conditions were found in seventeen of the victims exhumed by police investigators. Among the victims are librarian Hannah Bishop (vanished March 2008), mechanic Gregory Malloy (vanished May 2008), Spenser Trussalt (vanished September 2008), Constance Atwater (vanished January 2009) and Mallory D' Onofrio (vanished June 2009), all of whom have been linked to apparitions seen and caught on camera on the premises.

Source/Comments: Afterlife (2009) - Activity loosely based on Black Moon Manor in Greenfield, Indiana; Fox Hollow Farm near Westfield, Indiana and Wolfe Manor in Clovis, California. Structure and architecture loosely based on the Mill Neck Manor School in Mill Neck, New York.

Sinister Sites (Episode: "Castle of the Undead") - December 13, 2009

"Grim Reaper: The Story of Eliot G. Deacon" by Paul Coleman, William Collins and C. M. Connors M.D.


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