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The Girl From Yesterday
Chapter 14

There was no way this child had been so ill the night before, Nellie Wilson thought.  Rachel Hunter had covered for whatever goings on had really happened last night.  How dare he cavort with this trollop while my compromised daughter, who's carryin' his child, worried herself nearly sick over him, she thought.  Her eyes narrowed as she got sight of Louise's injuries.  Now she knew there was something fishy going on here.  Well, that would all stop today.  If she had to, Nellie would remind Kid of his duty to Laura even in front of the people he called family and even if she had to be vulgar about the whole things.  He would not shirk his responsibilities this time.

She glared at the smaller woman before her, her contempt for Lou barely concealed beneath a mask of polite concern.  "What on earth has been goin' on out here, Marshal Hunter?" Mrs. Wilson asked.  "I thought you said Miss McCloud and Kid were tending a deathly ill child.  I come out here to find that not only is the child perfectly healthy, but Miss McCloud has been injured."  She turned toward her husband.  "Harvey, don't you need to have that conversation with Kid?  Now would be a good time."

"Yes, my dear," the mayor said seriously.  "Would you step outside for a minute, Kid?"

Kid nodded, flashing a concerned and curious look in Lou's direction.  His eyes never left hers as he promised he'd be right back.

Laura struggled to hold her temper in check as she noted the looks passing between Louise McCloud and her own fiance.  Well, all that would stop in a few very short moments as her father had his conversation with Kid.  And now on with her own plan.  Slowly, she walked toward Louise, a smile on her lips.  "May I hold him?' she asked.

Lou merely blinked for a few seconds, she was so startled at the request.  She really didn't want to let this woman hold her son, but she didn't want to stoop to being catty or petty either.  Surely it would be alright with everyone else there.  Instead of answering, Lou passed Lexi over carefully.  She'd thought he'd howl at being held by a stranger, but he seemed to feel secure as long as he could see that his mama was still there if he needed her.

The child was adorable, despite his parentage.  That was part of the reason she'd never had any desire to hold him until now; she hadn't wanted to like him because he was a part of Kid that would always belong to Louise.  However, now with her own child on the way--a child that would be Kid's as truly as if he'd fathered him--Laura was secure in the fact that she now had a hold on Kid that couldn't be taken away.  He was hers so she felt she could appreciate those aspects of Kid she could see in his oldest son.  "Oh, you look so much like your papa, don't you?" she cooed.  "How would you like a little brother or sister to play with, hmm?  Would you like that?"

Lou saw the smug smile on Laura's face and her heart stopped as the words sank in.  "What did you say?"

"I was askin' Lexi if he wanted a little brother or sister to play with," Laura replied.  "It appears he won't have long to wait for a playmate."

The others had watched the exchange with interest.  Danny could see the tension mounting between the two younger women and knew that the Wilsons' visit was more than just a social call.  "Why exactly did you all come out here, Mrs. Wilson?  Everyone knows it wasn't out of real concern for Lexi or Louise," he sad in a surly manner.  That little blonde wench was up to something devious, he could tell.

"I guess now's as good a time as any to make the announcement," Nellie Wilson sighed.  "It appears, we have reason to move the wedding date up three weeks or so."

"Why?" Noah asked in confusion.  "It's only two months away now."

"The reason will be all too obvious by then," Mrs. Wilson replied tightly.  "Suffice it to say that it's important that the wedding happen soon."

Laura laughed merrily.  "Come now, Mama, there's no need to beat around the bush," she said.  "This is Kid's family and they will be mine soon.  They'll understand."  Laura beamed at the table before ducking her head in mock shyness.  "It appears that I'm, well, I'm...."

"Compromised!  That's what you are," Nellie completed angrily.  "It's not enough that he's already sown his wild oats, but now he's compromised my daughter's honor and I find him out here cavortin' around and who knows what else with this sullied woman!"

Jimmy stood from the table, angry at the insult to Louise.  "Now hold it right there, Mrs. Wilson...."

"Jimmy sit down, please," Rachel said softly.  She knew where this was going and it would be bad enough without Jimmy's hot temper getting started.

But Jimmy wouldn't be deterred.  He'd sat idly by and listened to those two women talk about Lou behind her back, calling her all sorts of foul things and starting gossip.  It was because of them that Anderson had gotten it into his head that Lou was a woman of easy reputation, free for the taking.  Because of them, half the shopkeepers in town and most of the women would have nothing to do with Louise or her son.  They even deliberately crossed to the other side of the street when she walked by.  On more than one occasion, he'd heard Lou crying in anger and frustration behind her bedroom door and he'd about had enough.  "Who the hell do you think you are comin' into our home and talkin' about our family that way?" he yelled, stabbing a finger in her direction.

At the raised voices, Theresa had turned and hid her face against Ike's shoulder with a whimper.  Teaspoon noticed the child's reaction and rose, trying to keep order until they got everything settled.  The last thing they all needed was a full blown confrontation.  He placed a restraining hand on Jimmy's shoulder.  "Just calm down son 'til we get this all sorted," he said.

"Jimmy's right, Teaspoon," Buck said softly.  He well knew what Louise had gone through in the last few months.  Many a day, he'd become her confidant merely because he understood what she felt and listened without offering advice.  He also knew that it would have been much less painful if the Wilson women had kept a rein on their gossipping.  However, Lou was too proud to let anyone know how hurt she was.  "Lou shouldn't have to listen to that in her own home."

Lou, however, wasn't paying any attention to the men.  She was focused entirely on Laura Wilson, something in her soul telling her that things were just about to get worse.  "What are you tryin' to say, Laura?" she asked.  Her voice shook and each breath was slow and shallow with expectation.

"It would seem that Kid and I are expectin' our own little bundle of joy soon," Laura replied with an angelic smile.

Lou's vision blurred and her knees buckled as her mind processed the information.

Jimmy rushed forward to catch Lou as she wobbled.  She hardly even noticed him though as she stared openmouthed at Laura.  "Y-You're pregnant?" she spit out.

"I'm gonna kill 'im," Jimmy growled, moving toward the door.  "I swear to God I'm gonna kill 'im for doin' this to her again!"  He couldn't believe how stupid Kid was for hurting Louise again.  He looked at the others and knew he'd be the first in a line of men wanting to hurt Kid badly for what he'd done.

"Jimmy, don't you dare leave this room," Rachel warned.  "We owe it to Kid to let him explain."

"Let him explain what?" Danny shouted.  "How he couldn't keep it in his pants?"

The others continued to argue and debate around the room, Rachel and Teaspoon unwilling to believe that Kid had done anything purposefully.  Jimmy and Danny were ready to tar and feather the Kid before drawing and quartering him, while Buck and Ike tried to contain the situation, Ike comforting a whimpering Theresa in his embrace.  All but Laura had forgotten about the shell-shocked woman who was at the center of their devotion and arguments.

Lou felt sick to her stomach at the sight of Laura's angelic smile.  The voices around her blurred and her vision narrowed just the way it had that day she'd over heard the boys in the bunkhouse talking about Kid's infatuation with Samantha.  The blonde woman smiling triumphantly at her had just shattered her world and still continued to hold her son.  Louise felt the world beginning to close in on her as if she were trapped in a cage.  Her heart pounded over and over the words, "Get out.  Get out."

"Get your hands off my son."

The soft phrase hushed the room even more effectively than a shout.  All heads turned in Lou's direction as she stood from the chair she'd fallen into.  Her eyes were dark, cold, and unemotional as she advanced upon Laura Wilson and her mother.  Laura looked effectively startled as she stared into eyes devoid of any recognition at all.  "W-what did you say?" she stuttered nervously, backing up a few paces as Louise continued to advance.

"I said get your gaddamned hands off my son before I take your scrawny little neck between my hands and snap it," Lou said in a low growl, a feral smile on her face.  "How dare you judge me!  How dare you judge me when you were doin' the exact same thing you little empty-headed hypocritical bitch.  NOW GET YOUR HANDS OFF MY SON!!"

Laura nearly dropped the child in her arms as Louise reached for him.  Lou immediately turned and passed him to Jimmy, who nearly jumped in fear.  He'd never seen her like this even when they'd all been treated to her infamous temper.  This was above and beyond a show of temper, this was a rage that he'd rarely seen even in the worst of male gunfighters. He passed Lexi to Rachel, and stood ready to pull Lou away if her anger escalated even more.

Louise stood beneath Laura's nose, looking up into the taller woman's face, their toes nearly touching.  Laura backed up, glancing nervously at her mother who wore a worried expression on her face.  She was brought up short as she ran into a bunk and nearly fell backwards.  Suddenly Louise's hand shot out and grabbed a firm handful of Laura's golden curls and pulled.  Laura screamed and clawed at Lou's hand as the smaller woman dragged her toward the door, ignoring the way Laura's nails scraped and cut into the flesh.  Lou threw open the door and bodily tossed Laura into the dust in the yard.  Fearful for her life, Laura dug into her skirt pocket and pulled out the derringer she carried, pointing it at Louise.

Lou laughed at the frightened woman before her, the sound sounding foreign to her ears.  "You gonna shoot me now," she asked.  "Do you really think you can pull that trigger and end the miserable hell you put me in?  I've killed before and I have no compunction about doin' it again if it comes down to you and me.  Maybe you will, but if you do, you'd best make it count.  'Cause if you don't, you can be damn sure I'll be comin' after you."


Kid and Mayor Wilson ran around the side of the bunkhouse, the commotion having interrupted their own conversation.  Laura glanced at the fearfully, the hand holding the derringer shaking.  "Laura put the gun down," Kid said calmly.  "You don't want to do this.  We'll work this out."

"How can you defend her?!" Laura yelled.  "She came after me."

Lou, however, never glanced at the men even though she knew full well they were there.  Instead, she took two steps forward and grabbed the derringer's short barrel.  "Gimme that!" she commanded.  Laura squealed and flinched as she yanked the gun away, tossing it aside.  "Never point a gun at someone unless you're gonna use it."

The bunkhouse's occupants poured forth even as Kid approached Lou and tried to place a hand on her arm.  At the contact, she flashed around and slapped him, the sound resounding in the silence that enshrouded the group.  "Don't you touch me," Lou hissed at him.  "Don't you dare touch me you low down snake!  You just stay away from me and stay away from my son, you got that?"  She turned from him and started toward the barn at a good clip only to have her arm nearly jerked from its socket as Kid grabbed it and yanked her to face him.

"Lou, I can explain," he said quickly.  "It's not mine.  There's no way it can be mine."

"Not yours?!  Just how stupid do you think I am, Kid?  She sure as hell ain't the Virgin Mary and I know from experience that you're no monk," she said derisively, her eyes narrowing.  "How could you do that with her and then say what you said to me?  God, how could I be so stupid as to believe anything you say after the way you lied to me last time."

"So you've got me tried, convicted, and on the way to the gallows without even lettin' me say a word in defense?  You wanna pull the lever while you're at it, too, Lou?  And what do you mean the way I lied to you last time?" Kid asked defensively, his hands on his hips.

"Actions speak louder than words.  Did you just hop straight from Smantha's bed to Laura's after I left or did you let the sheets cool off first?"

"Lou, I never...."

She advanced on him, one finger stabbing at his chest.  "Oh, no I forgot, it was always much more exciting for you when we snuck around."

God, he'd just gotten her back and everything was upside down again.  Kid didn't know what game Laura was playing, but there was no way he was going to lose Lou again.  He put both hands on her upper arms and tried to get her to listen as he tried to explain.  "Lou, honey, I meant every word I've ever said to you then and now," he insisted.  "Laura and I never...we never were like that.  I couldn't.  I love...."

"DON'T!" Louise cried.  She couldn't take it if he actually said the words.  She'd wanted so much for it to be true.  "Don't you dare say that.  You don't love me.  Jesus, Kid, you made love to another woman and then told me you still loved me!  How am I supposed to get over that?"  Lou felt angry, hurt tears well in her eyes and it was all she could do to keep from giving in to those pleading eyes she loved so much.  "I-I loved you from the moment I met you.  You have no idea what it took for me to trust you to believe you when you said you loved me.  Truth is, you never loved me and  I wish to God I'd never even met you!"

Kid staggered visibly under the force and vehemence or her words.  "You don't mean that, Lou."

"The hell I don't!"  She pulled away and started for the barn again.

"Lou!" Kid shouted after her, moving to follow.  However, he was checked in his spot as someone grabbed his arm.

"Leave her alone, Kid,...if you know what's good for you," Jimmy growled, his hand tightening on Kid's arm.  "You've got a hell of a lot of explainin' to do."

Rachel watched the incident from the porch, tears streaming down her face for the young lovers.  Wilson had crossed to gather both his wife and daughter together and they watched in remarkable silence.  "Louise, where are you goin'?" she asked worriedly.  Lou never replied, merely entered the barn without a glance back.  Rachel looked to her husband in despair.  "Where's she goin'?  Shouldn't someone go after her?"

Teaspoon shook his head slightly, still watching where Lou had disappeared out of sight into the barn.  "No, let her be.  She'll be fine once she calms down," he said quietly.  "She can take care of herself."

"But who's going to take care of him?" Rachel asked, looking pointedly at Kid's shocked and dejected form.

Chapter 15

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