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Once and Again...Once Again


contributed by fansofonceandagain
compiled by Kami Faulkner and Sue Kaliski
background designed by Barb Schroeder

Intimate Conversation Haikus Limericks/Jokes/Dr. Seuss Addicted to Once and Again/Spouses of Once and Again Addicts Sela and the Grand Opera Project Jay's Gingerbread Rhapsody

As many of you know, Sela Ward (Lily) is a native of Meridian, Mississippi and a staunch supporter of the project to restore the Grand Opera House of Mississippi in that city. You may have seen news articles where Sela has been quoted as to how important she thinks this restoration is.

For those who have yet to read the article, please see: Sela and Grand Opera House of Mississippi -- Commercial Appeal

It struck me not too long ago that we fans could help out with donations made 'in honor of' Sela. I think it would be a wonderful gift for us to give to her. An estimated $5 million in donations for the restoration will have to come from the private sector. My hope is that we, as fans of Sela (and Once and Again) will be a part of that private sector of donations.

Not long ago, I emailed Mississippi State University and was put in contact with Mr. Frank Shannon there. He recently sent me this info, which I'd like to pass along:

"Well, things are moving along with regard to your question AND fundraising for the project. We have just recently set up an account to handle contributions. So, please mail your contributions to:

MSU Foundation, P.O. Box 423 Mississippi State, MS 39762

Checks should be made payable to "MSU Foundation" with a note in the memo are of the check: "Sela Ward/Opera House gift". This way, we can credit it properly and forward to you a list of all the names of the people who contributed and a total of the contributions. No one's single gift amount will be disclosed, just the total. We'll let you be the one to tell Sela, or a person of your choosing.

Thanks again for the thought! We'll stay in touch."

Since that writing a web page has been set up to provide further information. If you are interested, please visit: Sela Ward Grand Opera House Fund

Like (I imagine) many of you, I personally may never set foot in the restored Grand Opera House of Mississippi. I am, however, a big fan of Sela's, and can think of no other more appropriate 'gift' to give to her than helping, in my own small way, to support something that is important to her.

While posting on a public message board may somewhat diminish any 'surprise' factor, since it runs the risk that Sela could find out, I think we can still 'surprise' her when we eventually pass along to her the list of names and total amount of contributions. My thinking on this right now is to obtain one list to send to her approximately around the time of her birthday (July 11) and then again around the winter holidays.

Thank you --
Barb Schroeder

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