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Mayberry Days 2003

Friday morning, Mr. Earle Hagen was signing autographs at the Emporium. Betty Lynn was there later in the day but we didn't make it back to see her.

Bob and Carolyn met Billy Ray Latham of the group "Soulgrass" and former member of "The Country Boys" and "The Dillards"


This is *part* of the crowd for the Mayor's Proclamation. We didn't stick around for it and the wedding, we went on and got in line for our pork chop sammitch

"More folks turned out ... than they did that time that

carnival fellow came through here with that stuffed whale?"


Next on tap for Friday afternoon was the trivia contest


"Get your tongue in, Ope. It's a bad habit, you could  bite it off."


One of the "Beautiful, Delicate" judges


I think they just asked one that none of us knew ....


"I ain't got time for trivial trivialities

Jeff had some more stickers on the other side of his fan. After the first question, I was in first place. After the second question I was tied for first place and it was downhill from there ......


After trivia was the annual gathering of members of WBMUTBB....

"Hey! Who's been messing up the bulletin board?"


'Rabbit' was on duty again this year and doing his usual outstandin' job getting folks across the streets safely. And now it's a railroad crossing too!


Friday night we had our annual 'get-together', this time at the Hampton.  After having cake and snacks, our friends surprised us by presenting me with a trophy and a purple cape in honor of my defeating John-Boy in Mayberry Trivia (ALL HAIL!). 


"You know how I feel about fuss and falderal. 

Lord knows, the job itself is reward enough"


"I stand before you a humble man, all filled up with humbleness"

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