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The Star Trek Gallery!

Space...the final frontier...these are the voyages of the Starship Nostalgia, who's lifelong mission seems to be to boldly go back where we've all been before :-) I'll put the pictures first and the text at the bottom for this series since I seem to have written way more than any of you are going to be interested in actually reading :-)

........... Uhura................ Spock............... Scotty................ Kirk................. Bones................... Klingon...................

Cheron................................... Gorn............................ Keeper.................................... Neptunian...

Romulan...................... Andorian........................... Talos......................... Mugato........

Crew Card Back Alien Card Back

The Star Trek series was one of the most popular lines released by Mego. It seems like everyone had a Mego Kirk when they were a kid. The heads for Kirk and Spock are really well done and the Klingon, Neptunian, Cheron, Romulan and Andorian are some of my all time favorite Megos ever...even if they don't look exactly like the characters that they were based on :-) Mego produced an Enterprise playset and a Mission to Gamma VI playset to help give our Megos properly cheesy sets for our characters to act on. The Crew (Kirk, Spock, Dr. "Bones" McCoy, Scotty and Uhura) and the Klingon are very easy to find at cheap prices making it possible to own at least these six figures without spending much money at all (everybody cheer "Yeah, Cheap Megos!") The first series of aliens (Keeper, Gorn, Neptunian and Cheron) are still easy to find but more expensive. The second series of aliens (Romulan, Andorian, Talos and Mugato) are much more difficult to find and more expensive. I have heard that a warehouse fire melted many of this series before it hit the streets, but I don't know if that is true (either way, I thought it was an interesting note). Kirk, Spock and the Klingon were available right up until the last days of Mego and there are still many available Mint in the package. As I'm writing this, they sell for between $25 and $50 mint in the package...which is pretty cheap for a Mego figure still in the package!.

Mego put a lot of creativity and extra effort into the Star Trek line. With the exception of the Gorn, all of the heads and outfits used in this line were designed specifically for this line. The Gorn has the same head as the Lizard from the Marvel Super Hero line, but the Gorn is brown instead of green. The Gorn has the brown body from a Planet of the Apes General or Soldier Ape and the exact same uniform as the Klingon. The Andorian and the Keeper were both produced on the same light blue bodies. The Cheron was on a black body with a white left hand. The Mugato was on an orange body with feet produced just for him. The Neptunian was on a completely green body. The Talos was on a smaller body that was the same size as the Teen Titan bodies.


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