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Fun / foon Tokyo
Sunday, June 13, 2004
Japan's Koizumi to Bush: 'Kim Jong-the-ill wants to boogie with you'
N. Korea leader wants to dance with U.S
Sat 12 June, 2004 08:04 / TOKYO (Reuters) - - - - - North Korean leader Kim Jong-il is so eager for dialogue with the United States that his negotiators to six-party talks on Pyongyang's nuclear ambitions will talk until they are hoarse...[Kim] made the remarks on the so far inconclusive talks on curbing the North?s nuclear arms programmes in a rare recent meeting with visiting Japanese Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi.
?We want other countries concerned to play music so that we can dance well,? he was quoted as saying.
?He (Kim) wanted to dance (with Bush) so much as to get thirsty,? Koizumi told the US president in a somewhat cryptic expression, the influential daily Asahi Shimbun reported, quoting a source close to the premier.

Posted by trek/taro at 11:27 PM KDT
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Japanese firm buys first new-look Zeppelin
Saturday, Jun 12, 2004
Friedrichshafen --- Makers of the revived Zeppelin airship delivered their first helium-filled craft to a commercial user Saturday, a Japanese company that plans to use the 12-seat craft for sightseeing trips and advertising.
The granddaughter of the original airship's inventor, Count Ferdinand von Zeppelin, was on hand as Japan's Nippon Airship Corporation took delivery of the 75-metre ship, destined for sightseeing and advertising flights in Japan and a starring role at the 2005 world's fair in the city of Aichi.
The new craft designed by Germany's Zeppelin Luftschifftechnik ? named Zeppelin NT for ?New Technology? ? is filled with helium...

Posted by trek/taro at 11:21 PM KDT
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Thursday, June 10, 2004
Teen Darwin Award for an exploding toilet in Tsukuba Japan?
Sounds like somebody forgot that you can't huff Shinna (thinner) and smoke cigs at the same time.

Teen killed by exploding toilet

(Mainichi Shimbun, June 9, 2004) TSUKUBA, Ibaraki -- A teen knocked unconscious when a hospital toilet here exploded died Wednesday, police said.
The 19-year-old, whose name has not been released, died as a result of the severe burns sustained throughout his body in the Tuesday night blast.
He had been unconscious in the agonizing few hours until his death.
Police said the victim, an unemployed youth from Mitsukaido, Ibaraki Prefecture, was found lying unconscious next to a bottle containing a liquid believed to have been the cause of the blast.
Forensic scientists are currently analyzing the contents of the bottle to determine what it is.

Posted by trek/taro at 12:07 PM KDT
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Tuesday, June 8, 2004
SURPRISE: Abusive teachers don't report abuse in Japan
Topic: Japanese life
This is like saying that priests should be reporting more child molesting. Sheesh.

Poll: Many teachers don't report abuse
Yomiuri / Jun 08
....Nearly 50 percent of teachers said they hesitated to report possible child abuse cases to the authorities even if they suspected that their students might be mistreated....

Posted by trek/taro at 4:23 PM KDT
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Slackers at Okinawa golf courses & surfing threatened

Okinawa troop cut in cards?
June 8 /
The Pentagon's move to re-position U.S. troops around the world should satisfy Japan in terms of the host role it plays, says U.S. Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld....

Posted by trek/taro at 1:23 PM KDT
Updated: Tuesday, June 8, 2004 1:25 PM KDT
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Monday, June 7, 2004
In Japan...if ya gonna go, it's mo' fun freaky.
Topic: Japanese life
Japanese video baron dead at 53
Mizunami, Japan, Jun. 6 (UPI) -- Yuki Endo, president of Japan's Geo .... one of Japan's largest software rental outlet chains, died at 53 years of age after trying to regain control of his runaway vehicle...
....when the lid of the trunk on the car suddenly popped open. Endo stopped the vehicle, got out and walked back to shut the trunk when the vehicle suddenly started moving forward.
Endo ran back to the driver's seat, opened the door and had the top half of his body in the car as he tried to stop it as it rolled downhill at an increasing pace. However, the car rolled into a guardrail, crushing him. ....

Posted by trek/taro at 3:58 PM KDT
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Friday, June 4, 2004
A. Tittyboo in Tokyo
Topic: Japanese life
Via the blog who wrote:

According to the Gartner Group, is rapidly becoming the top site for information on restaurants in Japan with the word titty in them. This is quite an honor, but I refuse to rest on my laurels, so....

Posted by trek/taro at 2:52 PM KDT
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Thursday, June 3, 2004
Japan & Tokyo FeedsterTesties barfing-green-slime-regularly
Feedster's Testies
Here a just a test of the keywords Japan Tokyo of FeedsterTesties to check the RSS feed. It seems the poor is "now are barfing green slime regularly."

Posted by trek/taro at 12:49 PM KDT
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Wednesday, June 2, 2004
Pervert zebra on the loose at Japanese truck stop
Topic: Japanese life
Kinky kicking zebra busts out of a truck at a rest stop to out the hot action in the women's restroom. The driver, of course, had to run into restroom, hee, hee.
Zebra Escapes From Truck on Japan Highway
Tuesday June 01, 2004 12:23pm
A zebra kicked its way out of a truck at a highway rest stop on Tuesday, leading the driver into the women's washroom in pursuit. ....

Posted by trek/taro at 10:37 AM KDT
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Tuesday, June 1, 2004
Camping in Concrete
Topic: Concrete Japan
The standard phrase in the US Park Service when refering to campgrounds is "recreational slums." However....

I've been to zillion-yen campgrounds in Japan-- Hachijoshima to be exact--but the level of crowding in a typical Japanese campground in the summer peek is equal to a morning commuter train.

Posted by trek/taro at 3:35 PM KDT
Updated: Friday, July 30, 2004 4:08 PM KDT
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Concrete, the soul of Japan
Topic: Concrete Japan

Oh course, I revel in the concrete splendor here and I remember going on a 20-minute sermon to my dad about Japan?s stated National Goal to place concrete on 100% of its coastline for "Stabilization."
Father, a ferroconcrete architect, deadpanned that, ?Sounds like a lot Jap kids eat concrete, like you.?

Posted by trek/taro at 1:31 PM KDT
Updated: Friday, July 30, 2004 4:07 PM KDT
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Saturday, May 29, 2004
the Imperial Crown of the Japan

The Imperial State Crown Is displayed In Tokyo
A Replica of the Imperial Crown, made for and used by Queen Elizabeth of Great Britain, is held by its creator, Takaharu Hiroumi, at the HQ of the Royal Asscher Diamond sales agency...

Posted by trek/taro at 2:53 PM KDT
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Friday, May 28, 2004
'New Spin' on Sex Ed with traditional 'Asian' values
Topic: Japanese life

JAPAN: Experts Put New Spin on Sex Education
TOKYO, May 27 (IPS) - Japanese health experts and officials are revising sex education in schools so they focus more on individual teaching yet accept traditional Asian values - pragmatic changes that they hope will make the subject more interesting...
Can you imagine how kinky traditional 'Asian' sex ed is gonna be? "Traditional values" such female child trafficing, night-crawling, the emperor having enthronement sex with his mother.... ?
In the countryside, yobaiよばい/night crawling used to be the way young guys could sample ladies. As long as you kept a dew-rag tied under your nose, the girls would claim they didn't know who you were (bloody obvious in villages of less that 100 people). A LOT of cousins mated that way.
Today, yobai is common on group osen trips. After midnight, after 20 rounds drinks, there's PLENTY of moving around after lights out on company onsen trips.
---->Via the
Mainichi newspaper's WaiWai column:
... The time machine's next destination is to the Akebonocho neon district of Yokohama, for a visit to Yobaiya Honpo (Night-crawling headquarters). "Night crawling," the Japanese practice of stealing into a sleeping lady's boudoir for purposes of making clandestine whoopie, has roots in remote antiquity.
With the lights dimmed and 19-year old Saki feigning sleep on her futon, the reporter creeps into her dimly lit room. He parts the folds of her yukata (sleeping gown) and allows his fingers to creep up her reposing thighs towards the promised land. Already damp with lust, she makes purring noises and, in short order, the two are coupling in erotic samurai combat.
"In the old days, men used to cross over the hills and sneak into a neighboring village in order to perform night crawling," Saki sighs wistfully. "I get the feeling they had energy you no longer see in the men of today."

Posted by trek/taro at 5:09 PM KDT
Updated: Friday, May 28, 2004 5:14 PM KDT
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Japanese suck the life out of bent bats
Topic: Japanese life
Ishigaki's planned airport to suck the life out of rare bats, ...
Asahi Shimbun, May 28
ISHIGAKI, Okinawa Prefecture-A 25-year war with airport planners on this picture-postcard island is coming to the crunch....At stake are populations of rare bats. For residents, there's the prospect of the new airport and the gleam of tourist yen ...the airport plan will destroy three of the five bat caves in the Mount Karadake site...the natural habitat for three types of rare bats: the Yaeyama least horseshoe bat, the leaf-nosed bat and the Ryukyu bent-winged bat.

Posted by trek/taro at 2:48 PM KDT
Updated: Friday, May 28, 2004 2:49 PM KDT
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Topic: Japanese life
Moo MU

"mu koan"

Chinese master called Joshu in Japanese (Chao-chou (778-897) was asked whether a dog had a Buddha Nature. He answered "Wu!" in Chinese. Since the Japanese pronunciation of wu is mu, I know Joshu was simply making a noise like a cow --"MOO!-- and not answering the question at all. In the "Gateless Gate," the Chinese master called Ekai in Japanese states the unanswerability of the question:

Has a dog a Buddha-nature?
This is the most serious question of all.
If you say yes or no,
You lose your own Buddha-nature.

--Ekai (1183-1260) via 'Zen Flesh, Zen Bones' p.165

Posted by trek/taro at 10:17 AM KDT
Updated: Friday, May 28, 2004 9:28 PM KDT
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Thursday, May 27, 2004
Japanese Gutter Bondage big in the US
Topic: Japanese Tech
rain chain for guttersJapanese Rain Chains Emerging as New Design Trend
--- JACKSONVILLE, Fla. -- May 26, 2004 -- Over the past several years the "kusari doi" or rain chain, has been taking the outdoor garden and patio market by storm....quickly becoming a garden staple in homes all over the United States.
The rain chain first originated in Japan hundreds of years ago and was developed primarily out of need. These beautiful ornaments serve a more practical use very similar to our common downspout. The rain chain was created as a style of downspout to guide rainwater into large pots for garden and household purposes.

Posted by trek/taro at 3:31 PM KDT
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Wednesday, May 26, 2004
Sexy to Japanese?
Topic: Media

Sex, self-image and the Asian-American man
Chicago Tribune (vile but free subscription required), IL - May 25
... Wars with Japan, Korea and Vietnam helped demonize Asian men further and gave Americans license to ridicule them, historians say. ...[professor] Hamamoto has taken the advice he gave his students, albeit in a more controversial manner. He financed a pornographic movie titled "Skin on Skin,"....

"I wanted people to look at this Asian-American and say, `He's great, he's performing, he's bright, he's beautiful,"' he said. "I wanted to take the lowest road possible. Something basic. Raw."....word of Hamamoto's project led to spoofs on Comedy Central's "The Daily Show," which aired a mock news story about the dearth of Asian men in pornography, and NBC's "Tonight Show," which showed a skit featuring Godzilla with his groin blacked out breaking up an all-Asian
((View the full-size 4-some pix here))

Posted by trek/taro at 11:48 AM KDT
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Give me some new eyeballs in a dish!
Topic: Japanese Tech
Scientist growing corneas from lab dish
The Japan Times, May 26
a surgeon at Tokyo Women's Medical University....Teruo Okano has developed a procedure allowing doctors to grow an entire cornea from a tiny speck of cells in a petri dish in an incubator, peel it off at room temperature, and place it directly on the eye -- without a single stitch... But while limited trials of unapproved techniques are allowed in Japan, approval for large-scale human clinical trials could take months and full approval ...

Posted by trek/taro at 10:39 AM KDT
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Tuesday, May 25, 2004
NHK's 4,000 scanning lines & nothing worth watching
Topic: Japanese Tech

Japan introduces 4000 scan-line TVWashington Times, DC - May 25 (UPI) -- Japan's semi-government broadcasting corporation, NHK, demonstrated the world's first ultrahigh-definition 4,000 scanning line video system Monday. ...

Regular TV: 350 to 450 scanning lines
EDTV:480p scanning lines,
HDTV: 1080i or 720p scanning lines

Posted by trek/taro at 7:29 PM KDT
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Charles "Dumbo" Jenkins will find a firing squad has "very strong attitude"
Topic: Media
Dumbo Jenkins may weasel out of this yet....
Current laws may compel Japan to hand Jenkins to U.S.: Hosoda
TOKYO, May 25, Kyodo -
Current laws may compel Japan to hand the American husband of a Japanese abducted by North Korea over to the United States if he comes to Japan and Washington wants custody of him on the charge of deserting the U.S. military, Chief Cabinet Secretary Hiroyuki Hosoda said Tuesday....
''If America comes to us and asks with a very strong attitude that this person is being prosecuted thus and therefore they want him to be handed over, it is highly possible at this time that we will come to legal interpretations that would leave us with no choice but to hand him over,'' Hosoda told a press conference....

Posted by trek/taro at 6:01 PM KDT
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