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Starfleet Tactical Force: Directives

A breach of any of the following directives by any STF member will be met with immediate directive reminders or with appropriate reprimands which are in accordance with the violation. These reprimands may include, but are not limited to: rank deductions, suspensions, and expulsion from the STF.

STF Prime Directive:

To maintain the ideas, morals, and technology of the Star Trek world, which was created by Gene Roddenberry. The STF is intended to be a fun environment for lovers of Star Trek.

STF Directive #1

A) No member of the STF is to provoke or participate in any act that is ill natured toward any Simulation Group or any of their members. The same holds true to acts towards other members of the STF. It is also not permitted to recruit members for the STF within recruitment rooms set up for other groups.
B) All STF members have the right and the responsibiliy to report any disorderly conduct by any member of the STF, including captains and admirals, to one of the admirals so that an investigation may be conducted. Also, an STF member that is violated in these manners by a member of another sim group should log the encounter and report it to the admiralty immediately.

STF Directive #2

No member of the STF is to invite a non-member into a chatroom to observe or sim without gaining permission from the commanding officer of their sim first. All members must strictly adhere to this directive.

STF Directive #3

A) Any crew member of an STF vessel that arrives late to a sim must be prepared to participate at any post given to him/her by the captain, as his/her regular post may have been given temporarily to another participating member. Said member will return to his/her regular post the following week.
B) In the event of a multi-part sim, a member who temporarily filled in a post that is not his/her regular post has the right to continue to serve at that post until the multi-part sim draws to a conclusion. (Say an ASEC was filling in as CSEC, that person would remain CSEC until the multi-part sim concludes.)
C) Any crew members who attends the second part of a multi-part sim without attending the first part will be granted a temporary post for that sim if his/her regular post was assigned to another in the first part of the sim. Said person will resume his/her regular post when the multi-part sim draws to a close.
D) Crew members that attend the first part of a multi-part sim, but not the later parts, may have their posts temporarily handed off to another member. That member would maintain that post until the multi-part sim concludes. Afterwards, the first member would resume at his/her regular post.

STF Directive #4

A) In the event that the ship's commanding officer is unable to attend a sim and has advanced notice, it is his/her responsibility to contact his/her executive officer and determine whether the executive officer is able to run the sim in the commanding officer's absence. If the executive officer is unable to take command, then the sim may be canceled. The commanding officer must then contact his/her crew and inform them and the admiralty of the cancellation.
B) In the event that a commanding officer is not present at the scheduled start time, the executive officer or another officer with a rank of Lt. Commander or higher may step in and command the sim in the commanding officer's absence. If no one of a rank high enough is present, or they do not wish to command, they may cancel the sim 15 minutes after the scheduled start time.
C) A commanding officer has the option to postpone the sim up to 15 minutes beyond the scheduled start time if there is a lack of crew present on the vessel. It is the commanding officer's responsibility to inform his/her crew of the delay.
D) The commanding officer or executive officer has the option to contact other members of the STF to ask for help in filling in for missing crew. This may only be done if the ship has a lack of crew. The STF member asked has the privilege to accept or decline the request.

STF Directive #5

A) Any STF member that is not a member of a ship's regular crew is permitted to observe or participate with that ship, as long as they arrive before the scheduled start time.
B) Any STF member that wishes to observe or participate in a sim after it has started must receive permission from the commanding officer to do so.
C) Any STF member observing a sim must remain quite while the sim is in progress.

STF Directive #6

A) It is a commanding officer's responsibility to submit a C.O.S.R. (Commanding Officer's Sim Report) to the admiralty following 24 hours after the sim. A report must be sent out regardless of whether a sim took place or not. The COSR is used to document the attendance for the sim and should also have the sim's log appended to it. Also, any excuse notices that he/she wishes to accept after the sim's completion should be forwarded to the admiralty. This job may be passed to the executive officer if the commanding officer wishes to do so.
B) It is the responsibility of every STF member to inform his/her commanding officer of impending absences in advance. In the event a crew member misses a sim due to an unforeseen emergency, it is his/her duty to inform his/her commanding officer as to why he/she was not present not more than 24 hours after a scheduled sim.
C) Any member who must be absent for an extended period of time must send a request for a leave of absence from the STF to both his/her commanding officer and the admiralty.
D) Any member who misses three or more consecutive sims without giving notice to his/her commanding officer may be subject to a reduction in rank and will be sent notice that their membership within the STF is in jeopardy. It is the commanding officer's responsibility to make special note of members missing three consecutive sims without sending notice to the admiralty within his/her COSR.
E) Any member missing four consecutive sims without sending notice to his/her commanding officer is subject to reduction in rank to that of Crewman Apprentice/Private First Class, suspension, or expulsion. Any member expelled from the STF will be given the rank of Crewman Apprentice/Private First Class if he/she is readmitted to the STF and if he/she previously held that rank or higher.
F) Commanding Officers are to attach a sim summary that is one paragraph minimum with the COSRs. This duty may be passed onto another willing crewmember if the Commanding Officer wishes to do so.

STF Directive #7

No member of the STF shall be permitted to create a ship for simming purposes within the STF unless they hold the rank of commander or higher and receive permission from the admiralty to do so. Members may create ships to use outside of the regularly scheduled sims.

STF Directive #8

A) All characters will begin at the rank of Crewman Recruit/Private, unless special permission is given by the admiralty.
B) Any STF member that wishes to sim on more than one ship must create a separate character for each ship. He/she does not have to create a new screen name for each character, although it is recommended. Any member that will be using the same screen name for multiple character must provide a profile for the new character, and must make the admiralty which of the characters is on which ships. All new characters will start out as a Crewman Recruit/Private unless special permission from the admiralty is given.
C) All characters within the STF should have profile in the STF website, even if it only includes the basic information for the character. All members are responsible for requesting a profile form from the admiralty, filling in the information, and returning it. Anyone members of the STF holding the rank of Lieutenant (JG) or higher must have a profile on the STF website, or will be ineligible for promotion beyond that rank.
D) Profiles should be taken seriously. Profiles are to be done in accordance with Starfleet tradition and should appear believable.
E) Profiles will not be placed on the STF website until a member has completed at least three sims.

STF Directive #9

A) Commanding officers of STF vessel must keep their rosters updated and inform the admiralty of any changes. (This duty may be passed off to the executive officer.)
B) Commanding officers should keep the admiralty appraised of recruit post placement. Any post/rank/screen name changes for his/her crew should be given to the admiralty immediately. These changes may also be noted on the COSR in order to save time.

STF Directive #10

A) Simming should be taken seriously. Any member whose character does not behave in a manner befitting a Starfleet officer risks disciplinary action.
B) The use of profanity (including masked profanity) and vulgarities is not permitted within STF sim rooms or the STF recruiting room. In addition, the use of violence or weapons is prohibited within the STF recruiting room. The STF is in compliance with AOL's Terms of Service.

STF Directive #11

Font colors RED and BLUE are for the commanding officer's use only during scheduled sims. Actions will be done in RED while the captain's character will use BLUE. Members are urged to select one of the other colors for his/her regular use.

STF Directive #12

A) Commanding officers will use the designated design for their mission briefings, which includes a related picture, episode number and title, author, captain's log, stardate, and footnote (If needed). (This directive has been discontinued as of 7-20-2004)
B) Any member that wishes to write a sim must submit his/her sim to the commanding officer along with an acceptable mission briefing (mentioned above). If the commanding officer decides to use a sim written by another member of the STF, he/she must inform the person when the sim will take place and must give the proper credit to the author who wrote the sim.
C) All sims are to be logged by the commanding officer or the executive officer, and must be sent to the admiralty as an attachment, with the mission briefing in the message section of the e-mail. A commanding officer may receive promotion advisements based on his/her logs.

STF Directive #13

A) During a sim, crewmembers will not engage the captain in IM conversations due to the multiple tasks that the commanding officer may be undertaking. Only the executive officer and mobile officer maintain the right to IM the commanding officer during the sim. If you encounter a problem or have a question during the sim, you should first IM your department chief. If they are unable to help you, you may IM the executive officer, and if he/she is unable to help, they will forward your problem to the commanding officer, and then inform you of the answer. If the problem or question does not directly relate to the sim, it should wait until the sim has been completed.
B) It is the commanding officer's responsibility to take time at the end of each sim to answer questions and offer a copy of the log to any member that wishes to have a copy.
C) While simming, "((mun bubbles))" should be kept a minimum. They may only be used when important information needs to be expressed to more than one member of the crew. Any unimportant information should not be presented as it takes away from the momentum of the sim.

STF Directive #14

A) No ship within the STF is permitted the use of any super-weapons or armor during the progress of a sim unless they have been given special permission from the admiralty.
B) No ship within the STF is permitted can have a transwarp drive. The temporary use of transwarp must be cleared with the admiralty.
C) No ship within the STF may be completely destroyed without the permission of the admiralty.
D) No STF member, including a commandering officer, may kill a crew member's character without the permission of that STF member and clearance from the admiralty.

STF Directive #15

A) Any member that wishes to create a chat room specifically for recruiting purposes should use the StarTrek STF Recruit room. This chatroom is to be used solely for the recruitment of possible STF members.
B) While recruiting, STF members shall behave in a manner befitting a Starfleet Officer. Recruitment is done for the STF as a group, and not for any one ship. Each new recruit will be placed on a ship that best fits his/her schedule. Any recruit stating that he/she is available for the timeslot of more than one ship will be placed on the ship that is most in need of crew.

STF Directive #16

A) No member shall use the STF mailstring for the purpose of voicing their political views, opinions, or the distribution of spam or chain letters. Any member that does so will be reprimanded. Any member that distributes spam mail or chain letters may be reported to the AOL Terms of Service Department, as it is a violation of the terms of service.
B) Any responses to mail sent to the mailstring should be sent to the admiralty alone and not the entire string.
C) If a mailstring violation occurs, respond only to the admiralty and not all that received the e-mail, so that you do not commit the same violation.

STF Directive #17

The STF has a member created adversary called the Coalition of Allied Planets. The CAP was created to enhance sim plots and create more exiting sims for members. Any CO of the STF may use the CAP in his/her plots and any STF member may refer to the CAP during conversations, sim suggestions, etc. The CAP was created by the STF Admiralty for the sole purpose of use in the STF. Any outside person or persons wishing to use the CAP must gain permission from the STF Admiralty first.

STF Directive #18

A) STF Members are required to go to 'At Attention' stance when any member of the STF Admiralty enters a sim room, unless a member with higher rank is already present. Members will also go AA for Admirals when in the recruiting room, unless it directly interferes with the process of assisting a recruit. All members under the rank of Commodore are subject to this directive.
B) When the commanding officer of a ship enters his/her simming room, all crew members currently in that room are required to go AA for him/her. If a member enters after the commanding officer is already present, that member is not required to go AA.

STF Directive #19

The STF admiralty reserves the right to incorporate any new directives and/or update any existing directive with the goal of preventing any new and unforeseen occurrences that may adversely affect the STF and/or its members.


Note: Some text on this page is used with permission of the Exploratory Crews of the Federation simming group.