Age of Enlightenment for mind body
            and spirit

Human Body
Human Mind
Human Spirit
  Alternate Life
  Self Government
  Firm unafraid listen
  Deepak Chopra
  Gaian Paradigm
  Ten Communities
  Vision for Lobsang
  The Awakening
  Local Food

  Local Currencies  
Untying Body Mind Spirit Vision

Vision of the Future


Once the end-of-era upheavals are complete,
our earth will see a new era and experience a different paradigm.

We examine old and new ideas and speculate what our new era might hold.

We share our appreciation of being incarnate during these exciting times.

measure of a civilisation

Anarchism in Social Evolution

An original philosophy of anarchism based on mutual aid.
Kropotkin is a prototype of the non-Marxist Russian revolutionary thinker of the 19th century.
In him were combined the major themes of the revolutionary socialists:
populism, materialism, communalism, anarchism, and scientism.
Kropotkin's distinctive contribution was to combine these themes into an original philosophy of anarchism based on mutual aid.
He provides a prediction of Europe beeing in chaos, and rising into anarchic communism.

Alternate Way of Life

A picture of life in the current new era of love

Self Government

Taking our own responsibility removes the need for government

People stand firm, unafraid, and listen

In the face of rising light and love, a planet’s population wakes from sleep, emerges from control, and reclaims its freedom.

Deepak Chopra: Unified Field

When scientists, theologians and politicians realise that "The Unified Field" and "God" are one and the same thing, then we as a a race will begin to make rapid progress to such an extent that it will be difficult to understand why the concept had not been adopted earlier.

Gaian Paradigm

The Gaian Paradigm challenges us to prepare ourselves for an avalanche of social, political and economic change in the years ahead. This millennium is evolving radically differently from anthropocentric (man-centered) paradigm which has dominated the past 2000 years.

Shambhala Prophecy

The Tibetan Buddhist prophecy foretells of a time when all life on Earth is in danger. Great barbarian powers have arisen. Although these powers spend much of their wealth in preparations to annihilate each other, they have much in common: weapons of unfathomable destructive power, and technologies that lay waste our world. In this era, when the future of sentient life hangs by the frailest of threads, the kingdom of Shambhala emerges.

Ten Communities in Europe

A video of ten different sustainable communities in Europe


2 part Video

Economics of local food

Local food strengthens the economy.
 It keeps money in local communities and helps create jobs

Vision for Lobsang

Lama Lobsang has a very interesting, yet difficult to believe story

about an underground survival chamber with highly advanced technology

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