Age of Enlightenment for mind body and spirit

Human Body
Human Mind
Human Spirit
Free energy
Human Body
  Hatha Yoga
  Protein Gambit
  Why Vegetarian?
  Science of Breath
  Affliction causes
  Oil Pulling
  Avian Flu
  Cancer Cures
  Four beliefs
  Chinese Hospital

Untying Body Mind Spirit Vision

Mastery of the Human Body

- health and function


It's time to take care of your own body.
The best place to start is to appreciate that you do have a body.
No-one else can ever feel your body as much as you do.
Your body talks to you if you are prepared to listen.
It will even suggest the best ways to reduce pain and fever,
and give an idea of the best direction for healing.
But that only happens if the body is free of anti-biotics
and foreign chemicals.

You can cure your own ills through knowledge

Common beliefs detrimental to a healthy body

Little known benefits to promote a healthy body


There is no scientific proof that vaccination has any benefit,
yet there are many experiments and case studies
which indicate the detrimental values of vaccination.
Does it seem dangerous to inject foreign matter directly into your blood stream?


Western Medical world in denial of of chakras, which are verifiable by simple instruments, such as a pendulum.

Glutomate ; Aspartate

Much food on our supermarket shelves now contains MSG and Aspartame,
both of which lead to Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease

Hatha Yoga - The Yoga of the Body

The wisdom of the ancients set out in a logical and understandable way, giving us a new look at the care of our bodies


Why the cancer industry fails us so miserably - why current treatments are unsatisfactory - Avian Flu and Drugless Doctors
Jon Rappoport on 1918 flu disaster.

Why Vegetarian?

 An explanation of the health and spiritual benefits of not consuming dead animals.

Protein Gambit

Recent emphasis on protein requirements has led to
an epidemic of diseases like osteoarthritis.
It is difficult to design a diet with insufficient protein.

Science of Breath

To breathe is to live -  without breath there is no life.  Animals and plants dependent upon breath for life and health.


The use of refined sugar has increased exponentially over the last century, leading to an epidemic of diabetes.

Four Beliefs Defy Modern Science

Dr. Bruce Lipton explains some of the detrimental thinking that we suffer from.


A detailed explanation of why the cancer industry fails us so miserably, and why current treatments are unsatisfactory


Shortage of water can cause fatigue and energy loss,
as well as many other afflictions.

Cancer Cures

Some of the several hundred ways of curing cancer Little known information about the human body,
and how to look after it  a healthy way.

Affliction causes

Physiological afflictions and psychological origins

Avian Flu and Drugless Doctors

Jon Rappoport on the 1918 flu disaster.

Dental Hygiene

Teeth re-enamelise naturally

Chinese Hospital Using No Medicine

Huaxia Zhineng Qigong Clinic & Training Center, simply
known as the Center, normally has more than four thousand
people living there, including doctors, patients, ChiLel
teachers, trainees, and supporting personnel.

Oil Pulling

The oil pulls all mucous, bacteria and toxins from our body through our saliva. In Ayurvedic medicine, mucous is a poison that must be removed.

Health starts with healthy food.
Food with high nutrition does not make the body work as hard as food with low nutrition,
therefore we require far less volume if we eat highly nutritious food, as produced by nature.
Permaculture   - Bill Mollinson
Permanent Agriculture
Permanent Culture
Permaculture provides everything we need for survival.
Advanced practitioners, see Psychic Healing

Sunday Humour   ¦  Contact us: dgwest7 at