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Welcome to My Dark Corner of the Web

This is going to be my home for a while. You'll know you're in the right place when you see the same picture of me. MySpace is a bit easier to use but I'm not too impressed with the people that think it's a site for singles and players. A great place if you are in a band, though.
See you there. Or here. Who knows, maybe I'll do both. Maybe not. I am a tad lazy.
Sept.5, 2006
It's been a long time. What can I say? Summer vacation is a busy time.
Another funeral recently. Aunt Lucy, I will miss your smiling face.

I have so many things that I absolutley have to bitch about. Most important being that the little fuckers that burned down my fence and traumatized my daughter got away with it. Take a lesson you worthless shits...lying works. With a witness that actually saw them pour the gas, light it and run away, they still got off with NOTHING. The crown idiot didn't ever speak with me about the case. The cops didn't bother to go and pick up the evidence (namely, the gas can)that was pointed out to them by the witness. The kids were ratting each other out the night it happened but the cops neglected to mention that. Random people that I never met before in my life have commented about "that Charbonneau kid...he's the one that set your fence on fire, eh?". Fucking right he did. And he had some help. But don't worry, people. As the crown attroney told me, they tried their best and he'll get his punishment from God. Yes, God.
Are you fucking kidding me? How about you try HARDER and leave God out of it. He does not care about my fence. Stupid whore.
June 20, 2006
Carolina Hurricanes as Stanley Cup champs?! Maybe now those southerners will understand hockey enough to realize that you do NOT have cheerleaders in the NHL. I can't complain, game 7's are fun to watch. I just have a teeny little question that kinda relates to hockey...why the hell is Kid Rock a Canes fan? Yes, I know Karmanos is based in Detroit and they could be friends. So what?
I also have a question for Dave Mustaine. This has been bothering me for the last few days, ever since I watched Some Kind of Monster. Why should I buy your music anymore? You don't have any faith in yourself. You think you are second best. That is not a very rock n roll metalhead attitude, Dave. Fuck Metallica. Since the Black album they have had about 2 decent songs. I would choose Megadeth over them in a second. Quit living in the past and do your own thing. You are amazing. "The System Has Failed" kicks ass from start to finish. Do you know how difficult it is to find a CD that you don't have to program only the good songs to play? Extremely. Why do you think people download individual songs? Because most albums are shit and who wants to pay $20 for one or two good songs? Needless to say, we purchased 'System' and love it.
OK, time to go, coffee is waiting.

June 7, 2006
Yes, I am still alive. I have been busy. I do have a life. A pathetic excuse for one, anyways. I am not in the best of moods. I have been sick for over a week with a middle ear disorder that causes me to feel constantly hung over. Better yet, there's no little pill to make it all better. If you can't get a hard on, there's a pill. If you need hair, there's a pill. If you maybe got pregnant last night and do not wish to be, there's a pill. If you feel dizzy and cannot sit up or stand up and you have to crawl to the bathroom and you can't eat because you feel like you will throw up even though you know you probably won't and no one in your home can take care of themselves or do dishes or walk the dog so you really can't be sick, not to mention the job you are neglecting that you actually get paid for and you actually like...sorry, you'll have to heal on your own. Fuck you, drug companies. Fuck you.
Oh, and did I mention that my neighbourhood is now a trailer park? Yes, I love the show "Trailer Park Boys" but Julien is not here to solve my money problems, people. So this is not good. Why, you may be wondering, is Amy's already kinda crappy 'hood deteriorating into a trailer park? I will tell you why. I looked out my window to see my daughter (who is 8) and her friend (who is 9) pushing around someone's baby in a sort of stroller that has only 2 wheels so you have to exert some effort in holding it up so the baby does not crash into the asphalt. Who's baby? I have no fucking idea. There are no adults anywhere in sight. Honestly. Oh, and my new neighbour's name is Candy. Her and her friends like to drink during the day and disguise their alcohol in coffee mugs. At least I use a Gatorade bottle (it fits more).
I am devolving. Please help.
April 13, 2006
OK, so I forgot my username and password for lycos. Now I can't erase all the crappy spammy stuff from my guestbook.
Sad news, Grandma Rivait died. I realized that I really don't care for religious ceremonies at all. I just feel like a total phony sitting in a Catholic church. Of course, in life there are some thing you just have to do for other people. So I did. I really listened to the whole mass. I think I have discovered something new...Jesus may have been a vampire. Hold on..don't crucify me yet. Think about the words that the priest says before communion (which I have recently learned is not merely a symbol of the body and blood but as a Catholic you must believe it becomes Jesus' actual body and blood). Take my body and eat it and you shall have eternal life? Same for the blood. Hmmm.
I really could write a novel on everything I dislike about religion. I am not saying spirituality is a bad thing. I think I believe in ghosts and maybe angels. Maybe not. I will say one thing for sure, I do NOT believe that God created us or the world we live in. I'm not enirely sure that I believe in God at all. I just can't. And so, I am afraid to die. Maybe I'll research the whole reincarnation thing.
Lighter topics, anyone?
The NFL draft is in a few weeks. Please, T.S. if you read this, let that be my weekend off!
Speaking of T.S., we are going to a performance of The Sound of Music soon. I cannot wait. It may just turn into a singalong. Yodel-ay-he-hoo.
Take care, people.

March 1, 2006
Well today is the day that I try to re-organize this site. I need to move all the old stuff (without losing it) to somewhere, anywhere, else. I'm betting you don't much care. I've got my music on to make the job flow. I've got a pot of coffee to make me...nevermind.
Before I forget,and I am trying to, WTF was going on in Italy? Honestly it was embarassing to be a Canadian hockey fan. Enough said.

It's finally here! Since no one offered me any tickets I guess I'll have to stay home at watch it on TV. Oh well. Next time for sure. In case you aren't aware of what I'm talking about, it's Superbowl XL. So named because of Bettis's large, extra large, size. Funny, eh? As I write this my dog is barking up a storm because apparently there are fireworks being set off across the river. I cannot see them but I can definitely hear them. Since it's a bit late for some people I suppose I better quiet him down.
OK, that should last about 22 seconds. Pyrenees are not known for being quiet.
Hopefully we will be heading to the expo at Cobo Hall tomorrow. The bus situation is a hassle since you have to pre-register for a seat but it still beats finding a parking space. Halftime is going to be rather boring this year. Calm down, I like the Stones but they just don't seem Detroit-ish to me. How about Kid Rock and Eminem? Kiss? (I know they're from NY, but they love the Motor City) I just hope the Stones play something classic and that does not mean a medley of their great songs, pick one and play the whole thing. Please.
I don't think it's safe to say my pick out loud yet. I do not want to be responsible for any losses anymore. Yes, I do have that much power. It's still around somewhere on this site, use your head and you can find it.
I'd like to say a belated good-bye to Yvette. Whenever I hear the word Jagermeister I'll think of you. Also, I may steal your saying of "mother father" when you are angry. It's the fathering funniest when you say it though. Cheers.
That's all for now, I'm in the mood to watch a movie, not type. Jeez. oh, one last have to check out . It;s very entertaining, hilarious and clever. Enjoy. The actual link is on my links page. Bye.
May the Force be with you.

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