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Mon, 25 Apr 2005
week 4... too early to freak
Mood:  rushed
Now Playing: puddle of mudd - "control"
Topic: adulthood
yesterday was a weird sort of day for me.

i told jamie i was going to go to the second service at church, so he set the alarm for 10. but beau was in his bed screaming and kali was standing at the edge of mine snuffling, so i really couldn't sleep no matter how hard i tried... i got up and made it on time for the first service. i got many many comments about my hair, and beau got many many comments about his.

when i got home the alarm jamie had set (and i had forgotten to turn off) was going off... i guess it had scared kali and she had diarrhea... all over the place... joy...

i laid beau down for a nap expecting him to wake up in an hour or so and laid myself down for a nap too... 4 hours later jamie came home and from then on i was all strange b/c my internal clock had been messed up... i then went to watch trey and chris play the new pirate game, which is too cool! really... a game with little ships you push around the table... it's EXcellent...

then i read melissa's papers and attempted to edit them... not so good in that department, as my brain was all fuzzy, but it was good to know i was the 3rd person to have read them... not so much pressure... :p

and then i worked out a pretty crappy solution to my color theory homework... and on that note i will start panicking about it... see i wasn't able to buy my illustration board before class, so i'm going to mount it on bristol board and hope i get to school early enough to buy the illustration board and cut and mount it at school... NO PRESSURE THOUGH... ack!

and to add to that i think i'm getting sick... my lungs feel all tight... they have for about a week, but it was bad enough that i couldn't really sleep well last night... having had pneumonia before, i am freaking out, b/c i remember it coming on really suddenly and not being able to breathe... ahh... just what i need... AND.. my mom's b-day is tomorrow... and i have two perspective drawings due thursday (interior and exterior... and i've only started the ext.)... and i have a big project due friday, and the only place i can work on it is at school... so that is several hours extra i will be at school this week... when i'm not feeling too great...
ok... calming down... a bit
need to eat (aka; wizard needs food, badly)...

sorry for such a random, boring entry... but this is, after all, my blog... if you don't like it, go away.


Posted by Robyn at 10:32 AM CDT
Updated: Mon, 25 Apr 2005 10:38 AM CDT
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