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Thu, 15 Apr 2004
these things
Mood:  quizzical
Topic: adulthood
there are all sorts of gadgets on my keyboard and i have no clue what they do... i want to push them, but then what will happen?

there is one with a little person raising his arms--"iTouch"... what is iTouch? then there's one with a little man running--"Go"... go where? there's also a random arrow pointing at i don't know what...

this seems to be a theme. i drive around town and realize there are roads i have never been down. where do they take me? logic tells me that it doesn't matter--these roads and buttons have nothing to do with me, i haven't needed them yet and therefore i do not need them. but if in fact i do one day need them they will be there for me.

and yet another part of my brain, the part that doesn't fit in with the rest of the world... that part tells me I should push the buttons and take the random roads, Lord knows what they do or where they go but wouldn't it be fun to find out? wouldn't it be fun, just for once to do something out of the ordinary? to jump up and shout "i love you!" so everyone can know? or to unabashedly weep in a store... or to sing at the top of your lungs? why don't we do these things? they make sense to me... they make life better... why don't we do these things?

Posted by Robyn at 5:12 PM CDT
Updated: Thu, 9 Sep 2004 6:43 PM CDT
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