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Fourni Town - Archipelagos Restaurant
Fourni restaurants

This is the restaurant of the beautiful hotel where we stayed and it is situated at the edge of the port of Fourni Town. It also has a terrace in front of the hotel on the pier. You can have breakfast for little money or just a drink or a cup of coffee but you can also have some delicious food. The coffee is fine, Illy coffee, and for dinner you can choose from a number of dishes. All the food is organic and really very well prepared. The Greek salads are big and very tasty, the fried chicken fillet is nice and crispy, there's excellent mousaka, the tzatziki is just fine and there is a very nice white house-wine. It is also the only address on Fourni where we really tasty and crispy fries. For some reason this is hard to find on the Greek islands and mostly you end up with soft fries. Despite the more elegant appearance (good seats, nice china and glasses and real tablecloths instead of paper) is not more expensive than the other restaurants we tried.

Our verdict: 9 out of 10

Fourni Town - Archontiko Café
Fourni restaurants

The Cafe Archontiko you can find in the port of Fourni Town. It has a terrace that lies in the shadow of a large number of old tamarinde trees. You can have breakfast and small snacks or order a cup of coffee. The cappuccino is a strong cup of Illy coffee with whipped milk. It is served with a biscuit and a glass of cold water. Exactly as it should be. It only takes a long time before a cappuccinno ends up on your table, but this happens in many restaurants and cafes. The Greeks are probably for that reason still all hooked on their frappé's and nescafé.

Our verdict: 8 out of 10

Fourni Town - Delfinakia Restaurant / Snack Bar
Fourni restaurants

The Delfinakia Restaurant is located in the port of Fourni and actually we went there for something to eat because almost everything else was closed at that time (between 3 and 8 hours not all shops and restaurants are open). It is decorated with plastic flowers and stuff. There was no menu, but they did have hamburgers and a lot of fish. The Greek salad and the tzatziki were okay but not special or something extra. The bread was not in 1 piece so that means they redistrubute the bread that the other guests leave (and where they might put their hands on maybe).

Our verdict: 7 out of 10

Fourni Town - H Kali Kardia Taverna
Fourni restaurants

This restaurant is at the end of the main street in the large church. Outside are all kinds of meat rotating on a grill and there are some older villagers with a drink between de diner tourists. The Greek salad was fine, but the tzatziki contained very little cucumber and seemed more like Greek yoghurt with garlic. We ordered the chicken giros with fries. The portions were very large, the chicken was good, and the fries were reasonably crisp (ie: not completely soft). The white wine was okay, the bread is very tasty and the people, as anywhere on Fourni, very friendly. After diner we got an extra free glass of wine.

Our verdict: 8 out of 10

Fourni Town - Koytoyki Restaurant
Fourni restaurants

This restaurant is situated in the main street that leads to the big church and it has (blue) chairs and tables on both sides of the street plus a number of tables inside. The "menu" is a large glass buffet where the food is displayed and you can choose. This restaurant had from all the restaurants we tried the most original dishes with, among other things large beans (and you don't see those very often on the Greek islands), boiled potatoes, carrots, stuffed eggplants, a kind of tuna / creme and a tasty white wine. The bread was in one piece (so not from other guests who were there before you) and the service extremely friendly. Sometimes it took a while to explain the wishes because of the language barrier. Special dishes you do not find everywhere. When I asked for a busines card of the restaurant we both got one plus a free lighter with the name of the restaurant on it. For dessert we got a very large dish of fruit (apples and oranges) with honey for free. In addition, the restaurant also is very inexpensive.

Our verdict: 9 out of 10

Fourni Town - Nikos Taverna
Fourni restaurants

Nikos was the first restaurant in Fourni Town that we tried. It is on the quay at the corner on the main street and the chairs and the rest are mostly painted light blue. Nikos was very friendly, introduced himself and shook our hands as a welcome. After that it was "a journey back in time " because at Nikos we had to look in the pots and the pans in the kitchen, which was very nice and brought back old memories. The bread was fresh and in 1 piece, the pasta with bacon, mushrooms and cheese delightful, just like the tzatziki, the Greek salad, the lamb with spinach and spagetthi, the wine and the stuffed eggplants. The only minor thing were those soft french fries again: it looks nice, but for us, the people from Holland (and Belgium) this is disappointing.

Our verdict: 9 out of 10

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