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Tuesday, 3 July 2007
Trusting the Process
Now Playing: "Turn, Turn, Turn" by the Byrds
Topic: General Info

Turn, Turn, Turn

To everything (turn, turn, turn)
There is a season (turn, turn, turn)
And a time for every purpose, under heaven

A time to be born, a time to die
A time to plant, a time to reap
A time to kill, a time to heal
A time to laugh, a time to weep

To everything (turn, turn, turn)
There is a season (turn, turn, turn)
And a time for every purpose, under heaven

A time to build up,a time to break down
A time to dance, a time to mourn
A time to cast away stones, a time to gather stones together

To everything (turn, turn, turn)
There is a season (turn, turn, turn)
And a time for every purpose, under heaven

A time of love, a time of hate
A time of war, a time of peace
A time you may embrace, a time to refrain from embracing

To everything (turn, turn, turn)
There is a season (turn, turn, turn)
And a time for every purpose, under heaven

A time to gain, a time to lose
A time to rend, a time to sew
A time to love, a time to hate
A time for peace, I swear its not too late

Words-adapted from the bible, book of Ecclesiastes
Music-Pete S eeger

Sometimes it is hard to realize things are moving in the right direction when times get tough, but it is all a part of the natural order of things. Everything has a purpose...a reason...a time...and everything is all good.

I haven't written for quite some time in my Notes from the Naturopath. I would like to try and get back to writing an entry once every week. I've been so busy with other things, and it has bothered me greatly to be away like I've been. But, everything in its own time.

Before I really get into the topic at hand, I would like to thank everyone for their prayers concerning my Mom. If you haven't read what I shared about this, you can read now by clicking here.

I am extremely happy to say that my Mom is back in her apartment now, safe and sound. She has been through quite an ordeal, and it is not over yet. At 91, she had a massive heart attack, but she recovered beautifully, in my opinion, due greatly to prayer.

She was sent to a nursing home for a week to undergo cardiac therapy then after that, and that's when the worst part began. A huge piece of furniture...a wooden wardrobe...fell down on top of her, causing her to have to have 9 stitches put into her head, and she also suffered a concussion as a result. She also got an infection while in the nursing home.

Whether from the concussion or the infection or due to a combination of both, she suffered diarrhea and vomiting, and then was neglected by the nursing home and dehydration set rapidly in. After a great deal of arguing over the phone with the nurse in charge who did not want to listen when I told her my mother's voice did not sound right on the phone...she was taken back to the hospital, and come to find out, she was in renal failure and her organs were shutting down. We almost lost her, but through prayer (and the nagging persistence of a daughter who doesn't trust institutionalized health care!), she is finally almost through all of this now.

There was more that happened, but I'll save that for our day in court!  I'm hoping my family will sue. It was awful what my mother went through, and the cover-up attempts by the nursing home were a complete and utter disgrace.  No one should be made to endure what they put her and us through when they are supposed to be there to help.  Through their negligence she almost died.  Then to top it all off, they tried to tell us that she needed to stay there forever.  We thought we were going to have a fight on our hands, but we got her out of there and now she's back home where she wants to be and she is doing just fine!


As to the topic, something my mother said to me while she was in the hospital struck me. She summed up 91 years of life on this earth by saying that all sorts of things happen to you in a lifetime, and they all pass away. She remarked that things change so quickly, and all you can do is just to go with the flow and do the best that you can, trusting that it is all good.

How simple. Just let go and let God. Allow life to happen and trust.

That's how I try to live my life. I was blessed with the knowledge of what my life's work was to be at a very young age, and since then, I have pursued my goals throughout all the twists and the turns life has presented to me. Sometimes it seemed as if I was heading in the wrong direction, but upon walking a few steps further in faith, evidence has always been presented to show me that it has all been a part of the Plan.

There have also been times in my life when it has seemed like the obstacles were too great for me to overcome, and that my dreams were too much to hope to come true. What I have come to find out, however, is that the obstacles encountered along the way were not to keep me from achieving my goals, but rather to help me in the long run to be better able to carry them out.

Let me see if I can explain what I mean by giving an example to you.

Take the financial hardship that I have encountered in my personal life. I won't get into the details right now, but suffice it to say that we have been quite destitute.

But riches are not always measured in money, and I believe that God is the Source of all good, and that there is plenty of good all around. As a matter of fact, I believe there is GOOD in ALL, because I believe God IS Good, and God is EVERYWHERE.

Sooooo....where is the good in not having money? I'm trying to raise a family, maintain our health naturally, and establish a natural health learning center that would be of such good to so many people...where is the good in us being too poor to accomplish these goals?

Ahhhh...but therein lies the answer. If I believe that God is directing me in the ways that I need to go to achieve my purpose in life, which I do, because that's what I pray fervently for everyday...then NOTHING can keep me from accomplishing the goals as given to me by God. I believe they are Divinely inspired, and so nothing can stand in my way.

So then where is the good? The good is in looking deeper for healing ways. It's not always possible for people to dig in their pockets to get what they need to be well. But if God always gives what we need, then money must not be required to gain health.

Health is in the thoughts we think, the food we eat, the way that we take in our air. It's in the water we drink, the love that we share, and in the colors and sounds. Health is in the fragrance of life and in our laughter and tears. Health is our birthright as creatures of God, living here on planet Earth!

It is my mission to Give Folk Medicine Back to the Folks, and to Teach People to Teach People to Teach! It is towards this end that I have been working to establish a natural health learning center, both on and offline.  It seems like it is taking forever, but it is happening in its own time.

Time.  We tend to want things to happen instantly, and we want to always feel good.  But life isn't like that. Sometimes life can be uncomfortable, this much is true, and sometimes it can be downright hard, and a lot of people want to make it all go away with some medical miracle surgery or drug, or maybe with money or some other way of escaping and getting out of the responsibility of actually facing and growing through problems in life. 

But when I look at that picture above of my mother, and I see so much wisdom inside those eyes, I know that life is worth living.  She's had so many experiences and lived through so much over the years.  My mother is the most perfect combination of guts and of grace that I've ever known in my life!

And when I look into the eyes of my mother, I see that the only thing out of any of it that matters is love.  She can't always remember the details of her 92 years, but she always, always, always remembers the love.

Since I started writing this article, my mother has gone into the hospital again.  She is currently in cardiac care with congestive heart failure.  Through prayer and her will to survive, she is doing MUCH better today. 

Things change so quickly...Sunday she was surrounded by family and friends at her birthday party, and Tuesday she's got an IV and an oxygen mask and is hooked up to lots of machines.  I talked to her first thing this morning, however, and she was sitting up in bed eating a great big breakfast and getting ready to take a bath, sounding as chipper as ever and hoping to be going home soon.  I'm hoping maybe today.  I don't like her in there for too long, because, well....I won't get into all that, but I don't!

I know that one of these days my mother will leave us, and that thought is so saddening to me.  But today she's alive, and I know that her love will live on forever.  I hope that I can be half as loving a being as my mother has taught me to be.

Now it's time to enjoy the 4th of July!  May the people in this country and in the whole world be free!

Naturally Yours  in Good Health,

Vibraceous, ND

Mary Jo Eshelman, ND, CTN, CNHP, D.D.

All Natural HealthWorks!
Holistic Education and Research Unlimited...


The information presented is the author's personal and professional opinion, and is intended for educational purposes only. Nothing printed here is designed to take the place of a physician's advice. If you are experiencing problems with your health, it is recommended that you consult with a licensed health care professional. All Natural HealthWorks! is not responsible for any damages or ill-effects resulting from the information presented herein, nor do we make any recommendations regarding your health. We are simply here as a resource for you in making your own choices for your health yourself.



Posted by super2/allnaturalhealth at 9:38 AM EDT
Updated: Wednesday, 4 July 2007 11:19 AM EDT
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