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Thursday, 24 June 2010
Mood:  accident prone
Now Playing: "Crippled Inside," by John Lennon
Topic: Disability

We're all disabled in one way or another, considering that we were all created in the image and likeness of God and just take a look at us all.  We were created with perfect design, yet we don't always quite fit the bill!

But there's a norm...and then there is that which goes beyond that into a realm where functioning in the norm isn't as easy as it ought to be.  Outside the lines, so to say.

I live in that realm.  I have a disability which makes certain things abnormally difficult for me to do.  It doesn't really matter which part is malfunctioning severely...the point is that it doesn't have to mean the end of the world.  For me it's my brain.  I incurred countless serious injuries to my brain for a number of years when I was quite young.  That's all I'm going to say at this point in time, because this isn't a story about what happened to me.

But a disability of any type means that it's difficult every day in some way.  It's all a matter of degrees, but it's always there.  Life is difficult every day in some way to everyone, it's not really that we're so different than them, it's just that we have physical things which make it harder on top of all that.  

Sometimes it can be so hard to get it all in perspective!  We just have to try harder, that's all!  And also we have to do things differently to achieve the same goal.  If we can't use our legs, we have to figure another way to get from point A to point B, but it doesn't mean we can't go! matter what it is that's getting me down in any one it a huge cloud of confusion and forgetfulness soaked with rainy moods and emotions...or horrendous bodily pain (repetitive concussion syndrome causes a whole lot of pain that people don't always see)...or if it's fatigue that has me beat down...I find that I have to try harder...even if trying harder means taking a nap.

What will help any disability?  Well, there are plenty of things.  Allow me to list a few:

  • Give thanks for everything and don't judge good or bad
  • Remember to breathe deeply and fully at all times
  • Look for the good in your life
  • Learn to love life!
  • Drink lots of pure water (a gallon a day would be great for most folks!)
  • Let go of resentments...forgive yourself and others
  • Eat fresh, local, unpoisoned, unprocessed food from the earth
  • Limit poisons as much as you your food, in your home, in your workplace, in your medicine, etc.
  • Seek natural means to undue the damage (i.e., herbs for deep cellular cleanses, liver and other eliminatory support)
  • Spend time outdoors in the sunshine each day
  • Smell the flowers...REAL flowers!  Synthetic fragrances are poison to breathe!
  • Get plenty of exercise...stretch what you can stretch and move what you can move every way it can move!  Don't become more inactive than you need to be.
  • Listen to your when tired, eat when hungry, drink when thirsty, cry when you need to cry (but also be sure to laugh!)
  • Take up a hobby
  • Spend time with friends
  • Love, love, love!
  • Be nice to yourself and others
  • Don't give up!!!!!!!!!!!!  Always believe there's a way your life can get better!
  • Only give into self-pity a little (to deny it altogether would be "denial")
  • Join a support group.  Here's a good one online:  Calling All Disabled
  • Keep learning about natural health!!!

Gee, isn't that a pretty good list for everyone?  See what I mean about that?

Naturally Yours in Good Health,

Vibraceous, ND

 Dr. Jody Eshelman, ND, CTN, CNHP, D.D.

Posted by super2/allnaturalhealth at 8:36 AM EDT
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