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Mabon-September 20-23-Mabon signifys the autmnal equinox. Traditionally, it is the day of final harvest, when all give thanks. Today, for some, it still holds that meaning, but for most, it is a celebration of a perfect balance between day and night. This Sabbat marks the beginning of longer nights, and colder days.

Samhain-October 31- This is the day of the dead. To honor our loved dead, some Wiccans may put out food for the spirits. This is also a celtic new years eve.

Yule-December 20-23- Yule marks the winter solstice. The sun is at it's lowest point in the sky. On this day, Goddess gives birth to God. This represents the days getting longer and warmer from this point on.

Imbolic-February 2 -Imbolic signifys the seeds beginning to awaken in mother earth. It is a time for purification.

Ostara- March 20- 23- On Ostara we celebrate the vernal equinox, or, spring! God is getting stronger and is now bringing much longer and warmer days to us.

Beltane May 1 - This is a celebration of soul-joining (sex) and fertility. Some Wiccans Choose to have a May-Pole where they dance around with fabric ribbions, interweaving them. We look back today, on our ancestors, and realize that then, sex was not a sin, but a holy act.

Litha-June 20-23- This is a day to honor the summer solstice, when God is at his Highest. We bask in the glory of his warmth and growth.

Lugnasad-August 1- This festival marks the first harvest. We honor the grain and food that gives us all life.