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The Sabbats

A Sabbat is the name for the eight high, holy celebrations of the year. Four of these fall on a seasonal change.

Below is an example of a Sabbat ceremony's beginning and closure. This example is in no way written in stone, and these ceremonies may change due to personal choice or tradition.

* First, lay four flat stones to represent teh four elemental directions (earth-North, air-East, Fire-South, Water-west).

* Use your Besom to sweep around the area to rid it of negitivity.

* Set your altar so that it faces to the north.

* Use a purple cord to join the 4 stones in a circle.

* Light Your candles and incense in the censor.

* Consecrate your athame (it should be laying on your penticle in the center of the altar)

To consecrate the knife, say- (more to come, Keep Checking Back)