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  • Samhain is he celebration of the final end of summer and of homoring those dead.

  • It is the time to bid farewell to God until he is reborn of Goddess at Yule

  • Many years ago, it was the time to slaughter and sacrifice animals to God to ensure survival through the winter. Since God was seen as a great beast with horns, the slaughter was symbolic of his passing.

  • Samhain is a time to come to an understanding of the natural cycles of life, and that all ife faces death.

  • It is a time to remember all those who have journeyed to the land of the young (heaven or the summerland)

  • During the day of and the day after Samhain, Wiccans believe that the spiritual/physical barriers are at their lowest. Most magick is worked on these days because of this.

  • It is a time to reflect upon your life over the past year and correct misdeeds. Align yourself with the thirteen goals.

  • It is a time to remember that the beliefs of an individual Wiccan are a part of Wicca. If your beliefs are not balanced, you damage Wicca, and, in turn, damage Goddess and God.

  • The Colors of Samhain are red and black and both should truely be represented upon the altar.