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"Alright, everybody, listen up!" Kyle stood up before the others, "We called this meeting because we wanna do something about the bullying on 2nd St. Does anybody have any ideas?"

"Let's give 'em a taste of their own medicine!" one kid yelled.

"Yeah!" came the chorus of responses.

"Okay, so you guys wanna get water guns and squirt them back?"

"Yeah!" everyone yelled. Ryan stood in the corner, shaking his head.

"Since I'm the leader, I want you guys back here by this time tomorrow with as many guns as you can get. We'll teach 'em!" Kyle announced. He quickly stepped back to avoid the stampede of kids running out the door and walked towards Ryan.

"See, that wasn't so bad," Kyle said.

"Oh, yeah! You're gonna go up to those guys point the little squirt guns at 'em, and pull the trigger. What's that gonna do, get 'em wet?" Ryan retorted.

"Well, it worked on you!" Kyle pointed out. Ryan shook his head and sullenly walked away.

"Hey, we're doing this for you, Ryan! Remember that!" Kyle shouted after him.


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