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The next day, hordes of teenagers showed up at Kyle's house. It was apparent that most of the kids had told their friends, who told their friends. The turn-out was so big, they had to hold the meeting outside in the front yard. Kyle got right to work. He taught them how to fire their guns accurately, how to move silently, how to maintain a formation while running, which guns are for which jobs, how to dodge fire, and how important it was to follow orders. He picked out three lieutenants: Mitch, Dave, and Jake. They were assigned each a squad of four, plus themselves. Even Ryan joined in, excited. Then, at the end of the drills, Kyle made a speech.

"We are joined here today, with a common purpose. And that is to end the tyranny of not only the bullies of 2nd St, but to free all of Santerville from their dictatorship!" Kyle boomed, while the kids cheered.

"We will make it safe, once again, to walk the streets in peace!" Kyle went on.

"We will, through diligence, work, drilling, and loyalty, accomplish all of these goals, and go down in history, as the men who freed Santerville, forever!" Kyle finished and bowed.

"Well, okay, maybe through sheer numbers you'll win, but I have one question," Ryan said.

"What's that?" Kyle asked.

"Why didn't you pick me for a lieutenant?"

"Because, silly, you're the second-in-command!" Kyle announced, proudly.

"Oh!" Ryan said, "So when do we attack?"

"Tomorrow!" Kyle declared.


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