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Ryan walked in to the cafeteria and scanned the room quickly. He spotted Kyle with a group of boys on one end of the room and went to join them.
"...and when they jumped out at us..." Kyle stopped talking as he saw Ryan walking up.
"Hey, Kyle. What were you guys talking about?" Ryan asked.
"Uh...we were...uh, talking about the new game console that hit the stores the other day."
"Oh! Have you seen it?" Ryan inquired, excitingly.
"Yeah!" one of the boys said, "It's pretty cool."
"Well, uh, listen, I gotta go to class, 'cause I gotta talk to my teacher about some...I gotta go." Kyle's voice trailed off as he left the cafeteria in a hurry.
"What was that all about?" Ryan wondered.
"Dunno, man," one of the guys said.
"So what's this about a new console..."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Kyle plopped down on his couch in the living room.
"But why did you have to tell them?" Ryan asked.
"I don't know, it just...I had to tell someone!" Kyle explained. "It could be good. They wanna help!"
"I said, they wanna help.
"Ok, well that's a different story.
"Yeah, but they're also gonna be here in about twenty minutes."


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