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Salut tout le monde premiere des choses si je fais des fautes d'ortograph ne faittent pas attention car meme les plus grands ecrivains ne s'en souciaient guerre ok Merci=) bon j'ai decider de faire ce site pour faire savoir au monde entier que malgre le fait que le Maroc n' a connu le surf qu au milieux des annes 70 (a travers les soldats la base de larmee americaine a kenitra) qu' on a de tres bons seurfeurs et bodybordeurs et cela grace a nos 1700 km de belles plages qui ne laissent rien a envier aux plus beau spots du mondes ( Noumea en nouvelle-caledonie ou encore Waimea a hawai) . alors si j ai decider de faire se cite c pour la simple raison de permetre aux surfers et bodyborders marocains de se faire connaitre un peut plus a travers le monde ansi que d'avoir un endroi a eux ou il puissent se retrouver, discuter et savoir n peu plus de chose sur leur pation ainsi j ai decider d'avoir une section CHAT ( je crois que tout le monde c a quoi elle pourais servire) ensuite le ABOUT US rubrique dedier a faire decouvrir le Maroc dans toute sa splansdeur. et comme je sais que la plus part des surfers du web prefairent clicker sur des icones que lire je vous laisse decouvrire mon site a travers les petites icones qu il y a en haut de la page et si vous avez des idees qui pouraient m aider a devloper se site n' hesitez pas a me les envoyer car se site est aussi celui de tout les bodyboardeurs,bodyboardeuse,seurfeurs et surfeurse marocains (es) bonne vague et @+ ~~~~ZOUZOU~~~~


Welcome to the Moroccan Bodyboarding web site i hope you'll enjoy it... well...i haven't been updating my website for a while now cuz i was kind of busy and stuff but bodyboarding is still in my heart and always will be even though i havne't bodybaord for a quiet awhile but soon i'll be able to because i'm finaly leaving virginia and going to florida at least it's near the atlantic and i can sometimes go and surf me up some waves, a lot of things had happened like i've been invited to hawaii by the AWB association of women bodyboarder the 28th of march at pipeline but i sadly couldn't go but i'm looking forward next year because i don't think i'll miss it like this year anyhow... i just wanted it to say that i'm very happy that i finally finished this page =) and i wish you'll all like it... I'am going to talk a little about my site okey...I got a chatroom if you would like to make new friends or make fun of people or whatever you want but be NICE=)) anyway I got a guestbook if you would like to let me a little message! I got Pictures of Moroccan bodyboarder and a couple of me :) but i'll get more just keep on checking my page. I also got a little about us it is full of picutres of Morocco just so you can see how beautiful it is! also i got some pro's e-mail if you would like to write to them... I have a little map in the Location button, I also got onther map in spots showing the best spots to surf in of course with some pictures. Then i have news which i don't have any right now sorry!!I got my e-mail address in thee-mail me button if you want to send me a little note or something. And the last thing that i got is the links button and i'm just going to put their links that i think are cool to check i just hope you liked this page and if you need anything else or if you have any other suggestion just feel free to e-mail me =P c ya!