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Mission Statement

So what has been the motivation behind Spiritual Gourmet, this latest cyber creation of mine?

In a way its creation could serve as an illustration of something that has been growing inside of me recently. Until a few months ago I was trapped in the bubble of my own misery, passionate only about my anorexic endeavours and accomplishments. I had no curiousity about the world at large, I didn't care to wonder. It's only now that the depression has lifted that I have been able to step outside of myself and, in so doing, develop some semblance of spiritual awareness.

I am far from an authority on the subject of spirituality [for my attempt at a definition of spirituality, click here], and the handful subjects that I touch on are ones I am still only in the process of discovering. However, I think that paths of discovery can be fulfilling in their own right and so I have sanctioned off this little corner of the web to record and share those things I find along my own winding path...

"We shall not cease from exploring,
And the end of our exploring
Will be to arrive where we started
And know that place for the first time."
~ T.S Eliot ~