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What is energy? Einstein said, "Energy is an essence of life that forms its existence, fades, restructures its form, and then lives again."

Einstein's famous equation concluded that energy forms matter and when matter disperses it coverts back to energy so every particle of existence is made of energy and explains all movement, changes and phenonomena in our universe. Quantum physicists have since confirmed the reality of this basic vibrationary essence of life, showing that human DNA vibrates at a rate of 52 to 78 gigahertz (billions of cycles per second).

Given that everything in our universe it made up of energy, vibrating at different frequencies, everything from our thoughts to our emotions are also made up of energy. In this way we are all living history books, our biographies becoming our biology. Every thought, every feeling, every event that makes up our history is contained within our body as energy. As our lives unfold, our biological health becomes a living, breathing, biographical statement that conveys our strengths, weaknesses, hopes and fears.

Every thought that you have had has travelled through your biological system and activated a physiological response as well as an emotional response. Some thoughts have deep charges, causing a reaction throughout the body, while others merely pass like wind through a screen, having little effect on overall health. However, all conscious thoughts - and many unconscious ones as well - enter our systems as energy to generate a physiological response of some kind. Those that carry a significant emotional, psychological or spiritual charge produce biological responses that are then stored in our cellular memory. Our biographies are woven into our biological systems, gradually, slowly every day.

It is in this way that a person can build up layers of negative thoughts that 'block' the free flow of energy and, eventually, manifest themselves in physical illness and/or psychological illness. The idea that biography becomes biology implies that we participate to some degree in our creation of illness, however, it's important to note that people rarely consciously choose to create an illness. Rather, illnesses develop as a consequence of behavioural patterns and attitudes that we do not realize are biologically toxic until they have already become so. It is only when illness forces us to review our attitudes that we come closer to comprehending that our day-to-day fearful or bitter attitudes are, in fact, biologically negative substances.

Energy is itself neutral and therefore cannot be split into negative or positive categories, however, negative thoughts, attitudes and behaviours can create blocks in the natural free-flow of energy throughout the body. Because everyone vibrates at a slightly different frequency it is when they are in their natural frequency that their energy flows most freely. The body can be viewed as a channel for energy and, when free of energy 'blocks', energy can flow through unrestricted, ensuring physical, emotional, psychological and spiritual well-being. External forces that evoke negative thoughts and feelings can throw a person out of their natural vibration as the flow of energy through the body is restricted.

With all this in mind it is therefore important to find your own natural vibration and learn to deflect energy that could potentially create blocks and lower your vibrational frequency. Becoming conscious of your personalvalues is an important factor in maintaining your vibration. You need to become conscious of what gives you a sense of purpose in life. Healing and health is facilitated by identifying your sense of purpose and power and heeding any messages your body and intuitions are sending you about them.

A number of different energy healing methods are often used to help a person rediscover their natural vibration, and heal them physically, emotionally, psychologically or spiritually. One crucial difference between conventional medicine and energy medicine is that the main premise of energy medicine is that the patient has within him/her the power to heal his/herself. Whereas conventional medicine seeks to cure, energy medicine seeks to heal. Healing and curing are not the same thing. A "cure" occurs when one has successfully controlled or abated the physical progression of an illness. Curing a physical illness, however, does not necessarily mean that the emotional and psychological stresses that were a part of the illness were also alleviated. In this case it is highly possible that an illness will recur. Healing, on the other hand, is an active and internal process that includes investigating one's attitudes, memories and beliefs with the desire to release all negative patterns that prevent one's full recovery.

The new millennium has brought with it a renewed interest in energy healing techniques of the ages. Modern medicine is now realizing that the person who seeks to retore optimal physical, mental, and spiritual health can greatly benefit from using alternative and complementary holistic healing methods. In this way science and spirituality, modern and ancient knowledge, are fusing together to create a new understanding about who we are and how we can realize our full potential in mind, body and spirit.

"The most exciting aspect of all the revolutionary developments in modern Western science--astronomy, physics, biology, medicine, information and systems theory, depth psychology, parapsychology and consciousness research--is the fact that the new image of the universe and of human nature increasingly resemble that of the ancient and Eastern spiritual philosophies, such as the different systems of yoga, the Tibetan Vajrayana, Kashmir Shaivism, Zen Buddhism, Taoism, Kabbalah, Christian mysticism, or Gnosticism. It seems that we are approaching a phenomenal synthesis of the ancient and the modern and a far-reaching integration of the great achievements of the East and the West that might have profound consequences for the life on this planet."

-Stanislav Grof, "East and West: Ancient Wisdom and Modern Science"