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3DOME and You
Convenience Control
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3DOME and You > Convenience Control

Type Of Control

Using different ways of control, you can command an unlimited amount of applications.

Internet Control - Nowadays Internet control cannot be missed. Our youth grow up with it and it is a of information all under control via the click of the mouse.

Telephone Control - either by mobile phone or by fixed line telephones.

Hand Held Remote Control - 3DOME Smart Home system uses a modern hand held remote control that fits in every environment, and can operate through out the house. It even controls through the walls and windows.

Motion Detector Control

For example, you call your house to prepare the house before you come home, the system automatically opens the auto gate for you, it switches on the porch light when it is dark, turns on the living room light, kitchen, or it will switch on air-conditioning which in your bedroom.

You can use the hand held remote control to activate light scenes in your house, like television mode. Then certain lights will turn on , you're air-conditioning turns on as well as your tv. You also can change to reading mode or even romantic mode.

The motion detector control can be used to activate lights once you enter the room.

3DOME Smart Home is in control of all your electrical appliances, which comes in very handy when you leave the house. One push if the button and everything switches off. That saves you energy and will give you piece of mind.

Of coarse combinations of the various type of control are also possible, when the house has detected that you have left, it will switch off the appliances for you and will activate the alarm automatically.

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