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Converse Boots & Purple Underwear

My Stories
Colour Me In (updated August 2nd 03)
Somewhere In Middle America (Updated August 2nd 03)
Downfall of Han (Star Wars fanfic) (Updated August 2nd 03)

Saturday, August 2nd 2003
Music: The Misfits ~ Ballroom Blitz

Okay, mini revamp has occured! *claps for people who actually noticed* Why is that the more time I have to do stuff, the less inclined I am to do anything at all? Hmm. Must address this issue of laziness pronto... or maybe later. I was gonna have a Back to the Future fest tonight (okay, yes, very sad, poke me with a stick why don't you?) but it's all sunny and... well, it's not the same as watching back to back films when it's dark and rainy, somehow. Maybe that's just me. Ah, whatever.

Anyway, now I've finished my latest Kinkstah book, I'm going back to tackling the beast that is Steppenwolf, in the hope it might blow my head off or something. And then I have Of Mice And Men, which I've been informed by one of my favourite fish, and also my favourite brother (viz, only brother!) that would be better burnt that read, but still. I might read the Vampire Hunter book first that some wise old TALL person lent me. Maybe it'll be more entertaining. =p

So, off to tune up my site. Maybe you should check back for a mega interesting update sometime soon. Oh yeah. I'm good. ^^

xxx Stay Sane Inside Insanity xxx Me

Previous entries now shunted to: Waffle Archive

Have guitar. Will drool.

"Where we're going, we don't need roads..."


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About Me
Pointless Fun #1: Top Tens
Pointless Fun #2: Dudes
Pointless Fun #3: Quotes/Lyrics
