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Boom Tapp

Name: Andrew Reed

Plays: Drums

Nicknames: Andy, Drew, Guy, ith

Birthdate: June 18 1984

Hobbies/Interests: Playing drums, soccer, im still a flirter, listening to punk rock at all times possible, thinking about the Less than Jake concert in New Orleans whenever i get down, pretending im in people conversations when I'm really not, trying to write lyrics for this good ol band, and thanking my God for everything hes given me.

Fave bands: LESS THAN JAKE!!, Face to Face, MxPx, Strung Out, The Hippos, Mustard Plug, Dogwood, Noggain tobaggin, Point-07, Homegrown, Ridgely (RIP), The Cooties, and Many other Tooth and Nail bands.

Howdys:.. Hey to my mom, dad, and anyone else who drive me places, fellow Maybe Tuesday-ers, Seth, Dave, everyone who signed our guestbook with encouraging means a lot, to people than can hook us up with shows or record deals a big hearty "i love you", Kristen (not Kristin), Jen, Steve Wallace (thanks for everything), everyone at Mck and Community Bible, skankers in Covington (you rock), Danielle in Illinois, Faith Lutheran Church in Missouri, Rynell in Holly Grove, guys, gals, dogs, cats, and to people that have supported us along the way.

Andrew Gallery

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