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Truth We Seek
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    Sharp Tongues

Beware of a sharp tongue...for you may cut your own throat. Words are the most powerful weapons in this world. Words can destroy or create. Once spoken...they can never be taken back. Negativity thrives in the world. Did the Creator give this to us? alone is responsible for it. With the choice of free will... Many people twist the positive to make it negative.

There are those who use words to rouse others into doing things that add to the problems instead of bringing workable solutions to those problems. Words of hate are couched in gentle terms that mislead people into thinking that hatred is good.. Beware the label. Think for yourself. It is your choice to choose a path in this life.

You are responsible for your thoughts. You are responsible for your words. You are responsible for your actions and deeds. World leaders, spiritual guides, teachers, fact anyone we come in contact with leave us with impressions and ideas. They leave us their legacy and their opinions. They leave us with their upbringing. They leave us with generations past. Who did they learn from?


Sharp Tongues Comments by Me...

I have to comment on the above as it was written so many years ago. Over the past few months, we have seen the world change. We have begun a downhill slide. Do not give up your basic human rights and freedoms. Decisions made and based on fear do not lead to safety and are hard to undo once brought force. Now more than ever, we need to stop and start sorting through the mess brought forth by greed, anger, fear and hate. Iti s important to not just jump on the bandwagon of emotion and start spouting words that only make things worse. It is important to shift through the illusions creeted by those would weave a tangled web of less than honest strands. Beware of entrapment.

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