December 2008

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Please note: parts of this paper are the same as in the papers on the four previous “benefic” couples—the Reagans, the Brownings, Queen Victoria and Prince Albert, and Hearst and Davies. All examine the synastry of venus and jupiter between couples. Material under subject headings titled Introduction, Method, Venus and Jupiter Individually and in Synastry, and Some Chart Definitions are nearly identical. Material thereafter, beginning with the subject heading Starting Compound Mars and Saturn Sets Between Cheri and David (and thereafter) is unique to them.

The Astrology of Venus and Jupiter Between Charts
The Fifth Couple: David and Cheri D.
by Sandra Weidner

Earlier I wrote five papers on the astrology of malefic interaction between couples who had exceptionally difficult relationships. The incidence of compound mars/saturn sets (the “malefics”—see definition below for compound sets) were tallied for the beginning and end of their relationships. All five couples started with at least one highly active set, and all ended with at least one additional one, easily accounting for the intense turbulence they experienced.

We also looked at the few positive sets they shared. Positive compound sets bring people into relationship. They can also seduce them into staying in a relationship that is fraught with difficulty.

Compound mars/saturn sets between charts represent one of the most difficult astrological combinations any couple can experience. Mars and saturn are the lesser and greater malefics, respectively. Therefore, their deleterious effect between charts makes sense. To read an expanded description of their effects, read any one of those papers (i.e., Simpsons, Ariens, A Family, or F Family), their links on the Home Page.

To date, I have also written four papers on the astrology of benefic interaction between couples. Their focus shifted from the interaction of the two malefics—mars and saturn—to that of the two benefics—venus and jupiter.

Here are links to all the synastry papers. If you want to see the greatest venus/jupiter vs. mars/saturn contrast read the Browning and Simpson papers. The links: . Comments on Synastry--Astrological Compatibility--Using This Form of Astrology

Synastry, The Astrology of Venus and Jupiter Between Charts, the Sixth Couple: Paul Newman and Joanne Woodward

Synastry, The Astrology of Mars and Saturn Between Charts, the Sixth Couple: Michel and Francoise Gauquelin

Synastry, The Astrology of Mars and Saturn Between Charts, the Fifth Couple: the F Family

Synastry, The Astrology of Venus and Jupiter Between Charts, the Fourth Couple: Ronald and Nancy Reagan

Synastry, The Astrology of Mars and Saturn Between Charts, the Fourth Couple: Carol and Michael Damon and Homicide/Suicide

Synastry, The Astrology of Venus and Jupiter Between Charts, the Third Couple: Marion Davies and William Randolph Hearst

Synastry, The Astrology of Mars and Saturn Between Charts, the Third Couple: Sandra and William A. and Her Homicide

Synastry, The Astrology of Venus and Jupiter Between Charts, the Second Couple: Queen Victoria and Albert, Prince of England

Synastry, The Astrology of Mars and Saturn Between Charts, the Second Couple: David and Jonelle Arien and Homicide/Suicide

Synastry, The Astrology of Venus and Jupiter Between Charts, the First Couple: Robert and Elizabeth Barrett Browning

Synastry, The Astrology of Mars and Saturn Between Charts Using the Charts of O.J. Simpson and His Deceased Wife, Nicole

History recorded that Robert and Elizabeth Barrett Browning, as well as Queen Victoria and Prince Albert, had unusually loving and harmonious relationships until they were ended by the (natural) death of one of them. William Randolph Hearst and Marion Davies had a strong, intimate liaison that lasted over 35 years. Ronald and Nancy Reagan were also noted for their exceptionally loving and loyal relationship. Synastry for all these couples was high in the benefic interaction of venus and jupiter. Conversely, their synastry was low in the interaction of the traditional malefics of astrology, mars and saturn.

This is the tenth paper in this series on synastry, the fifth to demonstrate the power of benefic exchange between couples when it is accompanied by relatively little malefic interchange. Here we look at the synastry between David and Cheri D., who, we understand, have a strong and happy marriage.

The following information, on Cheri, is from my data source, Astrodatabank (written in 2000):

American astrologer, a serious student from 1976.

Cheri found 1982 a vivid year in which her whole world changed. She founded Medina Astrological Research Society (MARS) which is still operating by 2000 with monthly meetings and lectures by astrologers from the surrounding area. At the same time, she took her first Tarot class and has been reading ever since. On 1/29/1982, her beloved father died. (He was born 7/16/1919, 9:10 AM PWT, Lewiston, ID (B.C.)

Cheri was a member of the Western Reserve Awareness Conference, becoming an officer and working with Robert "Buz" Myers bringing different authors, lecturers and Astrologers from all over the world to share information. WRAC continued until 1998.

Cheri wrote a book on Winning, a subject on which she loved the research and is still hoping to unlock the missing secrets of what makes winner's charts so special. She is also fascinated with the study of violence in a chart. She studied the FBI profiling of a serial killer and wrote two books with Laura Summerson on Arthur Shawcross and his first victim, little Jack Owen Blake. In 1999, Cheri began to study Spiritualism with a course from the Morris Pratt Institute in mediumship, healing and ministry.

She married David D. on 4/04/1970 at 1:20 PM [in the town of their birth] and 30 years later they are still very much in love! They have two sons, Brian, 29 and Brett,27, with seven grandchildren. Every weekend the house is full of kids to whom Cheri is known as Mia and David as Pop Pop. (David was born 6/10/1947 at 1:17 PM EST in 41 N 08, 81 W51, (B.C.)

In discussing synastry, I have had to come up some new terminology suited to this method. If I were writing about venus and jupiter interacting—i.e., conjunct, square, or opposition each other—within one chart, I would state they were in the same set. Light/venus/jupiter in the same set is called a golden benefic. But here we are comparing planets between two charts (also known as synastry). I cannot just call the latter sets because sets by definition exist within one chart. I have chosen to label the sets which exist between charts “compound sets.” A compound set including light/venus/jupiter or Angle/venus/jupiter, then, is referred to as a compound golden benefic.

Of course, venus and jupiter work together for good best when conjunct, less when square, and hardly at all when opposition (because they are then fighting each other, or commanding attention in two opposing areas), whether in one chart's set, or in compound sets, though I suspect they work better in compound sets.

To define it succinctly, a compound set consists of planets from the charts of two individuals that are conjunct, square, or opposition each other, with an orb of 2°. If a light—sun, moon, or node—is involved, orb increases to about 3-1/2°. Compound sets are most powerful when they also include an Angle or a light and least powerful when they include neither.

Ease, comfort and fondness in relationship are not nearly as dramatic as the extreme discord that immediately precedes homicide. For the latter, compound mars/saturn sets, also called compound dark malefics, were potent indexes of marital disharmony.

Compound venus/jupiter in relationship is either more rare, or less noticed than its negative (mars/saturn) counterpart. Probably the latter. That is, couples with compound venus/jupiter are far less likely to come to public attention than couples with compound mars/saturn. Peace and harmony bring far less press than do war and disaster. Therefore, to illustrate ease, comfort, love, attraction, and longevity in relationship I may include incidences of venus and/or jupiter of one individual falling on an Angle or light of the other. That is, I am including compound sets of light/venus, Angle/venus, light/jupiter, and Angle/jupiter in addition to those golden benefics involving light/venus/jupiter in the same set.

Before I write about the synastry, I need to introduce information about this astrological method.

This astrological method is not the traditional Western one. It is not traditional, period. True, it uses sidereal astrology, the predominant (traditional) astrology of the East. It also uses the Egyptian harmonic. Both are quite old. This method started with me in 1983. Its working rules were not inherited. They were uncovered gradually through years of research. As they were uncovered, a system which at first seemed too complex became almost too simple. Here are those rules:

Chart Rules

And here are links to my comments on the practical differences between sidereal versus tropical astrology as well as a paper discussing the origin of this method:

Tropical vs. Sidereal Astrology
About This Method

Venus in Individual Charts
Of all the planets, venus stands most for the qualities of harmony, grace, and beauty. Since we all like the experience of harmony, we find whatever produces it attractive, and thus venus is associated with liking and loving.

Venus as it is associated with the 2nd house and Taurus, one of the signs it rules, is correlated with having. For instance, venus in Taurus is a good placement of venus to attract money and quality possessions. It puts an emphasis on beauty and the fine things money can buy.

Venus as it is associated with the 7th house and Libra, the other sign it rules, is correlated with harmony in relationship. Librans demand equality in their relationships and are upset, for instance, with some Leos who consider themselves without equal. Or with Aries, who, more interested in action than agreement, go to the symphony when they want harmony. Cooperation is important to venus in Libra and venus in general.

Venus is a “soft” planet. It works through allure, charisma, cooperation, invitation and seduction.

People strongly under the influence of venus accomplish things above board through consensus; “below board,” through seduction or persuasion. They are rarely completely “up front” and “baldly honest,” types of encounters which are painful for them.

Venus in our charts stands for what we love and are attracted to. Venus in Gemini, for instance, evidences a love for, attraction to, and usually a facility for (all venus) learning, words, and communication (all Gemini/mercury). It also shows love (venus) of youthfulness (Gemini/mercury), and affection for or attraction to (venus) children (Gemini/mercury).

We can use venus in Cancer for another example of how venus operates in the signs. Venus in Cancer sponsors love (venus) of the nurturing things (Cancer), enjoyment (venus) of domestic activities (Cancer), including cooking and gardening, and love (venus) of home and family (Cancer), possibly with an appreciation of one’s roots (Cancer).

When another’s Angles, moons, or nodes pick up our venuses, that is, exist in the same set with them, they are eliciting our feelings of love and liking, friendliness, sharing, and devotion.

Jupiter in Individual Charts
In the East they say that jupiter represents the guru. That is, jupiter, by sign and placement in the chart, indicates the area through which the individual can experience considerable learning, growth, expansion, and success.

In its connection with the 9th house and Sagittarius, jupiter is correlated with some apparently non-related subjects—aviation, law, philosophy, higher mind (enlightenment types of things), and equestrianism. The 9th house is always opposite the 3rd house, which has mercury as its natural ruler. Our mercury-learning is serial, that is, it occurs piece by piece by piece. Our jupiter-learning occurs because of a higher grasp of the facts we learned in Gemini. Facts get sorted by relevance and level of importance. In that way, jupiter stands for perspective and perhaps some times for intuition. “Jupiterian learning” involves distance—more objectivity—regarding any situation. It stands for better comprehension, the wisdom of the over-view. The adjective for jupiter is “Jovian.” A lawyer is not necessarily Jovian, but a jurist is. A politician is often less than Jovian, but a true statesman properly lays claim to that title.

When another individual draws on one of our jupiters, he is addressing us in areas we are most successful, most comprehending, most at ease, and least threatened. Therefore, we are kind to him. We can afford to give him plenty of room. We treat his clumsiness with forbearance.

Jupiter in our charts is quite likely the index of our EQ—Emotional Quotient as defined by Daniel Goleman—touted as a better indicator of success (jupiter!!) than intelligence (mercury +).

One individual’s jupiter on another’s Angles is a strong indication of a long-term relationship. Love (venus) in relationship is great, but not always dependable. Without philosophical support, without some distance, love can turn to hate. A long union like marriage draws heavily on compassion, a continuing sympathetic (but not enabling) view of the other fellow’s weaknesses. That long, philosophical rope is inspired by jupiter.

The best compound jupiter set for long-term relationship occurs when one individual’s jupiter falls on the Descendant (7th house cusp) of the other.

Venus + Jupiter in Individual Charts
Venus and jupiter in the same set (lighted and with Angular influence) within one individual’s chart create a golden benefic. Golden benefics are found in the charts of humanity’s most charismatic (venus) and successful (jupiter) individuals. Nearly all of our “superstars” (regardless of their field) arrived at that destination through the winning combination that is comprised of venus and jupiter together. Let me put it another way. Some people work very hard for success;others, hardly at all. Whichever their effort, nobody arrives at superstar without forefront venus and jupiter, either together or summed Their area of success depends on the path those planets describe. For instance, if one of them influences the 2nd house, their success will also be crowned with financial abundance. (The paper on famous gurus shows a number of these cases, where the same golden benefics whose path described spiritual illumination also included a 2nd house influence bringing in a fountain of wealth.)

Since venus represents love and jupiter luck, individuals with these two planets in the same set are lucky in love. Progressions of venus to jupiter, or jupiter to venus often accompany marriage.

Venus + Jupiter in Compound Sets, i.e., in Synastry
Venus and jupiter in the same compound set produce one of the loveliest astrological connections that can exist between two people. Until now I have used the synastry of a married couples to demonstrate the good results flowing from compound venus/jupiter. But, these sets work the same among any two people—lovers, boss and employee, siblings, parent and child, friends, and co-workers. They work whether the couple involved is gay or straight.

Venus and jupiter in a compound set between two individuals, then, barring strong counter indications, imply they are successful and/or charismatic as a couple. It could be said they are so harmonious as a couple that they remind us, when we observe them, what a relationship could be.

Other Synastry
Exchange of benefics plays a large role in the synastry of attraction. Other astrology is important in synastry but I do not cover it here. I have written more about it in the blog associated with this site (address at top of page).

In this age of easy world travel and endless relocation, couples who marry often do not live in the same locality they were born in. For that reason, it is necessary to include locality astrology in any analysis of their relationship.

Locality Angles
The D’s were born in the same town and continued to live there or near there throughout their marriage, therefore, the only locality Angles used here are their original ones—their conception and birth Angles.

Standard Chart Notations
In the tables below, b stands for birth, c stands for conception, and p for progressed. T stands for transiting. A number following the letters identifies the harmonic chart from which the harmonic planet was taken, e.g., b7 pluto identifies the harmonic of pluto for the 7th chart. All harmonics used are +2 greater than the number of the chart they are applied to. Therefore, the harmonic used for the 7th chart is the ninth, or novienic, harmonic.

MC stands for Midheaven while Asc stands for Ascendant. B-Loc identifies the locality Angle for birth, while C-Loc identifies the locality Angle conception. Reasonably, then, pB-Loc MC identifies the progressed locality Midheaven for birth while pC-Loc Asc identifies the progressed locality Ascendant for conception.

A Word About the Use of Rulers in Compound Sets
When I started writing these papers on synastry of couples, I was actually so mesmerized by the difficult sets between the Simpsons and Ariens I failed to include rulers of Angles in the analyses of their (shared) sets. In the paper on Queen Victoria and Prince Albert I began to realize I was leaving out an important part of set analysis when I omitted rulers. Here, in this paper, rulers of Angles are consistently included in analyses of sets. In time I hope to return to the first two papers to correct that omission.

In this paper most of the chart comparisons are between 7th charts because the 7th chart is strongest in showing relationship.

Now we can look at some of the synastry in the compound sets which existed between David and Cheri.

Angles and (Placidian) House Cusps for the D Family
I have not included drawings of partial charts in this paper, therefore, house cusps are not shown. They are shown below for reference in reading the rest of this paper.

House Cusps for Cheri:
Placidus: C MC—5 Gemini 49, c11—9Can, c12—10Leo, C Asc—14 5 Virgo 51, c2—2Lib, c3—2Sco, B MC—26 Cancer 53, b11—30Leo, b12—26Vir, B Asc—17Libra 48, b2—17Sco, b3—21Sag

House Cusps for David:
Placidus: C MC—23 Sagittarius 46, c11—18Cap, c12—20Aqu, C Asc—8 Aries 27, c2—10Tau, c3—3Gem, B MC—6 Gemini 36, b11—10Can, b12—11Leo, B Asc—6 Virgo 31, b2—3Lib, b3—3Sco

Starting Compound Mars/Saturn Sets Between the David and Cheri
By “starting” in the title above, I mean sets that exist between them before any progressions or locality changes.

Please refer to the papers on the Simpson, Arien, A Family, and F Family papers (link on Home Page) for an extensive discussion of the difficulty experienced by couples with compound mars/saturn sets.

The only set for Cheri and David which contains a compound mars/saturn also contains venus and jupiter. Let’s take a look at it:

Set (a)her c7 mars11 Taurus 33
her b mars13 Taurus 33
his b7 moon12 Taurus 014 Pisces 12
his c7 venus10 Aquarius 07
his b moon11 Aquarius 10
his b7 mars11 Aquarius 45
his c7 jupiter13 Aquarius 44
his b7 saturn15 Aquarius 45

Set (a) is forefront because c7 jupiter rules C MC. This set is kind of a compound mars/saturn set because she contributes two mars and he contributes a saturn (and his own mars) to it. However, both lights (both his) are at the low end of the set, while saturn is at the high end, so this saturn is very weak. I suspect this set causes a few problems simply because her mars in Taurus means she moves and uses her initiative (mars) in a way somewhat at cross-purposes to his (moon)/mars in Aquarius.

Technically,, this is a compound mars/saturn set because it represents her mars to his saturn, with lights. Set (a) is also not a compound golden benefic because he contributes the lights, the venus, and the jupiter.

Set (a) really shows David’s own golden benefic (not a compound one). It falls in 6th/11th, and through rulers influences an Angle, 2nd, 3rd, 7th, 8th, 9th, and 11th houses. It is positive for money (2nd), communicating/learning (3rd), marriage and other partnerships (7th), shared assets (8th), and group experiences (11th). Because the moon/benefics are all in Aquarius, and because mars rules his b 3rd house, David could have astrological talent.

At the same time, Set (a) shows his golden benefic enmeshed in his own dark malefic (light/mars/saturn). It is neither as good nor as bad as each by themselves imply. Mars/saturn conjunct in one chart can also have a slightly different interpretation. It can operate somewhat like mars in Capricorn. That is, once he gets moving (mars) in the conceptual area represented by all that Aquarius, he is strong (Capricorn/saturn) in it.

Therefore, if I count Set (a) a compound mars/saturn set, I also count it a weak one. It is definitely not the kind of painful set as that experienced by couples who do not have venus/jupiter in their compound mars/saturn sets.

Starting Compound Venus/Jupiter Sets, i.e., Golden Benefics, Between Cheri and David

Set (1)her c venus28 Libra 01
her B MC26 Cancer 53
her b7 uranus26 Capricorn
her b7 venus29 Aries 56
his c moon28 Libra 20
his c7 saturn27 Capricorn 42
his b jupiter25 Libra 30

Set (1) influences two Angles, her B MC (shown above) and her B Asc through its ruler, b7 venus. Her MC (with an orb of 2°) and his moon (with an orb of 5°) help pull all these planets into the same compound set—a golden benefic because it contains benefics from each of them. Saturn’s inclusion in the set might tone it down a bit, or introduce occasional sobering thoughts, but it is still a compound golden benefic. Her venus in Libra conjunct his moon/jupiter in Libra is for love and like (her venus). But, each would experience the moon/venus/jupiter conjunction as a relationship in which it is safe (jupiter) to love (venus).. Actually, his Angle/moon/jupiter/saturn is a good set for continuing, cautious (saturn) expansion (jupiter).

Their second interaction of venus/jupiter raises the question, is this really a compound benefic? That question comes up because he contributes both the venus and the jupiter. I am still inclined to consider it a compound golden benefic. Let’s look at it :

Set (2)her b moon29 Pisces 07
her b mercury29 Gemini 23
her c mercury27 Virgo 36
his c venus1 Libra 07
his c jupiter1 Libra 32

Four Angles are influenced in Set (2): her b moon rules her B MC, her c mercury rules both her C Angles (and therefore acts like a light with the orb normally associated with lights), and his c jupiter rules his C MC. Set (2) shows that her chart contributes what amounts to two lights (b moon and c mercury) to the set. Without her lights, his conjunction of venus and jupiter—which includes nothing else from his chart—just sort of hangs there in space. It has potential because it influences an Angle, but it is not that active until it includes a light—either one of his by progression, or by receiving lights from others, especially that of his wife, with whom he has an ongoing relationship.

Starting Compound Venus/Light, Venus/Angle, Jupiter/Light, and Jupiter/Angle Sets Between Cheri and David
Many couples do not have compound golden benefic sets, but they have good relationships. The astrological sources of their harmony are their compound sets of venus or jupiter with Angles or lights. Those sets are vitally important in promoting good marriages.

The D Family has two compound sets involving node/venus. Her c7 SN at ) Taurus 10 is conjunct his b venus at 2 Taurus 13. Her c NN at 20 Taurus 01 is conjunct his b7 venus at 19 Taurus 53. The former set implies (but does not prove) a past-life (SN) love (venus) relationship. The latter encourages a love (venus) relationship in this lifetime (NN), implying the right direction for their relationship is toward serene stability and financial well-being (both venus in Taurus).

In earlier papers I have stressed the importance of compound jupiter in promoting long-term relationship. Venus sets are great for love, and if one is going to have a long-term relationship, love would add greatly to it. But venus (nor love) by itself does not promote anything long term because it is too subject to the negatives of venus—jealousy, disappointment, sense of betrayal, possessiveness. Jupiter brings philosophy, more open-mindedness, more evenness and a long rope into relationships. Any time any one draws on one of my jupiters from one of their Angles, they are drawing on the part of myself in which I am most learned, most open, most confident, and most forgiving.

In addition to the compound golden benefics and their venus/nodes, the D Family has two compound Angle/jupiter sets:

Set (3)her c7 jupiter7 Aries 153 Libra 29
her c jupiter7 Libra 28
her b7 NN6 Cancer 45
his C Asc8 Aries 27
his c saturn9 Cancer 45
his c7 uranus7 Capricorn 46
his b7 uranus9 Capricorn 46

Set (3) shows that his C Asc picks up her node/jupiters. With his Angle/saturn/uranus he would be somewhat liable to sudden (uranus) overthrow (uranus) of tradition (saturn), including his own. Saturn-uranus would also incline him to bouts between highs (uranus) and lows (saturn) as happens with bipolar disorder, but this involves the 7th chart, while bipolar disorder involves the 1st and/or 3rd charts. Her jupiters would somewhat tame that, especially by providing a certain amount of tolerance which could lead to improvement. Note that her c jupiter falls on his c 7th house cusp--one of the strongest indications of a successful marriage.

Set (4)her C MC5 Gemini 49
her b7 jupiter3 Virgo 30
her B Asc5 Virgo 51
her c7 moon7 Virgo 29
her b7 neptune7 Virgo 25
her c moon4 Sagittarius 10
his B MC6 Gemini 36
his B Asc6 Virgo 31
his b7 neptune6 Virgo 27

We can look at Set (4) from two points of view. His birth Angles provide two more Angles for the expression (or activation) or her moon/jupiter/neptune, calling on her strengths. Or, we can say she once again provides a light/jupiter, as she did in Set (3), for his Angles, here, two of them.

The D Family have one set I do not count with either malefic or benefic sets, but I will present it here.:

Set (X) her c venus12 Libra 12
her c mars11 Libra 17
her c saturn12 Cancer 46
his c7 moon15 Libra 02
his b7 NN 15 Cancer 18
his b7 mercury 15 Cancer 53

Each contribute a harmonic pluto to this set which I have not included. The set influences two Angles because his b7 mercury rules both his B Angles (which also means it acts like a light in increasing orb, so this set includes two lights).

I would normally consider the conjunction of her venus to his moon (a less than 3° orb) positive. It means she is attracted to him, feels affection and love (all venus) for him which he also receives (his moon). Adding in her mars, I still see it as positive, believing it increases the sexual part of the attraction. All of these things are usually good for a marriage.

However, her part of the set includes venus/mars/saturn which he provides two lights for, that is, he brings that potential experience forefront for her. Venus/mars/saturn often means the individual can experience deep pain (mars/saturn) through love (venus) relationships.

Other Charts
I did not examine other charts of David and Cheri since in this series I have only done that when I saw certain themes emerging in their 7th chart.

Progressions for Marriage
Progressing for marriage is not quite the opposite of looking at couple’s charts for the time of death of one (or both) of them through homicide/suicide. People go on to other experiences after marriage; they do not go on after homicide. But it is true that in each case, they will have individual progressions as well as compound sets that tell stories about their then present condition. Couples marrying will have individual progressions of venus and jupiter making them forefront, and as well, they will likely have progressed compound sets of venus and jupiter. Couples going through homicide/(suicide) each have individual progressions involving mars and saturn, and also usually (always?) have progressed compound mars/saturn sets.

David and Cheri D have highly positive synastry. They share two compound golden benefics--each with influence to several Angles, two node/venus sets, and two Angle/jupiter sets.

Counter to that, they have one weak, questionable compound mars/saturn set. They have a final set [Set (X)] that is difficult to classify either way but must be listed because it shows her venus conjunct his moon, always a strong draw for love and affection.

Although other astrological factors play a role in determining the quality of a relationship (for that discussion, refer to my blog, link at top of this paper), the synastry of mars/saturn and venus/jupiter between charts cover the range from very difficult to very harmonious. In that sense, they are good indices of failed and successful relationships.

William Randolph Hearst and Marion Davies, whose love affair lasted over 35 years, started with two compound malefic sets, one lacking both light and Angle influence, and the other lacking Angle influence. They also started with at least two—possibly three—compound golden benefic sets and seven more sets comprised of Angle/venus, light/venus, Angle/jupiter, or light/jupiter.

Since neither of their malefic sets influenced an Angle, the troubles represented by them tended to stay in the background even when a progressing light entered either set.

All of their benefic sets contain lights, and all but one of them [Set (5)] influences at least one of their Angles.

Queen Victoria and her Prince started with zero compound malefic sets and seven compound benefic ones, at least one of which approached being a compound golden benefic.

Robert Browning and Elizabeth Barrett Browning started with one weak compound mars/saturn set (it did not contain a light and had no influence to Angles). They started with eight compound benefic sets, one of which was compound golden benefic. (This number does not include any progressions or their locality Angles for Florence.)

Ronald and Nancy Reagan started with three compound golden benefics (two of them with Angular influence) and another comprised of Angle/moon/venus. They had one compound dark malefic with was both Angular and lighted. Because of the presence of venus, however, this set could have been functioning as a more “staid” compound benefic. They had no other compound malefics. Their marriage, which lasted 52 years, was strong and loving (in spite of very difficult circumstances for those last years) right up to his death from Alzheimer’s disease. Their love, I’m sure, continues on.

David and Cheri D. fall in line with other couples who share the experience of having had a happy marriage (now going on 39 years for them). They started with two compound golden benefics plus several compound light/venus and Angle/jupiter sets. In contrast to that, they started with one weak compound mars/saturn set which also contains venus and jupiter, which ought to considerably soften the harder parts of the set.

David Arien killed his wife, Jonelle, and then himself. They started with four compound mars/saturn sets—before progressions, and before locality Angles. In earlier papers I referred to mars/saturn sets as dark malefics. I am not happy with the term but use it to represent, so-to-speak, the “opposite” of golden benefic.

O.J. and Nicole Brown Simpson started with two compound mars/saturn sets, one lighted and both with Angular influence. They experienced a confluence of them (four) through progressions and locality Angles at the time of her death. All four influenced at least one Angle, often more. They started with two very weak compound benefic sets. A third compound benefic was strong—Nicole’s San Francisco locality Angles picking up O.J.’s venus/jupiter.

The A’s started out with two very strong and one weak compound mars/saturn sets. It is doubtful any relationship, regardless of strength of benefic sets, can find the right path with that much affliction. They had a fourth, progressed compound mars/saturn set at the time of her death. His chart supplied both the mars and saturn, but their conjunction to her moon (as well as her death) let us know that she, too, was experiencing their malevolence.

Their compound benefic sets gave us a little more information on their relationship. Three of his venuses (and only one jupiter) were involved in compound sets. All four of her jupiters (and only one of her venuses) were. Attraction (venus) was stronger on his side. Forbearance (jupiter) was stronger on hers. Even had they had no compound malefic sets, forbearance alone is not enough to make a good relationship. With their four compound malefics, good will (jupiter) did not stand a chance.

The fourth afflicted couple, the Damons, started with two compound mars/saturn sets (independent of locality) with influence to three Angles (one of the same ones twice). At the time of their death, it could be said they had acquired tighter and more influential sets such that they had three compound mars/saturn sets with influence to six Angles.

The fifth afflicted couple, Stephen and Barbara F., started with two compound mars/saturn sets, each with lights and multiple influence to Angles, that is, they were strong. They also shared an important negative set containing only saturn. By contrast, they started with one compound golden benefic and only one noteworthy Angle/jupiter set. They actually had two mutually receptive moon/venus sets, normally considered positive for relationship, but these were part of one of their compound mars/saturn sets. Moon/venus is not going to fare as positively in the same set with mars/saturn as it does alone (moon/jupiter would do much better).

With this 10th chart on the synastry of the D Family, we are continuing to get strong separation of happy couples from unhappy couples that correlates with emphasis on compound benefics for the former and emphasis on compound malefics for the latter.

Star Flower, a rare 7-petaled flower
From Wildflowers of Michigan Field Guide, by Stan Tekiela

Data Acknowledgments (in alphabetic order)
Letters following the name show Rodden rating for reliability of birth time.

Cheri D. (AA)
Birth: 7/11/1947, 2:45 p.m. EST, 41 N 08 and 81W51. From Astrodatabank by Lois Rodden and Mark McDonough. LMR quotes her on E-mail (ACT) 7/2000.
Conception:10/2/1946, 5:44:22 a.m. EST, 41 N 08 and 81W51..

David D. (AA)
Birth: 6/10/1947, 1:17 p.m. EST, 41 N 08 and 81W51. From Astrodatabank by Lois Rodden and Mark McDonough. LMR quotes her on E-mail (ACT) 7/2000.
Conception:4/27/1910, 10:18:33 a.m. CST, 41 N 08 and 81W51.

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